Day: October 7, 2020
Name of issuer: Société Générale S.A. – French public limited company (“SA”) with a share capital of 1,066,714,367.50 euros Registered under nr.552 120 222 R.C.S. PARIS Registered office: 29, Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 ParisAttachmentSociete Generale shares and voting rights as of 31 August 2020
VRANKEN-POMMERY MONOPOLE : nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions au 30.09.2020
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Le 7 octobre 2020 Publication mensuelledu nombre d’actions composant le capital et du nombre total de droits de vote(articles L.233-8 du Code commerce et 223-16 du Règlement général de l’AMF)* Total net = nombre total de droits de vote attachés aux actions – actions privées du droit de votePièce jointePublication mensuelle VPM 30092020
Statement of the number of actions and voting rights in 20.09.30
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October 7th , 2020 Monthly publication of the number of shares comprising the share capitaland the total number of voting rights(Articles L. 233-8 of the French Commercial Code and 223-16 of the AMF General Regulations)* Net total = total number of voting rights attached to shares – shares deprived of voting rightsAttachmentUK_Publication mensuelle VPM 30092020
Dime Community Bancshares to Release Earnings on October 27, 2020
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BROOKLYN, N.Y., Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dime Community Bancshares, Inc. (Nasdaq: DCOM) (the “Company”) today announced that the Company expects to release its earnings for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 after the close of the U.S. equity markets on Tuesday, October 27, 2020. The Company will conduct a conference call at 8:00 a.m. (ET) on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, during which Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”), Kenneth J. Mahon, will discuss the Company’s third quarter financial performance. There will be a question and answer period after the CEO remarks. The conference call will be simultaneously webcast (listen only), and archived for a period of one year, at DIME COMMUNITY BANCSHARES, INC.The Company had $6.47 billion in consolidated assets...
Republic Bank Hires Sheryl Simon as Senior Vice President in New York Market
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PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Republic First Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: FRBK), the parent company of Republic Bank, today announced the hiring of Sheryl Simon as Senior Vice President and Senior Relationship Manager. In this role, Simon will continue to expand Republic Bank’s presence in the New York market by offering tailored lending solutions and developing new commercial relationships.Simon has 18 years of banking experience working at various financial institutions and is well-known in the industry for outstanding customer relations. Simon spent the largest portion of her career to-date at TD Bank from 2007-2018. Most recently, she served as Commercial Banking Relationship Manager at Lakeland Bank where she played a critical role driving new business in New York for a dynamic commercial lending portfolio.“We are...
Global Bioenergies fait le point sur ses développements dans le domaine des biocarburants aéronautiques
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Global Bioenergies fait le point sur ses développements dans le domaine des biocarburants aéronautiquesEvry, le 07 octobre 2020Dans le projet de loi de finances 2021 présenté au Conseil des Ministres le 28 Septembre dernier, le gouvernement fixe un taux cible de 1% pour l’incorporation de biocarburants dans les carburants aéronautiques (aussi appelés carburéacteurs) et met en place un dispositif fiscal pour atteindre cet objectif cible. Ce dispositif est réservé aux biocarburants durables, notamment ceux fabriqués à partir de matières premières avancées ou de résidus sucriers.Il s’agit en effet d’étendre à l’aérien le dispositif fiscal déjà en vigueur pour les carburants routiers, lequel a permis de faire croître la part des biocarburants jusqu’à environ 8%, et de réduire la quantité de CO2 émise par le transport terrestre en France.Global...
Treasury Bond Auction Announcement – RIKB 23 0515 – RIKS 33 0321 (market making begins)
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On the Auction Date, between 10:30 am and 11:00 am, the Government Debt Management will auction Treasury bonds in the Series, with the ISIN numbers and with the Maturity Dates according to the table above. Payments for the Treasury bonds must be received by the Central Bank before 14:00 on the Settlement Date, and the Bonds will be delivered in electronic form on the same day. Article 6 of the General Terms of Auction for Treasury bonds applies for the right to purchase an additional 10%.Further reference is made to the description of the Treasury bond and the General Terms of Auction for Treasury bonds on the Government Debt Management website.Market making for RIKS 33 0321 beginsWith reference to the Agreement on issuance of Treasury securities and market making in the secondary market dated 13 March 2020, it has been decided to begin...
Tilkynning um útboð ríkisbréfa – RIKB 23 0515 – RIKS 33 0321 (viðskiptavakt hefst)
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Á útboðsdegi, milli kl. 10:30 og 11:00, fer fram útboð hjá Lánamálum ríkisins á ríkisbréfum í þeim flokkum, með þeim ISIN númerum og með þeim gjalddögum sem fram koma í töflunni hér að ofan. Greiðslur fyrir ríkisbréfin þurfa að berast Seðlabankanum fyrir kl. 14:00 á uppgjörsdegi og verða bréfin afhent rafrænt sama dag. Um 10% viðbótarkaupréttinn gildir 6. gr. í almennum útboðskilmálum ríkisbréfa.Að öðru leyti er vísað til lýsingar skuldabréfaflokksins og almennra útboðsskilmála ríkisbréfa á heimasíðu Lánamála ríkisins.Viðskiptavakt hefst með RIKS 33 0321Með vísan til samnings í tengslum við útgáfu ríkisverðbréfa og viðskiptavakt á eftirmarkaði dags. 13. mars 2020 hefur verið ákveðið að hefja viðskiptavakt með RIKS 33 0321 frá og með uppgjörsdegi útboðsins þann 14.10.2020. Aðalmiðlarar verða skuldbundnir til þess að setja fram kaup- og...
Ovaro Kiinteistösijoitus Oyj: OMIEN OSAKKEIDEN HANKINTA 7.10.2020
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SLAM Menneval Gold Project Samples Grade Up to 363 g/t Gold
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MIRAMICHI, New Brunswick, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SLAM Exploration Ltd. (“SLAM” or the “Company” on TSXV: SXL) is pleased to announce assay results on grab samples from trenching on its wholly owned Menneval Gold project in northwestern New Brunswick. Two samples grading 53.8 g/t and 363.0 f/t confirm the report of visible gold reported from two of the veins in SLAM news release August 25, 2020.The results include 3 samples grading 53.80 g/t gold, 59.30 g/t gold and 363.00 g/t gold collected from 3 separate veins and 10 samples ranging from 1.20 g/t gold to 5.86 g/t gold in 7 separate veins. In addition, 21 samples range from 0.12 to 0.79 g/t gold and 5 samples range from 0.02 to 0.05 g/t gold. In summary, all 39 samples collected from the newly discovered veins contain gold ranging from 0.02 to 363.00 g/t gold.Nine of...