Day: October 2, 2020
WAYZATA, Minn., Oct. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Trean Insurance Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: TIG) (“Trean” or the “Company”), a leading provider of products and services to the specialty insurance market, today announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary Benchmark Holding Company has completed the acquisition of 7710 Insurance Company, as well as its associated program manager and agency.“We are pleased to officially welcome 7710 into the Trean family,” said Andy O’Brien, TIG’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “7710 is a perfect example of executing on our growth strategy by opportunistically adding a leader in the underserved workers’ comp market for the emergency services industry. 7710’s specialized business model and expertise within the emergency services space further expands our reach in providing exceptional services and products...
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Bid procedure 6 October 2020, Kommuninvest
Apollo Global Management to Announce Third Quarter 2020 Financial Results and Host Conference Call on October 29, 2020
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NEW YORK, Oct. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Apollo Global Management, Inc. (NYSE: APO) (together with its consolidated subsidiaries, “Apollo”) announced today that it plans to release its financial results for the third quarter of 2020 on Thursday, October 29, 2020, before the opening of trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Management will host a conference call to review Apollo’s financial results on the same day at 10:00 a.m. ET. The conference call may be accessed by dialing (833) 614-1406 (U.S. domestic) or +1 (914) 987-7127 (international), and providing conference call ID 9488248 when prompted by the operator. The number should be dialed at least ten minutes prior to the start of the call. A simultaneous webcast of the conference call will be available to the public on a listen-only basis and can be accessed through the...
TM hf. – Tilgreining fjármálasamsteypu
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Hinn 23. september 2020 var samstæða TM hf. tilgreind sem fjármálasamsteypa á vátryggingasviði af Fjármálaeftirliti Seðlabanka Íslands (Fjármálaeftirlitinu), sbr. 1. mgr. 10. gr. laga nr. 61/2017 um viðbótareftirlit með fjármálasamsteypum. Til fjármálasamsteypunnar teljast félög innan samstæðu TM hf. eins og hún er á hverjum tíma. Samstæðan samanstendur af TM hf. sem móðurfélagi, dótturfélögum þess og þeim félögum sem TM hf. eða dótturfélög þess eiga hlutdeild í auk félaga sem tengjast hvert öðru með tengslum sem um getur í 1. tölul. 1. mgr. 3. gr. laga nr. 61/2017, sbr. og 1. mgr. 3. gr. og 4., 5., 6. og 7. tölul. 2. gr. sömu laga.
Sodexo Monthly disclosure on share capital and voting rights on September 30, 2020
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REGULATED INFORMATIONMONTHLY DISCLOSURE ON SHARE CAPITAL AND VOTING RIGHTSPursuant to Article L.233-8-II of the French Commercial Code and Article 223-16 of the General Regulations of the Autorités des Marchés FinanciersIssy-les-Moulineaux, October 2nd, 2020Registered name of the issuer:SODEXO255, quai de la Bataille de Stalingrad – 92130 ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX* Actual voting rights: all of the Company shares have the same voting rights, except for treasury shares which do not have voting rights and registered shares held for more than four years, which have double voting rights.** Theoretical voting rights: the number of theoretical voting rights is calculated based on the shares having either single or double voting rights, including treasury shares which would normally be temporarily deprived of voting rights.About SodexoFounded...
Sodexo Déclaration mensuelle relative au nombre total des droits de vote et d’actions au 30 septembre 2020
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INFORMATION REGLEMENTEEDECLARATION MENSUELLE RELATIVE AU NOMBRE TOTAL DE DROITS DE VOTE ET D’ACTIONS COMPOSANT LE CAPITAL SOCIALArticle L.233-8-II du Code de commerce et article 223-16 du Règlement général de l’AMFIssy-les-Moulineaux, le 2 octobre 2020Dénomination sociale de l’émetteur :SODEXO255, quai de la Bataille de Stalingrad – 92130 ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX* Toutes les actions de la Société disposent des mêmes droits de vote, à l’exception des actions auto-détenues qui sont privées de droits de vote et des actions détenues sous la forme nominative depuis quatre ans au moins qui bénéficient de droits de vote doubles.** Le nombre de droits de vote théoriques est calculé sur la base de l’ensemble des actions auxquelles sont attachés des droits de vote (simple ou double), y compris les actions temporairement privées de droits de...
HighCo: shareholding as 09/30/2020
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INFORMATION CONCERNING THE TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTING RIGHTS AND SHARESAccording to provisions of the article 223-16 of the Règlement Général AMFand of the article L.233-8 II of the French Code de commerce(*) exclusively consisting of treasury shares.(**) theoretical voting rights to calculate the threshold crossing including the voting right of treasury shares (article 223-11 of the Règlement Général AMF).About HighCoAs an expert in data marketing and communication, HighCo continuously innovates to work with brands and retailers in meeting the retail challenges of tomorrow.Listed in compartment C of Euronext Paris, and eligible for SME equity savings plans (“PEA-PME”), HighCo has more than 700 employees and since 2010 has been included in the Gaia Index, a selection of 70 responsible Small and Mid Caps.Your contactsCécile COLLINA-HUE ...
HIGHCO : déclaration mensuelle des droits de vote au 30/09/2020
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INFORMATION RELATIVE AU NOMBRE TOTAL DE DROITS DE VOTE ET D’ACTIONSConformément aux dispositions des articles 223-16 du Règlement Général AMFet L.233-8 II du Code de commerce(*) exclusivement constitué des actions auto-détenues.(**) droits de vote théoriques pour le calcul des franchissements de seuil incluant les actions privées de droit de vote (article 223-11 du Règlement général de l’AMF).A propos de HighCoExpert en data marketing et communication, HighCo innove en permanence pour relever avec les marques et retailers les challenges du commerce de demain.Cotée sur le compartiment C d’Euronext Paris, et éligible au dispositif « PEA-PME », HighCo compte plus de 700 collaborateurs et fait partie depuis 2010 du Gaïa Index, sélection de 70 PME-ETI responsables.Vos contactsCécile COLLINA-HUE ...
Reginn hf.: Hækkun á hlutafé
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Reginn hf. hefur aukið hlutafé sitt um 40.000.000 krónur að nafnvirði. Þann 14. september sl. ákvað stjórn að nýta heimild hluthafafundar frá 9. september 2020, sbr. fréttatilkynningu í Kauphöll Íslands þann sama dag. Í útboði sem fram fór dagana 25. til 28. september 2020 fékkst áskrift fyrir öllum 40.000.000 hlutunum sem í boði voru. Hlutafjáraukningin var skráð hjá Fyrirtækjaskrá 1. október 2020 og Nasdaq CSD 2. október 2020 og voru hlutirnir afhentir sama dag. Hækkunin tekur gildi í kerfum Nasdaq Iceland hf. þann 5. október 2020.Hlutafé í Regin fyrir hlutafjáraukningu var 1.783.152.097 að nafnvirði og er að henni lokinni 1.823.152.097 krónur að nafnvirði. Eitt atkvæði fylgir hverri krónu nafnverðs. Reginn á ekki eigin hluti. Hinir nýju hlutir veita réttindi í Regin frá skráningardegi hlutafjárhækkunarinnar hjá Nasdaq CSD.Nánari upplýsingar...
SOPerior Provides Update Regarding Proposed Joint Venture
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TORONTO, Oct. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Further to its press release of August 24, 2020, SOPerior Fertilizer Corp. (the “Company”) (TSX:SOP) provides the following update in respect to its announcement that the Company had entered into a letter of intent (“LOI”) with an arm’s length party (the “Counter-Party”) to form a joint venture (“Joint Venture”).The Joint Venture relates to (a) commercially developing and exploiting the Company’s massive Alunite interests located on SOP’s Blawn Mountain Mining Lease (specifically Mining Lease 51983-03A) (the “Lease”) located in Utah, (b) completing the financing and construction of an alunite ore processing plant (the “Plant”) which is to be situated on an existing processing plant facility located in the vicinity of SOP’s Blawn Mountain leased ground, and (c) the ultimate processing of...