Day: October 7, 2020
佐治亞州卡爾霍恩, Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 與 Mohawk Industries, Inc.合作(NYSE: MHK)2020 年第三季度收益發佈時間:2020 年 10 月 29 日,我們邀請您收聽將於美國東部時間 2020 年 10 月 30 日(星期五)上午 11:00 直播的電話會議。Mohawk Industries 是全球領先的地板製造商,致力於創造產品來提升全球住宅及商業空間。Mohawk 垂直整合的製造和分銷流程在地毯、小毛毯、瓷磚、層壓板、木材、石材和乙烯基地板的生產方面擁有競爭優勢。我們行業領先的創新產品和技術使我們的品牌在市場上脫穎而出,並滿足所有改造和新建工程要求。我們的品牌是業內最受認可的品牌之一,包括 American Olean﹑Daltile﹑Durkan﹑Karastan﹑IVC﹑Marazzi﹑Mohawk﹑Pergo﹑Quick-Step 和 Unilin。在過去的十年中,Mohawk 已經將其業務從一家美國地毯製造商轉變為世界上最大的地板公司,在澳洲、巴西、加拿大、歐洲、印度、馬來西亞、墨西哥、紐西蘭、俄羅斯及美國開展業務。對於無法在指定時間接聽的使用者,該電話將在 2020 年 11 月 30 日之前通過 Mohawk Industries, Inc. 投資者關係公司網站或致電 1-855-859-2056(美國/加拿大)或 1-404-537-3406(國際/本地)並輸入會議標識號 8291468 重溫。聯絡人:Mohawk Industries, Inc.財務總監 Frank Boykin706-624-2695
Mohawk Industries, Inc.邀请您参与2020年第三季度网络电话会议
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佐治亚洲卡尔霍恩, Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 随着Mohawk Industries, Inc.(纽交所代码:MHK)于2020年10月29日星期四发布2020年第三季度收入,您也受邀收听该公司将于美国东部时间2020年10月30日星期五上午11:00直播的电话会议。Mohawk Industries是全球领先的地材制造商,致力于创造可提升全球住宅和商业空间的优质产品。Mohawk垂直整合生产和分销流程,在地毯、地垫、瓷砖、复合地板、木地板、石材和乙烯基地材生产方面具有竞争优势。公司业界领先的创新产品和技术使其品牌在市场上脱颖而出,满足所有的装修和新建需求。最受业界认可的公司品牌包括American Olean、Daltile、Durkan、IVC、Karastan、Marazzi、Mohawk、Mohawk Group、Pergo、Quick-Step和Unilin。过去十年里,Mohawk已从一家美国地毯生产商成功转型为全球最大的地材公司,业务遍及澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、欧洲、印度、马来西亚、墨西哥、新西兰、俄罗斯和美国等地。对于无法在指定时间收听的人士,仍可在2020年11月30日(含)之前通过Mohawk Industries,Inc.投资者关系网站收听电话会议重播,或拨打1-855-859-2056(美国/加拿大)或1-404-537-3406(国际/本地),并输入会议ID 8291468。联系人:Mohawk Industries, Inc.Frank Boykin,首席财务官706-624-2695
Mohawk Industries, Inc. le invita a unirse a la teleconferencia vía web del tercer trimestre de 2020
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CALHOUN, Georgia, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Juntamente con la divulgación de las ganancias del tercer trimestre de 2020 de Mohawk Industries, Inc. (NYSE: MHK), el jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020, le invitamos a escuchar la teleconferencia que será transmitida en vivo el viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020 a las 11:00 a.m. ET (hora del este).Mohawk Industries es el fabricante líder mundial de revestimientos para pisos dedicado a crear productos que mejoran los espacios residenciales y comerciales en todo el mundo. Los procesos integrados de manufactura y distribución de Mohawk ofrecen ventajas competitivas en la producción de alfombras, tapetes, baldosas cerámicas, revestimientos sintéticos para pisos laminados, de madera, piedra y vinílicos. Nuestra innovación líder en la industria ha lanzado productos y tecnologías que diferencian...
Nasdaq Halts Presidio Property Trust, Inc.
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NEW YORK, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Nasdaq Stock Market® (Nasdaq: NDAQ) announced that trading was halted today in Presidio Property Trust, Inc. (Nasdaq: SQFT) at 13:56:58 Eastern Time on October 7, 2020, for “additional information requested” from the company at a last sale price of $4.60.Trading will remain halted until Presidio Property Trust, Inc. has fully satisfied Nasdaq’s request for additional information.For news and additional information about the company, please contact the company directly or check under the company’s symbol using InfoQuotesSM on the Nasdaq® Web site.For more information about The Nasdaq Stock Market, visit the Nasdaq Web site at Media Contact:Bianca
Acadia Healthcare and “Bedlam” Filmmaker Lead Mental Health Panel Discussion
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Franklin, Tenn., Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — As part of Mental Health Awareness Week October 4-10, Acadia Healthcare is proud to partner with Dr. Kenneth Rosenberg, the director and producer of the PBS documentary “Bedlam,” to facilitate a panel discussion featuring key thought leaders and policy advocates in the behavioral healthcare industry.The panel discussion will be streamed via Facebook Live at 1 p.m. EST Thursday, Oct. 8, 2020.Dr. Rosenberg’s documentary tells the story of people across Los Angeles County who are suffering from severe mental illness, including his own family. The panel discussion will focus on his work, along with topics related to the state of mental health in the United States.Michael Genovese, M.D., J.D., chief medical officer of Acadia Healthcare, will moderate the conversation. He will be joined...
American National Urges Claims Preparedness for Hurricane Delta
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SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — As Hurricane Delta approaches the Gulf Coast, American National strongly encourages its policyholders to prepare for their insurance needs.If you are an American National policyholder:There are several ways to report a claim (to ensure efficient claims service, check that your login credentials are up to date):Mobile: Use the AN Mobile app, available for free at the Apple App store or Google Play. An account is required.Online: Go to and login to your account. To create an account, go to > Customer Login > Personal Insurance – Log In > Register.Phone: Call the 24-hour claims hotline at 1.800.333.2860.Email: Claims@AmericanNational.comStay alert, stay safe:Refer to the National Hurricane Center at for hurricane preparedness,...
GCC Announces Q3 2020 Conference Call Details
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CHIHUAHUA, Mexico, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua, S.A.B. de C.V.(BMV: GCC*), a leading producer of cement and concrete in the United States and Mexico, will host a conference call to review its third quarter 2020 earnings results on Wednesday, October 28 at 11:00 a.m. (ET). Earnings results for the quarter ended September 30, 2020, will be released on Tuesday, October 27 after market close.
ISG to Publish Report Evaluating Providers of Insurance BPO Platforms and Services
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STAMFORD, Conn., Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), a leading global technology research and advisory firm, has launched a research study examining providers of technology-related services and platforms targeting the insurance industry.The study results will be published in a comprehensive ISG Provider Lens™ report, called Insurance BPO Services and Platform Solutions, scheduled to be released in January. The report will cover providers of both platforms and services in the insurance BPO industry, with a separate section for each type of provider.The insurance outsourcing market is changing, said Paul Schreiner, a partner in the insurance practice at ISG. “Today, outsourcing insurance operations is no longer limited to just backend services,” he said. “Instead, insurers seek to partner...
Communiqué – Orange prices its 700 million euro, undated, 8-year non-call, deeply subordinated fixed to reset rate notes
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Press releaseParis, 7 October 2020Not for distribution in the United States of AmericaOrange prices its 700 million euro, undated, 8-year non-call, deeply subordinated fixed to reset rate notesOrange S.A. successfully priced its issuance of €700,000,000 undated 8 year non-call deeply subordinated fixed to reset rate notes with a fixed coupon of 1.75% until the first call date.The new notes are scheduled to be admitted to trading on Euronext Paris. It is also expected that rating agencies assign the New Notes a rating of Baa3/BBB- (Moody’s/ S&P) and an equity content of 50%.The Company launched a tender offer to partially repurchase certain of its outstanding undated deeply subordinated fixed to reset rate notes:– €1,000,000,000 Undated 7 Year Non-Call Notes with first call date on 1 October 2021 (of which €500,000,000...
Communiqué – Orange réalise une émission d’obligations hybrides de 700 millions d’euros
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Communiqué de presseParis, 7 octobre 2020Ne pas diffuser aux Etats-Unis d’AmériqueOrange réalise une émission d’obligations hybrides de 700 millions d’eurosOrange S.A. a émis 700 millions d’euros d’obligations super-subordonnées à durée indéterminée, incluant une première option de remboursement anticipé au gré de la Société à partir de la 8ème année avec un coupon de 1,75% jusqu’à la 1ère date d’ajustement.Ces nouvelles obligations seront admises aux négociations sur Euronext Paris. Il est également prévu que les agences de notation attribuent aux Nouvelles Obligations une note de Baa3/BBB- (Moody’s/ S&P) et les considèrent comme des fonds propres à hauteur de 50 %.Orange a lancé une offre contractuelle de rachat visant une partie des trois souches d’obligations super-subordonnées à durée indéterminée précédemment émises :Emission...