Day: October 2, 2020
TULSA, Okla., Oct. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BOK Financial Corporation (NASDAQ: BOKF) announces that financial results for the third quarter of 2020 will be released before the market open on Wednesday, October 21, 2020. The company will hold a conference call at 9 a.m. central time that morning to discuss the financial results with investors.The live audio webcast and presentation slides will be available on the company’s investor relations website at The conference call can also be accessed by dialing 1-201-689-8471. A webcast replay will be available shortly after the live call’s conclusion at or by dialing 1-412-317-6671 and referencing replay PIN 13711391.About BOK Financial CorporationBOK Financial Corporation is a more than $40 billion regional financial services company headquartered...
Innovation Pharmaceuticals Announces Pre-IND Meeting Request Granted by FDA for the Study of Brilacidin for the Treatment of COVID-19
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WAKEFIELD, Mass., Oct. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Innovation Pharmaceuticals (OTCQB:IPIX) (“the Company”), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company, today announced that earlier this week the Company submitted a pre-IND meeting request to the FDA in advance of a planned study of Brilacidin, a defensin-mimetic drug candidate, for the treatment of COVID-19. The request for the pre-IND meeting follows the FDA guidance issued in May 2020, “COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: General Considerations for Pre-IND Meeting Requests for COVID-19 Related Drugs and Biological Products”. Confirmation of the meeting being granted by FDA, with return of written responses, has been received.In the application, the Company has requested regulatory guidance on its planned Phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center study to...
Esoft Systems A/S – First North Announcement no. 154 – Notification of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely related to them
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See attachedAttachmentEsoft_First-North_Nr154 _- UK
Esoft Systems A/S – First North meddelelse nr. 154 – Ledende medarbejderes transaktioner
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Se vedhæftedeVedhæftet filEsoft_First-North_Nr 154_Ledende medarb_DK
Landsbankinn hf.: Landsbankinn semur um viðskiptavakt með sértryggð skuldabréf
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Landsbankinn hf. hefur undirritað samninga við Arion banka hf., Íslandsbanka hf. og Kviku banka hf. um viðskiptavakt á eftirmarkaði með sértryggð skuldabréf útgefin af Landsbankanum. Skuldabréfin eru skráð á Nasdaq Iceland og taka skyldur viðskiptavaka samkvæmt samningi gildi þann 5. október 2020.Viðskiptavakar munu fyrir opnun markaða dag hvern setja fram kaup- og sölutilboð í sértryggð skuldabréf útgefin af Landsbankanum. Lágmarksfjárhæð tilboða eru sem hér segir:Lágmarksfjárhæð tilboða í LBANK CBI 28 miðast við 40 að nafnverði.Skyldur einstakra viðskiptavaka falla niður á tilteknum viðskiptadegi ef viðskiptavaki hefur átt viðskipti (tilgreind „AUTO“) með sértryggð skuldabréf fyrir 500 m. kr. að nafnverði samanlagt í þeim flokkum sem samningurinn nær til.Hámarksmunur kaup- og sölutilboða ákvarðast af verði gildra tilboða og tekur...
Landsbankinn hf.: Landsbankinn concludes market-making agreements for covered bonds
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Landsbankinn hf. has signed market-making agreements with Arion bank hf., Islandsbanki hf. and Kvika bank hf. regarding covered bonds issued by Landsbankinn. The covered bonds are listed on NASDAQ Iceland and the market makers’ obligations in accordance with the agreement will become effective on 5 October 2020.Prior to market opening each business day, the market makers will place bid and ask orders for covered bonds issued by Landsbankinn. The minimum nominal amount of orders shall be based on the size of each series in accordance with the following:The minimum nominal amount of orders in the series LBANK CBI 28 shall be ISK 40m.Individual market makers are released from their obligations on a particular trading day once the trading volume (specified as “AUTO”) of that particular market maker totals ISK 500m for all series of covered...
AVX Earns Supplier Quality Excellence Award From GM
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FOUNTAIN INN, S.C., Oct. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AVX Corporation, a leading manufacturer and supplier of advanced electronic components and interconnect, sensor, control, and antenna solutions, received a 2019 Supplier Quality Excellence Award from General Motors (GM). The award recognizes AVX Electronics Tianjin Co. Ltd. for providing outstanding quality performance throughout calendar year 2019, as evidenced by having consistently met or exceeded an extremely stringent set of quality performance criteria and achieved the cross-functional support of the entire GM organization, whose mission is to design, build, and sell the world’s best vehicles with the highest levels of quality and safety on the road.GM’s ability to achieve that mission depends on providing its assembly plants with high-quality, defect-free electronic components,...
INDUSTRY BIBLE “Textile World” Feature Article On “Global Fiber Technologies, Inc”
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PRINCETON NJ, Oct. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — H Giordano
Bombardier exceeds goal for paid internship positions
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Bombardier provided 1,255 paid internship positions for the 2019-2020 academic year, exceeding its 1,000-internship goalIncludes students from 31 academic institutions pursuing careers in Engineering, Science, Finance, Law, Communications and other business functionsNew goal for the 2020-2021 academic year to be announced later this monthMONTREAL, Oct. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — One year after launching its revised and expanded internship program, Bombardier announced that it exceeded its previously announced goal by providing more than 1,200 paid internships in Canada for the 2019-2020 academic year to students from 31 colleges and universities across Canada.“We are extremely proud to have exceeded our internship target for the past academic year despite a very challenging environment,” said Éric Martel, President and Chief Executive...
Bombardier dépasse son objectif de nombre de stages rémunérés
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Bombardier a fourni 1 255 stages rémunérés pour l’année universitaire 2019-2020, dépassant son objectif fixé à 1 000 stagesDes étudiants provenant de 31 institutions d’enseignement et visant des carrières en ingénierie, sciences, finances, droit, communications et autres fonctions administrativesLe nouvel objectif pour l’année universitaire 2020-2021 sera annoncé plus tard ce mois-ciMONTRÉAL, 02 oct. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Un an après avoir lancé son programme de stages revu et étendu, Bombardier a indiqué qu’elle avait dépassé son objectif antérieurement annoncé en offrant, pour l’année scolaire 2019-2020, plus de 1 200 stages rémunérés au Canada à des étudiants provenant de 31 collèges et universités du Canada.« Nous sommes extrêmement fiers d’avoir dépassé notre objectif de nombre de stages pour l’année...