Day: October 6, 2020
MONTRÉAL, 06 oct. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Brunswick Exploration Inc., anciennement Les Resources Komet Inc. (“Brunswick” ou la “société“) est heureuse d’annoncer que la Bourse de croissance TSX (“TSXV“) a approuvé le changement de symbole boursier de la société à la TSXV.À compter de ce matin, le mardi 6 octobre 2020, les actions ordinaires de la société se négocient à la Bourse de croissance TSX sous le symbole “BRW” (TSXV:BRW). Le précédent symbole de négociation était “KMT”.Aucune action n’est requise de la part des actionnaires actuels dans le cadre de ce changement et aucune modification n’a été apportée au capital-actions de la société.La société a récemment conclu un placement privé sans courtier de 1,6 million de dollars en unités et de 1,7 million...
Photo Release — Huntington Ingalls Industries Announces Todd West As New Vice President of In-Service Carrier Programs At Newport News Shipbuilding
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NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Oct. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Huntington Ingalls Industries (NYSE:HII) announced today that Todd West has been named vice president of In-Service Aircraft Carrier Programs for the company’s Newport News Shipbuilding division. He will succeed Chris Miner, who will retire Dec. 1 after more than 37 years of service.Miner began his shipbuilding career in 1983 as a test engineer in the Los Angeles-class submarine program and has served in various roles of increasing responsibility. During his tenure as a program leader, Miner played an integral part in the company reestablishing its submarine construction program. He also successfully led delivery of three aircraft carrier refueling and complex overhauls and one Virginia-class submarine.“Chris’ passion and commitment have been defining attributes throughout his...
Expereo acquires Globalinternet and consolidates global leadership in managed internet services market
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AMSTERDAM, Oct. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The world’s leading provider of Internet, Cloud access and SD-WAN solutions, Expereo, has announced the acquisition of Globalinternet, global supplier of managed Internet access services. The acquisition consolidates Expereo’s leadership in providing managed Global Internet and network connectivity solutions to its partners and multinational corporate customers.Globalinternet’s capabilities further fuels Expereo’s rapid growth trajectory, following this year’s earlier acquisition of connectivity intelligence platform, Comsave. The investment not only evidences the company’s vision supported by APAX Partners, it also reflects its ambition to lead a revolution in Global Internet-based networking, where Internet access is simplified, optimized and within reach worldwide.“It is a natural and...
Thryv, Inc. Recognized by Industry Experts G2, MarTech and Localogy
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Dallas, Oct. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Thryv, Inc. (NASDAQ:THRY), the provider of Thryv® software, the fully integrated, end-to-end client experience platform for small businesses, has received multiple awards and acknowledgments in recent weeks. G2 2020 Fall Report Thryv has again been named a Leader in multiple categories in the newly released G2 Fall 2020 Reports. G2 is the largest tech marketplace where small businesses can discover and review current technology, and ultimately make smarter software purchasing decisions. Thryv was named a Momentum Leader, which means it ranks in the top 25 percent for all product categories. Categories include CRM; Local Listings Management; Marketing Automation; Online Appointment Scheduling; Online Reputation Management; Payment Gateways and Social Media Management. Additional G2 Leader categories...
Dassault Aviation: Total number of shares and voting rights – 30 September 2020
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DASSAULT AVIATIONFrench corporation (société anonyme) with a share capital of 66,789,624 eurosHeadquarters: 9, Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées Marcel Dassault – 75008 PARISRCS PARIS 712 042 456Information concerning the total number of voting rights and shares as per article L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce) and article 223-16 of the General Regulations (Règlement Général) of the French Market Authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers)AttachmentTotal number of shares and voting rights – 30 September 2020
Dassault Aviation : Nombre total actions et droits de vote au 30 septembre 2020
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DASSAULT AVIATIONSociété anonyme au capital de 66 789 624 eurosSiège social : 9, Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées Marcel Dassault75008 PARISRCS PARIS 712 042 456Informations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions prévues par les articles L. 233-8 II du Code de commerce et 223-16 du Règlement Général de l’Autorité des Marchés FinanciersPièce jointeNombre total actions et droits de vote au 30 septembre 2020
Report on Warrants Issued to Executives and Members of the Board
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Company Announcement no. 66 – 2020Copenhagen, October 06th, 2020Report on Warrants Issued to Executives and Members of the BoardWith reference to the company announcement no. 64 of 29. September 2020 with the decision to grant warrants under the existing program and as a separate one, GreenMobility A/S (“GreenMobility”) hereby reports on having issued warrants to the Executive Management and Board Members. The warrants are granted free of charge.For further details, please refer to the attached forms for notification and public disclosure of warrants received by persons with managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them.Best regardsGreenMobility A/SFor further information:Anders Wall, VP Investor Relations GreenMobility, phone: +45 2540 3020, mail: aw@greenmobility.comGreenMobility A/S, Landgreven 3, 1301 København...
XCPCNL Business Services, Corp. (XCPL) Moves into the ‘Affordable Housing Market’
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DALLAS, Oct. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — XCPCNL Business Services, Inc. (OTCPK: XCPL), a Business Out-Sourcing Company, announced today that the Company will be focusing on affordable housing through wholly owned subsidiary, Villa Riviera Inc., (VRI).The National Low-Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) reports that the U.S. has a national shortage of more than 7.2 Million affordable & available rental homes for families most in need.VRI believes opportunity begins when people have a safe, healthy, and affordable place to call home. The Company’s vision is that one day, every person will have an affordable home in a vibrant community, filled with promise and the opportunity for a good life. VRI’s mission is to create an opportunity for low and moderate-income people through affordable housing. The Company is driven by its mission,...
Danone completes sale of Yakult stake
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Press Release – Paris, October 6th, 2020Danone completes sale of Yakult stakeDanone has finalized the sale of its 6.61% stake in Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd. (“Yakult”), which was originally announced this morning.The transaction resulted in a total gross consideration of JPY58 billion, representing c. €470 million, that will further strengthen Danone’s balance sheet.The settlement of the transaction will take place on October 9.About Danone ( is a leading multi-local food and beverage company building on health-focused and fast-growing categories in 3 businesses: Essential Dairy & Plant-Based products, Waters and Specialized Nutrition. With its ‘One Planet. One Health’ frame of action, which considers the health of people and the planet as intimately interconnected, Danone aims to inspire healthier and more sustainable...
Danone finalise la cession de sa participation dans Yakult
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Communiqué de presse – Paris, le 6 octobre 2020Danone finalise la cession de sa participation dans YakultDanone a finalisé la cession de sa participation de 6,61% dans Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd. (“Yakult”), annoncée précédemment aujourd’hui.L’opération s’est soldée par un produit de cession brut d’un montant de 58 milliards de yens, soit environ 470 millions d’euros, qui permettra de renforcer la solidité financière de Danone.Le règlement de l’opération aura lieu le 9 octobre 2020.A propos de Danone ( multi-locale parmi les leaders de l’alimentation, Danone se développe sur des catégories tournées vers la santé et en forte croissance à travers ses 3 métiers : les Produits laitiers et d’origine végétale, les Eaux et la Nutrition spécialisée. Avec un cadre d’action unique, ‘One Planet. One Health’, qui affirme que la...