Day: October 7, 2020
EUCLID, Ohio, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Intellitronix Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the US Lighting Group, Inc. (OTC:USLG), and an automotive electronics industry leader, announced it received its third consecutive purchase order from Kawasaki Motors for a custom-built LED microprocessor-controlled product.“Intellitronix is extremely happy with our partnership with Kawasaki Motors and their confidence in our ability to create specialized products for them. When Kawasaki first came to Intellitronix looking for a company with in-house experience in designing and manufacturing state-of-the-art automotive electronics, we immediately went to work and created a unique OEM product for them. Receiving our third consecutive purchase order from Kawasaki to manufacture the custom-made product demonstrates our commitment...
Sorrento Announces the Discovery of Salicyn-30 Small Molecule That Strongly Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Preclinical Studies and Highlights its Place in a Potential Multi-Modal Therapy Strategy in Combination With Neutralizing Antibodies Against COVID-19
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In preclinical studies, Salicyn-30, a small molecule, demonstrated potent in-vitro viral load reduction of 3-4 log in SARS-CoV-2 infection model in normal healthy VERO E6 cells.Salicyn-30 displays a novel mechanism of inhibition of SARS-CoV-2, with potential additive benefits when used in a multi-modal therapy approach.Salicyn-30 can potentially be administered orally alone and will be tested in combination with Sorrento’s potent STI-1499 and affinity matured STI-2020 neutralizing antibodies.SAN DIEGO, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: SRNE, “Sorrento”) announced today that it has discovered a small molecule termed Salicyn-30 that demonstrated a potent 3-4 log reduction of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection in an in vitro virus infection experiment.Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic,...
Horizon Bancorp, Inc. Announces Earnings Conference Call to Review Third Quarter 2020 Results on October 29
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MICHIGAN CITY, Ind., Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (NASDAQ GS: HBNC) Horizon Bancorp, Inc. (“Horizon” or the “Company”) will host a conference call at 7:30 a.m. CT on Thursday, October 29, 2020 to review its third quarter 2020 financial results.The Company’s third quarter 2020 news release will be released after markets close on Wednesday, October 28, 2020. It will be available in the “Investor Relations” section of the Company’s website, may access the live conference call on October 29, 2020 at 7:30 a.m. CT (8:30 a.m. ET) by dialing 877-317-6789 from the United States, 866-450-4696 from Canada or 412-317-6789 from international locations and requesting the “Horizon Bancorp Call.” Please dial in approximately 10 minutes prior to the call.A telephone replay of the call will be available approximately...
Blink Deploys EV Charging Stations in The Elysian, Now Boasting All-Electric Parking Areas [UPDATED]
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Agreement Expands Blinks’ Charging Station Network in CaliforniaMiami Beach, FL, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK, BLNKW) (“Blink” or the “Company”), a leading owner and operator of electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment and services, announced the deployment of 44 Level 2 EV charging stations, 32 of which are already installed and fully operational, at The Elysian residential building in the historic Victor Heights neighborhood near downtown Los Angeles, California. Blink will provide its EV charging stations to The Elysian’s employees, residents, and visitors to support the city’s rapidly increasing number of electric vehicles.“With this agreement, we continue to aggressively expand our network of stations throughout the state of California” remarked Blink COO, Brendan Jones. “We are honored...
Mohawk Industries, Inc. nodigt u voor de Conference Call over het derde kwartaal van 2020 op het web
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CALHOUN, Ga., Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In verband met de bekendmaking van de cijfers van het derde kwartaal van 2020 door Mohawk Industries, Inc. (NYSE: MHK) op donderdag 29 oktober 2020, wordt u uitgenodigd om te luisteren naar de conference call die live zal worden uitgezonden op vrijdag 30 oktober 2020 om 11:00 uur ET.Mohawk Industries is de toonaangevende wereldwijde fabrikant van vloerproducten die een verrijking zijn voor woonruimten en commerciële ruimten overal ter wereld. De verticaal geïntegreerde productie- en distributieprocessen van Mohawk bieden concurrentievoordelen bij de productie van tapijten, kleden, keramische tegels, laminaat, houten vloeren, stenen vloeren en vinylvloeren. Onze toonaangevende innovatie heeft producten en technologieën voortgebracht die onze merken in de markt onderscheiden en voldoen...
Mohawk Industries, Inc. vous invite à vous joindre à la conférence téléphonique du troisième trimestre 2020 sur le web
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CALHOUN, Géorgie, 07 oct. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — En conjonction avec le communiqué de presse du 29 octobre 2020 sur les revenus du troisième trimestre de 2020 de Mohawk Industries, Inc. (NYSE : MHK), vous êtes invité(e) à sa conférence téléphonique qui aura lieu le vendredi 30 octobre 2020 à 11 h 00, heure de l’Est.Mohawk Industries est le leader mondial de la fabrication de revêtements de sol, spécialisé dans la création de produits destinés à améliorer les espaces résidentiels et commerciaux partout dans le monde. Les processus de fabrication et de distribution verticalement intégrés de Mohawk fournissent des avantages compétitifs dans la production de moquettes, tapis, carreaux en céramique, parquets stratifiés, parquets en bois et revêtements de sol en pierre et en vinyle. L’innovation révolutionnaire que nous avons...
Mohawk Industries, Inc. stellt in einer Webkonferenz seine Ergebnisse für Q3/2020 vor
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CALHOUN, Georgia, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mohawk Industries, Inc. (NYSE: MHK) wird am Donnerstag, den 29. Oktober 2020, seine Ergebnisse für das dritte Quartal 2020 veröffentlichen. Die Präsentation erfolgt in einer live übertragenen Webkonferenz am Freitag, den 30. Oktober 2020, um 17:00 Uhr MEZ (11:00 Uhr EST).Mohawk Industries ist der weltweit führende Produzent von Fußbodenbelägen und stellt Produkte zur Optimierung von Wohn- und Gewerbeflächen auf der ganzen Welt her. Die vertikal integrierten Fertigungs- und Vertriebsprozesse von Mohawk bieten Wettbewerbsvorteile bei der Herstellung von Teppichen/Matten, Teppich-, Fliesen-, Laminat-, Holz-, Stein- und Vinylböden. Mit unserer branchenführenden Innovationskraft haben wir Produkte und Technologien entwickelt, mit denen sich unsere Marken von anderen Produkten abheben...
Mohawk Industries, Inc. ti invita a partecipare alla teleconferenza Web sul terzo trimestre 2020
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CALHOUN, Ga., Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In occasione della presentazione dei risultati d’esercizio di Mohawk Industries, Inc. (NYSE: MHK) del terzo trimestre 2020, che avrà luogo giovedì 29 ottobre 2020, sei invitato ad ascoltare la teleconferenza che sarà trasmessa in diretta 30 ottobre 2020 alle 11:00 (ET).Mohawk Industries, il principale produttore mondiale di pavimenti, crea prodotti per valorizzare gli spazi residenziali e commerciali in tutto il mondo. I processi di produzione e distribuzione integrati verticalmente di Mohawk offrono vantaggi competitivi nella produzione di moquette, tappeti, piastrelle in ceramica e pavimentazioni in laminato, legno, pietra e vinile. La nostra capacità di innovazione ha portato alla creazione di prodotti e tecnologie che differenziano i nostri marchi sul mercato e soddisfano...
Mohawk Industries, Inc. приглашает вас принять участие в интернет-конференции по итогам Третьего квартала 2020 года
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КАЛХУН, Джорджия, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Одновременно с выпуском отчета о прибыли Mohawk Industries, Inc. (NYSE: MHK) за третий квартал 2020 года в четверг, 29 октября 2020 г., мы приглашаем вас прослушать конференц-звонок, который будет транслироваться в прямом эфире в пятницу 30 октября 2020 года в 11:00 по Восточному времени США.Что: Отчет о доходах компании Mohawk Industries, Inc. за 3 квартал 2020 года Когда: 30 октября 2020 г. 11:00 утра по Восточному времени СШАГде: www.mohawkind.comВыберите опцию”Investor Information”Как: через Интернет – просто войдите в сеть по указанному выше адресу или используйте конференц-связь в реальном времени: наберите +1-800-603-9255 (США / Канада) Наберите 1-706-634-2294 (международный) Наберите +1-253-237-1879 (международный)Код конференции: 8291468Mohawk Industries –...
Mohawk Industries, Inc. le invita a unirse a la teleconferencia vía web del tercer trimestre de 2020
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CALHOUN, Georgia, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Juntamente con la divulgación de las ganancias del tercer trimestre de 2020 de Mohawk Industries, Inc. (NYSE: MHK), el jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020, le invitamos a escuchar la teleconferencia que será transmitida en vivo el viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020 a las 11:00 a.m. ET (hora del este).Mohawk Industries es el fabricante líder mundial de revestimientos para pisos dedicado a crear productos que mejoran los espacios residenciales y comerciales en todo el mundo. Los procesos integrados de manufactura y distribución de Mohawk ofrecen ventajas competitivas en la producción de alfombras, tapetes, baldosas cerámicas, revestimientos sintéticos para pisos laminados, de madera, piedra y vinílicos. Nuestra innovación líder en la industria ha lanzado productos y tecnologías que diferencian...