Day: September 28, 2020
Today the Board of Directors of Kvika banki and the Board of Directors of TM agreed to commence discussions on the merger of the two companies. Discussions are based on the premises that TM will become Kvika banki‘s subsidiary and that Lykill fjármögnun hf., TM‘s subsidiary, will merge with Kvika banki. It is also expected that TM‘s shareholders will receive a 55% share in the merged company in return for their shares in TM, based on the companies‘ issued share capital today.Discussions will take place in the coming weeks as well as due diligence procedures. Since both companies are issuers of listed securities, and as such have an ongoing disclosure obligation, the due diligence process is not expected to take long. The forthcoming merger is subject to the approval of relevant supervisory authorities and shareholders of both companies.The...
Kvika banki hf.: Viðræður um sameiningu Kviku banka hf. og TM hf.
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Í dag samþykktu stjórnir Kviku banka og TM að hefja viðræður um sameiningu félaganna. Forsendur viðræðna byggjast á því að TM verði dótturfélag Kviku banka og að Lykill fjármögnun hf., núverandi dótturfélag TM, sameinist Kviku banka. Þá er gert ráð fyrir að hluthafar í TM fái sem endurgjald fyrir hlutabréf sín í TM 55% hlut í sameinuðu félagi miðað við útgefna hluti félaganna í dag.Viðræðurnar munu fara fram á næstu vikum, ásamt því sem gagnkvæmar áreiðanleikakannanir verða framkvæmdar. Þar sem bæði félög búa við viðvarandi upplýsingaskyldu sem útgefendur skráðra verðbréfa er ekki gert ráð fyrir að sú vinna taki langan tíma. Væntanleg sameining er háð samþykki eftirlitsaðila og hluthafa beggja félaga.Stjórnir félaganna telja raunhæft að ná fram eins milljarðs króna kostnaðarsamlegð með sameiningu félaganna, án viðskipta- og einskiptiskostnaðar....
MT Højgaard Holding A/S: MT Højgaard Danmark wins tender for new DSB workshops
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MT Højgaard Holding’s business unit, MT Højgaard Danmark, has been granted a contract by DSB following expiration of the standstill period in DSB’s tender pertaining to workshops for the new electric trains to be deployed on regional and national railway lines. The tender is divided into three phases, and if MT Højgaard Danmark qualifies for all phases, as expected, the tender’s total value amounts to DKK 1.6 billion until the end of 2025.The tender potentially comprises turnkey contracts for the construction of two workshops with related infrastructure in Copenhagen and Aarhus as well as conversion and extension of an existing workshop in Copenhagen. The project aims to ensure that the three workshops are environmentally certified in accordance with the DGNB standard.The phases of the tender are:Phase 0: Establish cooperation and common...
MT Højgaard Holding A/S: MT Højgaard Danmark vinder udbud på værksteder til DSB
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MT Højgaard Holdings forretningsenhed, MT Højgaard Danmark, er netop blevet tildelt en kontrakt af DSB i forlængelse af udløb af standstill-perioden i DSB’s udbud vedrørende værksteder til de nye elektriske tog, der skal indsættes på regionale og nationale banestrækninger. Udbuddet er opdelt i tre faser, og hvis MT Højgaard Danmark som ventet kvalificerer sig til alle faser, har udbuddet en samlet værdi på 1,6 mia. kr. frem til udgangen af 2025.Faserne i udbuddet er:Fase 0: Etablering af samarbejde og fælles målsætninger samt indgåelse af samarbejdsaftale.Fase 1: Samarbejdsfase med det formål at optimere og konkretisere hvert projekts økonomi og tidshorisont samt nedbringe risikoprofilen.Fase 2: Totalentreprise med færdigprojektering og udførelse af hvert af de tre projekter.DSB vil med tidlig involvering af totalentreprenøren sikre, at...
KYN Announces Name Change to Kayne Anderson Energy Infrastructure Fund
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HOUSTON, Sept. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Kayne Anderson Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc. (NYSE: KYN) (the “Company”) announced today that the Company’s name has been changed from Kayne Anderson MLP/Midstream Investment Company to Kayne Anderson Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc. KYN previously announced its plan to make this change when it provided a strategic update in July 2020. The changes to certain of KYN’s non-fundamental investment policies, which were also announced as part of the strategic update, take effect today as well.The Company, which is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”), will begin trading under its new name on September 29, 2020. It will continue to trade under the ticker symbol KYN.Kayne Anderson Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc. (NYSE: KYN) is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company...
KMF Announces Name Change to Kayne Anderson NextGen Energy & Infrastructure
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HOUSTON, Sept. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Kayne Anderson NextGen Energy & Infrastructure, Inc. (NYSE: KMF) (the “Fund”) announced today that the Fund’s name has been changed from Kayne Anderson Midstream/Energy Fund, Inc. to Kayne Anderson NextGen Energy & Infrastructure, Inc. KMF previously announced its plan to make this change when it provided a strategic update in July 2020. The changes to certain of KMF’s non-fundamental investment policies, which were also announced as part of the strategic update, take effect today as well.The Fund, which is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”), will begin trading under its new name on September 29, 2020. It will continue to trade under the ticker symbol KMF.Kayne Anderson NextGen Energy & Infrastructure, Inc. (NYSE: KMF) is a non-diversified, closed-end management...
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London, Sept. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp. II announced today that it has filed a registration statement on Form S-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission for its initial public offering of $150 million. EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp. II has applied to list its units on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker symbol “EDTXU.” Jefferies LLC is acting as sole book-running manager of the offering and Macquarie Capital (USA) Inc. is acting as the lead manager of the offering.EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp. II is a newly formed blank check company. EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp. II intends to focus its search for target businesses in the education, training, reskilling, human capital and education technology industries. A registration statement relating to these securities...
89bio to Present at Upcoming Investor Conference
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SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 89bio, Inc. (Nasdaq: ETNB), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative therapies for the treatment of liver and cardio-metabolic diseases, today announced that Rohan Palekar, the company’s Chief Executive Officer, will present at the H.C. Wainwright 4th Annual NASH Investor Conference on Monday, October 5, 2020 at 11:30 AM ET.The live and archived webcast of the presentation will be accessible from the company’s website at The replay of the webcast will be available on the company’s website.About 89bio89bio is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative therapies for the treatment of liver and cardio-metabolic diseases....
Aziyo Biologics Announces Appointment of Chief Financial Officer
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SILVER SPRING, Md., Sept. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aziyo Biologics, Inc. (“Aziyo”), a commercial-stage regenerative medicine company focused on creating the next generation of differentiated products and improving outcomes in patients undergoing surgery, announced today that Matthew Ferguson has been appointed Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective immediately.“We are extremely pleased to welcome a strong leader like Matt to the Aziyo team at such an important point in our business’ growth. His financial acumen and wide-ranging experience with medical device and technology companies will be a key asset as we work with customers to continue exploring and advancing opportunities in regenerative medicine,” said Ron Lloyd, President and CEO.Mr. Ferguson brings more than 20 years of financial leadership to the Aziyo team, including...
Mercer International Inc. to Present at Upcoming TD Securities 2020 Forest Products Virtual Conference
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NEW YORK, Sept. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mercer International Inc. (Nasdaq: MERC) today announced that David M. Gandossi, President and CEO, will be presenting at the following upcoming conference:TD Securities Forest Products Virtual ConferenceWednesday, September 30th, 2020Presentation at 1:30 PM EDTA copy of the presentation will be posted in the “Investors – Current Documents” section on the Company’s web site ( on the morning of the event.A webcast of the presentation will be available to conference participants at Please register with TD securities in advance to access the webcast.At Mercer International Inc., we are exceptional people creating bioproducts for a more sustainable world. We are a diversified...