Day: October 5, 2020
Fjárhagsspá Orkuveitu Reykjavíkur og dótturfyrirtækja 2021-2026 samþykktMannaflafrekar fjárfestingar framundanFjárhagur Orkuveitu Reykjavíkur og dótturfyrirtækjanna er traustur og engra stórra breytinga að vænta í tekjum eða gjöldum á næstu árum samkvæmt spánni. Nú í vor var frá því greint að Veitur hygðust ráðast í sérstakar viðspyrnufjárfestingar vegna Covid-19 faraldursins. Áformin koma nú inn í opinbera fjárhagsspá OR-samstæðunnar og nema um fjórum milljörðum króna á árinu 2021. Talið er að 200 störf á sunnan- og vestanverðu landinu skapist hjá verktökum við þetta átak, án þess að starfsfólki Veitna fjölgi.Allsherjaruppfærsla á orkumælum Veitna er stærsta einstaka fjárfestingarverkefnið á tímabilinu. Undirbúningur þess hefur staðið um hríð en skiptin yfir í snjallmæla munu taka tvö til þrjú ár. Um 25 iðnaðarmenn munu að jafnaði starfa...
Electras omsättning fortsätter visa positiv utveckling
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ELECTRA GRUPPEN AB (publ) orgnr. 556065-4054
YRC Worldwide Companies Named “Top Company for Women to Work for in Transportation”
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OVERLAND PARK, Kan., Oct. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (NASDAQ: YRCW) For the third consecutive year, YRC Worldwide Companies has been named to the Women in Trucking Association’s list of “Top Companies for Women to Work for in Transportation.”WIT recognizes companies with corporate cultures that foster gender diversity and also offer competitive compensation and benefits, flexible hours and work requirements, professional development opportunities and career advancement opportunities. WIT established the “Top Companies for Women to Work for in Transportation” award to support and advance its mission to encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry, promote their accomplishments, and minimize obstacles faced by women working in the trucking industry.“We are incredibly honored to see YRCW awarded the ‘Top Companies for...
Kreditbanken opjusterer forventningen til resultatet for 2020
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Kreditbanken opjusterer forventningen til resultatet for 2020Vedhæftet filMeddelelse 11 2020
DTE Energy creates new assistance programs, pledges $13 million to help customers struggling during pandemic
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DETROIT, Oct. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DTE Energy has pledged $13 million to support customers struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic. The commitment consists of donations to human service agencies plus direct relief to customers struggling with arrears throughout the crisis. DTE expects these efforts to help nearly 40,000 of its most vulnerable customers keep their energy flowing during this challenging time. “We know many of our customers have coped with COVID-19’s impact on family members, and many more are bringing in less income and having a hard time getting by,” said Jerry Norcia, DTE Energy president and chief executive officer. “We felt it was crucial during this terrible pandemic to offer lifelines to the most vulnerable among us. DTE is more committed than ever to making sure all our customers keep the energy they...
Sun Pacific Holding Corp’s Subsidiary Street Smart Outdoor Corp Announces 5 Year Agreement with Township of Howell, New Jersey; Adding up to 40 New Advertising displays
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MANALAPAN, N.J., Oct. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (Other OTC: SNPW) today announces that its wholly owned subsidiary, Street Smart Outdoor Corp (“SSO”) and Township of Howell New Jersey have entered into an initial five year agreement for its outdoor advertising on street furniture panels. This program will proceed under a contract held by Sun Pacific Power Corp and managed by Street Smart Outdoor. In support of this new program, Street Smart Outdoor is currently expanding its advertising presence in New Jersey with up to 40 Bus shelter faces to be used for advertising at various locations throughout this high population town with high traffic.In 2019, out-of-home advertising spending reached close to 39.42 billion U.S. dollars worldwide. This figure is forecast to decrease in the following years, with...
Bridgeline End of Year Corporate Update
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WOBURN, Mass., Oct. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bridgeline Digital, Inc. (NASDAQ: BLIN), a leader in cloud-based digital experience software, is pleased to provide the following corporate update as it closed its fiscal year. “I’m happy to report that our fourth quarter exceeded expectations in revenue, profit, and customer acquisitions,” said Ari Kahn, Bridgeline’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “Our strong fourth quarter revenue positions the business well to execute its growth strategy for 2021.”Bridgeline’s fiscal year concluded on September 30, 2020. The Company expects to meet the fourth quarter guidance it provided in its previous earnings call and in the September Investor Presentation for:revenue growthincreased gross marginpositive operating income and adjusted EBITDABridgeline won more new customers in its fourth...
Chinook Therapeutics Closes Merger with Aduro Biotech and Completes $115 Million Private Placement Financing
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Combined Company Will Have Over $275 Million in Operating Capital and Trade on Nasdaq under the Ticker Symbol “KDNY”VANCOUVER, British Columbia and SEATTLE, Oct. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Chinook Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: KDNY), a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of precision medicines for kidney diseases, today announced the closing of its merger with Aduro Biotech, Inc. and $115 million private placement financing. The combined company, now known as Chinook Therapeutics, will commence trading October 6, 2020 on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the trading symbol “KDNY.”As previously announced, the $115 million private placement financing includes participation from new investors EcoR1 Capital, OrbiMed Advisors, funds managed by Rock Springs Capital, Fidelity...
Grafoid Announces Reverse Takeover with Stria Lithium Inc.
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KINGSTON, Ontario, Oct. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Grafoid Inc. (“GRAFOID” or the “Company”), a global leader in the graphene products and applications market, announced today that the Company has signed a letter of intent dated September 23, 2020 (the “LOI“) with Stria Lithium Inc. (“Stria”), which sets forth the general terms and conditions of a proposed business combination transaction that will result in a reverse takeover of Stria by Grafoid Shareholders (the “Acquisition“).Subject to the conditions set forth in the LOI, Stria and Grafoid will enter into a business combination transaction by way of a share exchange, amalgamation, arrangement or similar form of transaction, which will result in Grafoid becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Stria or otherwise combining its corporate existence...
CHAR Technologies Announces Private Placement
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO UNITED STATES NEWS WIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES.TORONTO, Oct. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CHAR Technologies Ltd. (“CHAR Technologies” or the “Company”) (TSX Venture Exchange: YES) is pleased to announce its intention to complete a non-brokered private placement (the “Offering”) of up to 5,000,000 common shares in the capital of the Company (“Shares”) at a price of CDN$0.10 per Share for gross proceeds of up to CDN$500,000.The Offering is subject to a minimum subscription amount of CDN$10,000.Certain insiders of the Company may acquire Shares in the Offering. Any participation by insiders in the Private Placement would constitute a “related party transaction” as defined under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 Protection of Minority Security...