Day: October 8, 2020
GG St. Kongensgade 100 og 106 P/SNasdaq First North, Copenhagen, Bond MarketTicker: GGKONG; ISIN: DK0030444401For release: 8 October 2020Redemption of bondsIn continuation of the release of the half year report 27 August 2020, it is hereby announced that the Company today has signed a conditional term sheet with a Danish, institutional lender to refinance the issued bond debt.Based on the term sheet, it is the expectation of the issuer that the issued bond debt will be redeemed no later than on the Maturity Date.GG St. Kongensgade 100 og 106 P/S, incorporated under the laws of Denmark with business registration number 38 30 68 47, having its registered office at c/o Gefion Group A/S, Østergade 1, 1st floor, 1100 Copenhagen K, Denmark. The purpose of the Issuer is purchase, sale and investments in real estate or real estate companies...
AMD Launches AMD Ryzen 5000 Series Desktop Processors: The Fastest Gaming CPUs in the World
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AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series Desktop Processors built on new “Zen 3” core architecture deliver across-the board leadership performance for gamers and content creators SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) introduced the highly anticipated AMD Ryzen 5000 Series desktop processor lineup powered by the new “Zen 3” architecture. Offering up to 16 cores, 32 threads and 72 MB of cache in the top-of-the-line AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, AMD Ryzen 5000 series processors dominate in heavily threaded workloads1 and power efficiency2, while the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X processor offers up to a 26% generational uplift in gaming performance3. With extensive improvements throughout the core including a unified 8-core complex with direct access to 32MB L3 cache, the new AMD “Zen 3” core architecture delivers a 19% generational...
Novo Nordisk raises sales and operating profit outlook for 2020
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Bagsværd, Denmark, 8 October 2020 – Novo Nordisk today announced that the full-year sales and operating profit outlook at constant exchange rates (CER) has been raised. In the third quarter of 2020, Novo Nordisk’s sales increased by 7% and operating profit increased by 7%, both at CER. This reflects lower than anticipated negative impacts from COVID-19 as well as underlying market demand. Sales growth was positively impacted by inventory changes at wholesaler level in the US.Following lower than anticipated negative COVID-19 impacts and underlying market demand, full-year outlook is increased for sales and operating profit, both at CER.Novo Nordisk’s full disclosure of the financial results for the first nine months of 2020 will be published on 30 October 2020.The outlook is based on a number of assumptions related...
Manutan International :
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COMMUNIQUÉ RELATIF A UN ENGAGEMENT COLLECTIFDE CONSERVATION DE TITRES DE LA SOCIÉTÉMANUTAN INTERNATIONAL Gonesse, le 8 octobre 2020Les membres du Groupe familial GUICHARD, actionnaires de la Société MANUTAN INTERNATIONAL, ont signé, en date du 30 septembre 2020 et enregistré en date du 1er octobre 2020, un troisième engagement collectif de conservation de titres, conformément à l’article 787B du Code Général des Impôts, aux termes duquel ils se sont engagés à conserver collectivement 5.579.340 actions MANUTAN INTERNATIONAL, représentant 73,28 % du capital et des droits financiers et 82,05 % des droits de vote théoriques attachés aux actions émises par la Société, à la date de signature...
Light Media Strategically Realigns 102.1 The King
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Atlanta, GA and New York, NY, Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire— Light Media (OTC MARKETS: LGMH), Global Media Specialist, announced today that it has strategically re-positioned 102.1 The King as: “Atlanta’s #1 Station – Your Home For Classic Hits,” as a part of its focused effort to continually seek out opportunities to maximize shareholder value. To listen live now to 102.1 The King, please visit: http://www.1021TheKing.comQuoting Danny Wilson, CEO, Light Media Network, “Classic Hits are diverse, universal and revered worldwide, and great for the entire family to enjoy and reminisce in nostalgia. Light Media Network continues to execute its strategic plan and make great strides in the midst of extremely opportunistic times. To our global/loyal diverse shareholder base, please enjoy listening...
TREIF acquisition successfully closed
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Marel’s acquisition of German food cutting technology provider TREIF Maschinenbau GmbH (“TREIF”), as announced on 4 September 2020, has now been successfully closed. TREIF is a great addition to Marel, strengthening the full-line product offering, increasing standard equipment sales and leveraging aftermarket potential with Marel’s extensive global reach and local services in all regions.The transaction was subject to customary closing conditions, including anti-trust approval, that have all been fully satisfied as of 8 October 2020. The purchase price on a cash and debt free basis was paid with EUR 128m in cash and 2.9 million Marel shares. With the acquisition of TREIF, two technological leaders with a shared passion for innovation and a vision to transform the way food is processed, join forces. TREIF, with around 500 employees and...
Marel lýkur kaupum á TREIF
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Marel hefur gengið frá kaupum á TREIF, þýskum framleiðanda skurðtæknilausna, en tilkynnt var um viðskiptin 4. september síðastliðinn. TREIF er frábær viðbót við Marel sem styrkir vöruframboð á heildarlausnum og styður við sölu staðlaðra lausna. Þá mun alþjóðlegt sölu- og þjónustunet Marel skapa tækifæri til frekari vaxtar í þjónustutekjum með þessari viðbót.Kaupin voru gerð með hefðbundnum fyrirvörum, þ.m.t. fyrirvara um samþykki samkeppnisyfirvalda, sem hafa nú verið verið uppfylltir án athugasemda og var því gengið frá kaupunum í dag, 8. október 2020. Kaupverðið, sem byggist á heildarvirði (e. enterprise value), var greitt með 128 milljónum evra í reiðufé og 2,9 milljónum hluta í Marel.Með þessum kaupum koma saman fyrirtæki sem hvort um sig eru leiðtogar á sviði nýsköpunar og vöruþróunar og deila framtíðarsýn um umbyltingu í vinnslu...
Vastned Retail Belgium: appointment Financial Director
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Vastned Retail Belgium appoints Sven Bosman as Financial Director and member of the Management Committee.Full press release:AttachmentVRB-2020-persbericht-benoeming-financedirector-EN
Vastned Retail Belgium: nomination Financial Director
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Vastned Retail Belgium désigne Sven Bosman en tant que Financial Director et membre du comité de direction.Communiqué de press complet:Pièce jointeVRB-2020-persbericht-benoeming-financedirector-FR
Vastned Retail Belgium : benoeming Financial Director
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Vastned Retail Belgium stelt Sven Bosman aan als Financial Director en lid van het directiecomitéVolledig persbericht:BijlageVRB-2020-persbericht-benoeming-financedirector-NL