Day: September 28, 2020
Not for distribution to United States newswire services or for dissemination in the United States.VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gold Lion Resources Inc. (“Gold Lion” or the “Company”) (CSE: GL) (FWB: 2BC) is pleased to announce that it has filed and obtained a receipt for a preliminary short form prospectus (the “Prospectus”) with respect to an offering (the “Offering”) of units (“Units”) at a price of $0.45 per Unit for gross proceeds of up to $5,000,000. Each Unit will consist of one common share of the Company (each, a “Unit Share”) and one common share purchase warrant (each, a “Warrant”) entitling the holder to purchase one common share of the Company (a “Warrant Share”) at a price of $0.60 per Warrant Share for a period of 24 months following issuance of such Warrant.The Offering is being conducted...
American Assets Trust, Inc. Announces Third Quarter 2020 Earnings Release Date and Conference Call Information
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SAN DIEGO, Sept. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT) (the “Company”) will announce its third quarter 2020 earnings in a press release to be issued after the market closes on Tuesday, October 27, 2020.Senior management will hold a conference call for its third quarter 2020 earnings on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. Pacific Time (“PT”). Conference call access information is as follows:Toll Free Number: 1 (877) 868-5513Pass Code: 7475607A telephonic replay of the conference call will be available beginning at 2:00 p.m. PT on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 through Wednesday, November 4, 2020. Replay access information is as follows:Toll Free Number: 1 (855) 859-2056Pass Code: 7475607About American Assets Trust, Inc. American Assets Trust, Inc. is a full service, vertically integrated and...
Reginn hf.: Niðurstöður forgangsréttarútboðs í Reginn hf.
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Forgangsréttarútboð Regins hf. á 40.000.000 nýjum hlutum lauk í dag kl 17:00. Forgangsréttarhöfum voru boðnir 40.000.000 nýir hlutir til kaups á genginu 15,0 á hvern hlut. Útboðið var undanþegið lýsingu en skilmálar útboðsins voru birtir þann 14. september sl. Fyrirtækjaráðgjöf Íslandsbanka hf. var umsjónaraðili útboðsins.Rúmlega fjórföld eftirspurn var eftir nýjum hlutum frá forgangsréttarhöfum eða alls 171.132.236 hlutum. Alls var úthlutað 40.000.000 nýjum hlutum til forgangsréttarhafa eða samtals kr. 600.000.000 að heildarvirði en þar er um að ræða áskrift að öllum þeim nýju hlutum sem boðnir voru í útboðinu. Fjárfestum verður að öðru leyti tilkynnt um úthlutanir í útboðinu á morgun, þann 29. september og verður úthlutun hvers og eins aðgengileg á áskriftarvef útboðsins á vef Íslandsbanka á slóðinni
Giga-tronics Names Thomas E. Vickers to Board of Directors
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DUBLIN, Calif., Sept. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Giga-tronics Incorporated (OTCQB: GIGA) (the “Company”) today announced the appointment of Thomas E. Vickers to its Board of Directors.Mr. Vickers has more than 35 years of experience in corporate finance and operations management. Presently, he is the President of Stack Financial Inc., a finance and accounting advisory firm that provides family office, CFO on demand, finance and accounting services to various clients. Previously, he served as Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of Human Resources for OmniComm Systems Inc., a healthcare technology company, where he was a key member of the executive team that successfully completed that company’s acquisition by Anju Software. At OmniComm he had primary responsibility for planning, implementing, managing and controlling...
REITIR: Stjórn nýtir heimild til hlutafjáraukningar
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Á fundi sínum í dag ákvað stjórn Reita fasteignafélags hf. („Reita“) að nýta heimild þá sem hluthafafundur 22. september 2020 veitti henni til að hækka hlutafé félagsins um allt að 120.000.000 hluti. Fékk stjórn heimild til að ákvarða útboðsgengi hluta, áskriftar- og greiðslufresti og sölureglur útboðsins að öðru leyti.Heildarfjöldi útgefinna hluta í Reitum er 658.476.201 kr. og hyggst félagið gefa út 120.000.000 nýja hluti til viðbótar. Hver hlutur er 1 króna að nafnverði. Viðskipti með hina nýju hluti verða í kerfum Nasdaq Iceland undir auðkenninu REITIR (ISIN: IS0000020352).Hlutafjárhækkunin mun fara fram á grundvelli almenns hlutafjárútboðs til að safna áskriftum að hinum nýju hlutum þar sem hluthafar Reita njóta forgangs að hinum nýju hlutum, en að forgangsrétti frágengnum verða hinir nýju hlutir boðnir almennum fjárfestum í almennu...
Stryker to host conference call on October 29, 2020
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Kalamazoo, Mchigan, Sept. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Stryker (NYSE:SYK) announced that it will host a conference call on Thursday, October 29, 2020 at 4:30 p.m., Eastern Time, to discuss the Company’s operating results for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 and provide an operational update. Final operating results for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 will be released at 4:05 p.m. that day.To participate in the conference call dial (877) 702-4565 (domestic) or (647) 689-5532 (international) and be prepared to provide conference ID number 5297589 to the operator.A simultaneous webcast of the call will be accessible via the Company’s website at The call will be archived on the Investor Relations page of this site.A recording of the call will also be available from 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on Thursday,...
Voyageur Mineral Explorers Corp. Extends Expiry Date of Warrants
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TORONTO, Sept. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Voyageur Mineral Explorers Corp. (“Voyageur” or the “Company”) (CSE:YOY) announces that it will extend the expiry date by one year of a total of 3,584,500 common share purchase warrants (collectively, the “Warrants”) which were issued pursuant to certain private placements of the Company which closed on December 31, 2018, October 8, 2019 and October 18, 2019, respectively. The terms of the Warrants are as follows:All other terms of the Warrants remain the same.Pursuant to Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions (“MI 61-101”), the extension of the term of the Warrants held by insiders constitute a “related party transaction”. The transaction is exempt from the formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements in Sections...
Excelitas Technologies Acquires SolidTRON Product Line from Silicon Power Corp.
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Expands Defense and Aerospace Technology with Solid-State Discrete Firing Switches and Pulsed Power ProductsWALTHAM, Mass., Sept. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Excelitas Technologies® Corp., a global technology leader delivering innovative, customized photonic solutions across a wide range of market sectors, has completed the purchase of the SolidTRON™ product line from Silicon Power Corp. (Malvern, PA, USA). SolidTRON expands Excelitas’ defense and aerospace technology to include solid-state discrete firing switches and pulsed power products.SolidTRON will operate as a separate product line within Excelitas’ Advanced Electronic Systems (AES) business unit. After the acquisition, the SolidTRON team will continue operating from its current 18,800 square-foot facility in Malvern, PA.“We are very pleased to bring SolidTRON’s solid-state...
IPL Plastics Inc. Announces Voting Results from Special Meeting of Shareholders
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MONTREAL, Sept. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IPL Plastics Inc. (“IPLP” or the “Company”) (TSX: IPLP) today announced the positive outcome of the shareholder (“Shareholders”) vote at today’s special meeting of the Shareholders (the “Meeting”) regarding the previously announced plan of arrangement (the “Arrangement”) pursuant to which Intelligent Packaging Limited Purchaser Inc. (the “Purchaser”), an entity controlled by certain funds managed by Madison Dearborn Partners, LLC (“MDP”), will acquire all of the outstanding shares of the Company (the “Shares”) for C$10.00 in cash per share.Approximately 99.95% of the Shares voted at the Meeting were voted in favour of the special resolution approving the Arrangement (99.93% of the Shares voted in favour of the Arrangement, excluding Shares required to be excluded pursuant to Regulation...
Plastiques IPL Inc. annonce les résultats du vote tenu lors de l’assemblée extraordinaire des actionnaires
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MONTRÉAL, 28 sept. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Plastiques IPL Inc. (« IPLP » ou la « Société ») (TSX : IPLP) a annoncé aujourd’hui l’issue positive du vote des actionnaires (les « actionnaires ») qui a eu lieu aujourd’hui à l’assemblée extraordinaire des actionnaires (l’« assemblée ») concernant le plan d’arrangement précédemment annoncé (l’« arrangement »), aux termes duquel Intelligent Packaging Limited Purchaser Inc. (l’« acquéreur »), entité contrôlée par certains fonds gérés par Madison Dearborn Partners, LLC (« MDP »), acquerra toutes les actions en circulation de la Société (les « actions ») au prix de 10,00 $ CA en espèces chacune.Environ 99,95 % des droits de vote rattachés aux actions exercés à l’assemblée étaient en faveur de la résolution spéciale approuvant l’arrangement (99,93 % des droits de vote rattachés aux actions...