Day: September 24, 2020
LAFOX, Ill., Sept. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Richardson Electronics, Ltd. (NASDAQ: RELL) announced today the availability of General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems’ high-energy capacitors for pulse power.General Atomics’ high-energy capacitors for pulse power are exceptionally reliable and capable of handling even the most demanding applications. Solutions are available from 1KV-100KV, with custom types available to 2MV. The metal case variety is self-healing and has high-peak current microsecond discharge capabilities, while the plastic case variety is compact for high voltage and low inductance. The capacitors manufactured by the General Atomics EMS Team are the acknowledged standard for military, medical, industrial, and transportation markets that require the ability to operate over a wide temperature range and...
ContextVision – Company presentation held at shareholder Webinar
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Stockholm, September 24th, 2020 – Today ContextVision presented the company at a shareholder webinar arranged by Norne and ContextVision.CEO Fredrik Palm gave an update of the company’s development and shared the company’s future direction. Please find a PDF-version of the presentation attached. The presentation will also be published on the company’s website.For further information, please contact ContextVision’s CEO, Fredrik Palm, at +46 76 870 25 43 or visit ContextVisionContextVision is a medical technology software company specialized in image analysis and artificial intelligence. As the global market leader within image enhancement, we are a trusted partner to leading manufacturers of ultrasound, X-ray and MRI equipment around the world.Our expertise is to develop powerful software products,...
Siili Solutions Oyj:n osakkeenomistajien nimitystoimikunta valitsi puheenjohtajan
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Siili Solutions Oyj Pörssitiedote 24.9.2020 kello 17:45Siili Solutions Oyj:n osakkeenomistajien nimityskunta valitsi tänään keskuudestaan puheenjohtajaksi Heikki Hasselin. Siili Solutions Oyj:n osakkeenomistajien nimitystoimikuntaan kuuluvat:Heikki Hassel, Lamy Oy (puheenjohtaja)Timo Luhtaniemi, Erina OyPaavo Ahonen, Keskinäinen Työeläkevakuutusyhtiö EloEsko Torsti, Keskinäinen Eläkevakuutusyhtiö IlmarinenHarry Brade, Siili Solutions Oyj:n hallituksen puheenjohtajaLisätietoja:Johtaja, lakiasiat ja sijoittajasuhteet Hanna SeppänenPuhelin: 045 635 7416, sähköposti: hanna.seppanen(at)siili.comJakelu:Nasdaq Helsinki OyKeskeiset tiedotusvä Solutions lyhyesti:Siili Solutions Oyj on uuden ajan ohjelmistointegraattori ja digitaalisten palveluiden kumppani, joka tuottaa koko tietojärjestelmän kattavia teknologiariippumattomia...
Aegion Corporation Awarded Contract to Rehabilitate 7,000 Linear Feet of Pressurized Water Pipelines in Virginia using Thermopipe® Technology
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ST. LOUIS, Sept. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aegion Corporation (NASDAQ:AEGN) today announced that its subsidiary, Insituform Technologies, has been awarded a contract to rehabilitate more than 7,000 linear feet of pressurized water pipelines in Portsmouth, Virginia. The project includes 3,525 linear feet of 8-inch cast iron fire-suppression system pipeline; 1,700 linear feet of 8-inch cast iron drain lines; and 1,464 linear feet of 8-inch cast iron drain lines in maintenance tunnels under a tunnel roadway.Insituform will utilize Thermopipe®, Aegion’s proprietary, high-tenacity, polyester-reinforced liner suited for the rehabilitation of potable and non-potable water mains and other pressurized piping systems up to 12 inches in diameter. Once installed, the liner forms a close-fit within the host pipe, creating a jointless, leak-free...
UPS Appoints Nikki Clifton To Lead The UPS Foundation, Announces Retirement Of Ed Martinez After 44 Years Of Distinguished Service
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ATLANTA, Sept. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — UPS (NYSE:UPS) today announced the appointment of Nicole “Nikki” Clifton as President of Social Impact and The UPS Foundation, effective November 1, and the retirement of Eduardo “Ed” Martinez. Nikki will lead UPS’s global philanthropy, social impact and community engagement efforts as part of UPS’s new Corporate Affairs, Communications and Sustainability team.
DSG Global, Subsidiary Imperium Motor Corp. Enhances Product Portfolio With the New ET5 High Speed SUV Electric Vehicle
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Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, Sept. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DSG Global Inc. (OTCQB: DSGT) (“DSGT”), and subsidiary automobile division Imperium Motor Corp., announced that they have placed the initial order for electric vehicles. This includes a combination of the all new High-Speed SUV including the ET5 and other new models as well as our Low Speed Vehicles“We are excited to begin receiving vehicles for our marketplace in North America and other selected markets. We will begin to finalize our extensive dealer network and expect to sell large volumes of electric vehicles in Q4 2020 and beyond. Imperium also continues to pursue manufacturers and charging station partners which will allow us to leverage our competitive advantages across several electric vehicle vertical markets and become one of the leaders in electric vehicle...
Orange Belgium invites investors and analysts to participate to its Q3 results conference call on October 23, 2020
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Orange Belgium will publish its results for the third quarter of 2020 on Friday, October 23 at 07:00 CET.Orange Belgium Investor Relations is pleased to invite investors and analysts to participate in a conference call hosted by:Xavier Pichon, CEOArnaud Castille, CFOKoen Van Mol, Investor RelationsThe conference will start at 2:00 pm CET (1:00 pm UK / 8:00 am EST).To access the call, please dial one of the following numbers 5-10 minutes prior to the start of the conference call in order to avoid waiting time. Consequently register with following pin code: 62928188# and provide your name and the company you work for.The recorded session will be available after the conference call and can be downloaded from our website. You will find the link to access the recorded session on the website below.The press release for the third quarter of...
Orange Belgium nodigt investeerders en analisten uit om deel te nemen aan een conference call op 23 oktober n.a.v. de resultaten van het derde kwartaal 2020
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Orange Belgium zal zijn resultaten voor het derde kwartaal 2020 op vrijdag 23 oktober om 7:00 lokale tijd publiceren.Het Investor Relations team van Orange Belgium is verheugd investeerders en analisten uit te nodigen voor een conference call naar aanleiding van de financiële resultaten. De conferentie zal worden voorgezeten door:Xavier Pichon, CEOArnaud Castille, CFOKoen Van Mol, Investor RelationsDe conferentie start om 14:00 lokale tijd (13:00 UK / 08:00 EST). Om toegang te krijgen tot de conferentie, gelieve in te bellen op één van de volgende nummers. Mogen we U vragen om 5-10 minuten voorafgaand aan de start van de conferentie in te bellen om eventuele onvoorziene wachttijden te voorkomen? Vervolgens kan U registreren met volgende pincode: 62928188# en het verstrekken van uw naam en het bedrijf waar U werkt. De opgenomen sessie...
Orange Belgium invite les investisseurs et les analystes à prendre part à la conférence téléphonique organisée le 23 octobre 2020 dans le cadre de ses résultats du troisième trimestre 2020
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Orange Belgium communiquera ses résultats pour le troisième trimestre 2020 le vendredi 23 octobre à 07h00 CET.L’équipe Relations Investisseurs d’Orange Belgium a le plaisir d’inviter les investisseurs et les analystes à prendre part à la conférence téléphonique donnée par:Xavier Pichon, CEOArnaud Castille, CFOKoen Van Mol, Investor Relations La conférence débutera à 14h00 CET (13h00 UK / 8h00 EST). Pour y prendre part, veuillez former un des numéros repris dans le tableau ci-dessous 5-10 minutes avant le début de la conférence afin d’éviter tout temps d’attente. Il vous faudra ensuite donner le code pin: 62928188# ainsi que votre nom et la société pour laquelle vous travaillez.L’enregistrement de la conférence téléphonique sera disponible après la conférence et pourra être téléchargé depuis notre site internet. Vous trouverez le lien...
Intrado Life & Safety Announces Live Virtual Public Safety Event: 911 Live | The Frontline
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Event to be held October 6-7, 2020, featuring panel discussions, use cases, and live Q&A with several renowned public safety industry expertsOMAHA, Neb., Sept. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Intrado Corporation (“Intrado” or the “Company”), a global leader in technology-enabled services, will host a two-day virtual event for the public safety community that will explore the emerging technologies and trends impacting the future of emergency communications. This is a free event open to anyone interested in public safety.911 Live | The Frontline features a wide variety of thought leaders and stakeholders within the public safety and emergency communications space. Technology partners, government agencies, and industry associations scheduled to present include: Intrado, ADT, Microsoft, RapidSOS, and the National Emergency Number Association...