Day: October 8, 2020
EDMONTON, Alberta, Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Radient Technologies Inc. (“Radient” or the “Company”) (TSX Venture: RTI), a manufacturer of high quality cannabinoid-based formulations and products, today announced its results for the first quarter ended June 30, 2020 and provided an update on recent corporate developments.“The first fiscal quarter presented numerous challenges for Radient and the entire cannabis industry,” said Jan Petzel, Interim CEO of Radient. Radient entered the quarter with operations at our manufacturing and lab facilities significantly reduced due to the uncertainty around COVID-19, and this extended for much of the period. Despite these challenges, the Company was able to close an equity offering in the latter part of the quarter and we received our sales amendment from Health Canada at the end of June....
Assure Reports its Highest Number of Monthly Procedures in 2020 with Strong September Results
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DENVER, Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Assure Holdings Corp. (the “Company” or “Assure”) (TSXV: IOM; OTCQB: ARHH), a provider of intraoperative neuromonitoring services, announced its highest number of monthly procedures in 2020 during September.“The Company reported our highest number of monthly procedures so far this year in September, managing more than 900 cases, and extending our resurgence in demand to five months following the sharply negative impact of COVID-19 on elective procedures in March and April,” said John A. Farlinger, Assure’s executive chairman and CEO. ”Although we are continuing to carefully monitor the impact of COVID-19 in all states within our operational footprint, the Company forecasts a record performance over the final three months of the year aided by the seasonal strength we typically experience in...
RedHill Biopharma的Opaganib新冠肺炎研究通过独立委员会第二次审查
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第二次计划内独立安全监测委员会(SMC)审查一致建议继续按原方案进行opaganib治疗新冠肺炎的美国2期研究—美国2期研究已招募到75%的患者,数据预计将在本季度末公布—与此同时,opaganib治疗新冠肺炎的全球2/3期研究的招募工作也进展迅速—全球紧急使用授权申请已在计划中,将等待积极临床结果以色列特拉维夫和北卡罗来纳州罗利市, Oct. 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 特种生物制药公司RedHill Biopharma Ltd.(纳斯达克:RDHL )(以下简称“ RedHill”或“该公司”)今天宣布,该公司以opaganib(Yeliva®,ABC294640)1治疗重症新冠肺炎住院患者的美国2期研究通过了独立安全监测委员会(SMC)的第二次计划内安全审查。委员会一致建议遵循原方案继续进行研究。SMC的建议基于对研究中接受至少7天治疗的前24名患者安全数据的非盲态分析。研究已招募到75%的患者。opaganib的美国2期研究(NCT04414618)正在八个临床试验中心进行,计划在本月完成招募,预计数据将在今年年底前公布。2期研究不是为了验证疗效的效力,而是侧重于安全评估和识别疗效信号。与此同时,opaganib针对重症新冠肺炎患者的全球2/3期研究(NCT04467840)正在15个研究中心迅速展开招募,即将完成270例患者的招募目标。这项研究以疗效评估为重点和目的。该项研究已在英国、意大利、俄罗斯、墨西哥、巴西和以色列获得批准,目前正在进一步扩展。“此次计划内第二次独立安全审查涉及研究中60%患者的相关数据,审查的通过是当前进行的opaganib作为重症新冠肺炎患者潜在治疗药物开发过程中的一个重要里程碑,”RedHill医疗总监Mark L. Levitt(医学博士,哲学博士)说。“我们正在快速建立有关opaganib的更多数据和经验,opaganib研究的安全性数据库现已拥有近200例患者的数据。这给正在进行的全球2/3期研究提供了进一步支持。该研究的重点是确定疗效,并有望在年底前招募270名患者。”RedHill正在与美国政府机构就可能提供的资金进行讨论,以支持opaganib为申请紧急用药批准以及扩大生产规模而取得的迅速进展。关于Opaganib(ABC294640,Yeliva®)Opaganib作为一种新型化学实体,是专有、首创口服鞘氨醇激酶-2...
RedHill Biopharma 的 Opaganib COVID-19 研究通過第二次獨立委員會審查
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第二次排定的獨立安全監測委員會 (SMC) 審查一致建議不改變使用 opaganib 治療 COVID-19 的美國第 2 期研究—美國第 2 期研究已納入 75% 的患者,預計本季度稍後將公佈數據—與此同時,使用 opaganib 治療 COVID-19 的全球 2/3 期研究納入率迅速提高—計劃進行全球緊急使用授權申請,但須取得積極的臨床結果以色列特拉維夫和北卡羅萊納州拉里格, Oct. 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — RedHill Biopharma Ltd. (Nasdaq: RDHL)(「RedHill」或「公司」) 是專門生物製藥公司,今天宣佈,其用於嚴重 COVID-19 肺炎住院患者的 opaganib (Yeliva®, ABC294640)1 的美國第 2 期研究已成功通過第二次排定的獨立安全監測委員會 (SMC) 審查。SMC 的建議基於對在研究中治療至少 7 天的前 24 名患者的安全性數據進行的解盲分析。這項研究納入了 75% 的患者。使用 opaganib (NCT04414618) 進行的美國第 2 期研究在 8 個臨床試驗地點進行,計劃於本月完成納入程序,預計於今年年底前公佈數據。第 2 期研究不為療效提供支持,並專注於安全評估及識別療效訊號。與此同時,opaganib 用於嚴重 COVID-19 肺炎患者的全球第 2/3 期研究 (NCT04467840) 正在 15 個研究中心迅速啟動納入程序,將按預期納入多達 270 名患者。該研究專注於療效,並將為其提供支持。該研究已在英國、意大利、俄羅斯、墨西哥、巴西及以色列獲得批准,並進一步擴展。RedHill 醫學總監 Mark L. Levitt醫學博士說:「通過第二次排定的獨立安全審查,涉及研究中 60% 患者的數據,是 opaganib 作為嚴重 COVID-19 患者潛在治療方法的持續發展的重要里程碑。...
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ATLANTA, Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gray Television, Inc. (“Gray,” “we,” “us” or “our”) (NYSE: GTN) announced today that it has priced its private offering of $800 million aggregate principal amount of 4.750% senior notes due 2030 (the “Notes”), an increase of $250 million over its previously announced offering size. The Notes were priced at par. The offering of the Notes is expected to close on October 19, 2020, subject to customary closing conditions. The Notes will be senior unsecured obligations of Gray and will be guaranteed, jointly and severally, by each existing and future restricted subsidiary of Gray that guarantees Gray’s existing senior credit facility.Gray intends to use the net proceeds of the offering (i) to redeem all of its outstanding $525.0 million aggregate principal amount of 5.125% senior notes due 2024...
Origin Announces Pricing of $80,000,000 Subordinated Notes Offering
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RUSTON, La., Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Origin Bancorp, Inc. (Nasdaq: OBNK) (“Origin”), the parent holding company of Origin Bank, announced today that it has priced the underwritten public offering of $80 million aggregate principal amount of its 4.50% Fixed-to-Floating Rate Subordinated Notes due 2030 (the “Notes”). The Notes will initially bear a fixed interest rate of 4.50% per year, payable semi-annually in arrears. Commencing on November 1, 2025, the interest rate on the Notes will be a floating per annum rate equal to the Benchmark rate (which is expected to be Three-Month Term SOFR) (each as defined in the subordinated debt indenture and the supplement thereto under which the Notes will be issued) plus 432 basis points, payable quarterly in arrears. The offering is expected to fund on October 16, 2020, subject to the...
Bunker Hill Announces Debt Settlement With Hummingbird Resources
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Not For Distribution To United States Newswire Services Or For Dissemination In The United StatesTORONTO, Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bunker Hill Mining Corporation (the “Company”) (CSE:BNKR) is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement with Hummingbird Resources PLC (“Hummingbird”) to settle its US$2,100,000 outstanding convertible loan (see Company’s news releases of June 19, 2018, August 9, 2018 and June 24, 2019). Hummingbird agreed to convert the loan into common shares of the Company at a price of $0.50 per Common Share.Sam Ash, CEO of Bunker Hill, said: “We are delighted to settle this debt with one of our longstanding supportive investment partners, Hummingbird, in a manner that reaffirms their confidence in our value-creation strategy. Both parties agree that Bunker Hill’s cash reserves are best utilized...
Builders FirstSource to Host Third Quarter 2020 Financial Results Conference Call and Webcast
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DALLAS, Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Builders FirstSource, Inc. (Nasdaq: BLDR) will hold a conference call and webcast on Friday, October 30th, to discuss the company’s financial results and other business matters. The teleconference will begin at 9:00 a.m. Central Time and will be hosted by Chad Crow, Chief Executive Officer, and Peter Jackson, Chief Financial Officer. A copy of the company’s press release announcing its financial results will be made available after the market closes on Thursday, October 29th, in the Investors section of the Builders FirstSource, Inc. website, at participate in the teleconference, please dial-in to the call a few minutes before the start time: 800-353-6461 (U.S. and Canada) and 334-323-0501 (international), Conference ID: 9608576. A replay of the call will be available...
Students in Affordable Housing Receive Scholarships from Aimco and NLHA
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Washington, D.C. and Denver, CO, Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Twenty students living in affordable housing will advance their education this fall with the help of an Aimco Cares Opportunity Scholarship, established by Aimco and granted through the National Leased Housing Association (NLHA) Education Fund. Aimco has long supported the NLHA Education Fund, with over $1.2 million contributed to the fund to-date. Funds are made through the generosity of sponsors of the annual Aimco Cares Charity Golf Tournament. “The Aimco Cares Opportunity Scholarship is designed to help exceptional students fulfill their dream of higher education – students who otherwise might not see college as financially feasible,” said Patti Shwayder, Senior Vice President of Strategic Partnerships. “Since it was established 12 years ago,...
CORRECTION — Crown Castle International Corporation
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HOUSTON, Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a release issued earlier today by Crown Castle International Corp. (NYSE: CCI), please note that “Second Quarter” has been corrected to “Third Quarter” in the headline. The corrected release follows:Crown Castle Announces Third Quarter 2020 Earnings Conference Call DetailsCrown Castle International Corp. (NYSE: CCI) (“Crown Castle”) plans to release its third quarter 2020 results on Wednesday, October 21, 2020, after the market closes. In conjunction with the release, Crown Castle has scheduled a conference call for Thursday, October 22, 2020, at 10:30 a.m. eastern time. The conference call may be accessed by dialing 800-458-4148 and asking for the Crown Castle call (access code 3114175) at least 30 minutes prior to the start time. The conference call...