Day: October 5, 2020
Labojums ziņas otrajā rindkopā. Pareizs teksts ir:“Tādējādi 2020. gada 7. oktobris ir Ex-datums, sākot ar šo datumu iegādātās akcijas, par kurām ir pieņemts lēmums izmaksāt dividendes, dividendes nesaņems.”Papildu informācija:Jānis DubrovskisAkciju sabiedrības “Olainfarm” investoru attiecību konsultantsTel. +371 29178878E-pasts:
Tegningsprospekter for afdeling Globale Obligationer Bæredygtig Udvikling KL og afdeling Globale Obligationer Bæredygtig Udvikling Akk. KL, begge under Investeringsforeningen BankInvest
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København Ø, Oct. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Vedhæftet offentliggøres tegningsprospekter for henholdsvisafdeling Globale Obligationer Bæredygtig Udvikling KL ogafdeling Globale Obligationer Bæredygtig Udvikling Akk. KLbegge under Investeringsforeningen BankInvest, c/o BI Management A/S, Sundkrogsgade 7, 2100 København Ø, tlf. 77309000.Globale Obligationer Bæredygtig Udvikling A, ISIN DK0061271426 og Globale Obligationer Bæredygtig Udvikling Akk. A, ISIN DK0061271699 blev stiftet den 4. august 2020.Tegningsperioden for begge afdelinger løber fra den 13. oktober – 26. oktober 2020, begge dage inklusive, og andelene udbydes i tegningsperioden til tegningskurs DKK 100,27.Globale Obligationer Bæredygtig Udvikling A og afdeling Globale Obligationer Bæredygtig Udvikling Akk. A forventes at blive optaget til handel på Nasdaq Copenhagen...
H1, 2020: Strongest half-year financial performance
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Copenhagen, Denmark, Oct. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The media intelligence company Hypefactors, which delivers a tech platform (SaaS solution) for better media intelligence and reputation management, presents financial results for the first half of 2020.H1/2020 was the strongest half-year period for Hypefactors so far. Revenue for the period amounted to DKK 1.971m, compared to DKK 0.861m in 2019, corresponding to an increase of 129%. Revenue for H1/2019 passed the revenue obtained during the full year of 2019 (DKK 1.950m). Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) amounted to a negative of DKK 2.887m compared to H1/2019 which showed a negative EBITDA of DKK 6.720m. An improvement of 133%Hypefactors reached an annual recurring revenue (ARR) of DKK 3.7m as per June...
Prospekt og central investorinformationer, Investeringsforeningen BankInvest
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København Ø, Oct. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —Nedenstående andelsklasser under Investeringsforeningen BankInvest har for nærværende negative forventede afkast efter samfundsforudsætningerne og/eller horisontafkast og er derfor muligvis ikke længere egnede til visse investorer i de nuværende målgrupper:Korte Danske Obligationer AKorte Danske Obligationer Akk AMellemlange Danske Obligationer ALange Danske Obligationer ALange Danske Obligationer Akk AVirksomhedsobligationer IG AVirksomhedsobligationer IG Akk A Prospekt og central investorinformationer for de relevante andelsklasser er opdaterede med oplysninger herom.Dokumenterne kan downloades fra eller rekvireres ved henvendelse til BI Management A/S, Sundkrogsgade 7, 2100 København Ø, tlf. 77 30 90 00.Vedhæftet filProspekt Inv. BankInvest – 2020.10.05...
Prospekt og central investorinformationer, Værdipapirfonden BankInvest
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København Ø, Oct. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —Nedenstående andelsklasser under Værdipapirfonden BankInvest har for nærværende negative forventede afkast efter samfundsforudsætningerne og/eller horisontafkast og er derfor muligvis ikke længere egnede til visse investorer i de nuværende målgrupper:Optima Rente AOptima Rente Akk. A Prospekt og central investorinformationer for de relevante andelsklasser er opdaterede med oplysninger herom.Dokumenterne kan downloades fra eller rekvireres ved henvendelse til BI Management A/S, Sundkrogsgade 7, 2100 København Ø, tlf. 77 30 90 00.Vedhæftet filProspekt Værdipapirfonden BankInvest 2020.10.05 clean
Blockchain Foundry Announces Blockchain Development Agreement with GDPR Compliance Solution Provider
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TORONTO, Oct. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Blockchain Foundry Inc. (“BCF” or the “Company”) (CSE:BCFN), a leading North American blockchain development firm, has entered into a blockchain development agreement (the “Agreement”) with a client (the “Client”) in the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) compliance space. The initial phase of the Agreement is valued at approximately $50,000 and will last for approximately four weeks.GDPR is a regulation in EU law concerning data protection and privacy. The market for GDPR compliance services in Europe is estimated to be worth approximately US$1.2 billion by 20231.Pursuant to the Agreement, BCF will work with the Client to complete the MVP of its GDPR compliance solution. The Client expects to undertake more product development beyond the MVP phase and BCF will have the opportunity...
GATX Corporation Sets Date for 2020 Third Quarter Earnings Release and Conference Call
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CHICAGO, Oct. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — GATX Corporation (NYSE:GATX) will report results for the 2020 third quarter prior to market open on Oct. 20, 2020. GATX will hold a conference call to review the results later that morning. Investors may listen to the call via telephone or over the internet as follows:Live TeleconferenceTo participate by phone, please dial in approximately 15 minutes prior to the start time and reference the GATX conference call. To listen via webcast, click the link on GATX’s homepage, InformationCOMPANY DESCRIPTIONGATX Corporation (NYSE:GATX) strives to be recognized as the finest railcar leasing company in the world by our customers, our shareholders, our employees and the communities where we operate. As the leading global railcar lessor, GATX has been providing quality railcars and...
ArcelorMittal Announces Invitation for Offers to Sell for Cash up to the Maximum Acceptance Amount of its EUR 750,000,000 3.125% Notes due 14 January 2022 and EUR 500,000,000 0.95% Notes due 17 January 2023
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ArcelorMittal Announces Invitation for Offers to Sell for Cash up to the Maximum Acceptance Amountof itsEUR 750,000,000 3.125% Notes due 14 January 2022 (the “2022 Bonds”), of which EUR 750,000,000 in aggregate principal amount are outstanding andEUR 500,000,000 0.95% Notes due 17 January 2023 (the “2023 Bonds”) , of which EUR 500,000,000 in aggregate principal amount are outstandingLuxembourg, 5 October 2020 – [Time] CET – ArcelorMittal (“ArcelorMittal” or the “Company”) announces the commencement of an invitation (subject to offer restrictions) to holders of the bonds (the “Bondholders”) set forth in the table below (the “Bonds”) to submit offers to sell for cash (each such offer, an “Offer to Sell”) up to a maximum aggregate principal amount of €1.0 billion (the “Maximum Acceptance Amount”) of the Bonds to the Company (the “Invitation”).This...
ArcelorMittal announces offer to purchase for cash any and all of its 6.125% Notes due 2025
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(1) Per U.S.$1,000 principal amount of Notes validly tendered and not validly withdrawn. Does not include Accrued Interest (as defined below) which will be payable to holders who tender Notes that are accepted for purchase by the Company. October 5, 2020– 16:00 CET – ArcelorMittal (the “Company” or “ArcelorMittal”) announces the launch of its tender offer (the “Offer”) to purchase for cash, any and all of its outstanding 6.125% notes due 2025 (CUSIP 03938LAZ7/ISIN US03938LAZ76) (the “Notes”).This announcement does not contain the full terms and conditions of the Offer, which are contained in the offer to purchase dated October 5, 2020 (as it may be amended or supplemented from time to time, the “Offer to Purchase”) and the Notice of Guaranteed Delivery, and is subject to the offer restrictions set out below and more...
OR consolidated forecast 2021 and long-term plan 2022-2026
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Financial Forecast of Reykjavik Energy and subsidiaries 2021-2026 approved Manpower–intensive investments ahead The financial forecast of Orkuveita Reykjavíkur (OR;Reykjavik Energy) expects that in the next six years a total of ISK 108 billion will be spent on maintenance and new investments on behalf of the group. The financial forecast of the OR Group for the period of 2021-2026 was approved unanimously by the OR board of directors today. Within the OR Group are, in addition to the parent company, Veitur Utilities, ON Power, Reykjavik Fibre Network and Carbfix. Pandemic-mitigating investments The finances of Reykjavik Energy and the subsidiaries are sound, and no significant changes are anticipated regarding income or expenses in the coming years, according to the forecast. This spring, it was reported that Veitur Utilities intended...