Day: September 23, 2020
0_RapportFinancier Semestriel_Tivoly_1S2020 Pièce jointe0_RapportFinancier Semestriel_Tivoly_1S2020
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ORDINARY AND EXTRAORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS’GENERAL MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 23, 2020Bernin (Grenoble), France, September 23, 2020 – Soitec (Euronext Paris), a world leader in designing and manufacturing innovative semiconductor materials, today announces that its shareholders held today an Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting on first notice, under the chairmanship of Eric Meurice.A 71% quorum has been reached and all proposed resolutions have been approved.The minutes, detailed result of the vote and the slide-show of the Shareholders’ General Meeting will shortly be made available on the Company’s website ( under the section Company – Investors – Shareholders information – Annual General Meeting – 2020 – O&EGM September 23, 2020.About SoitecSoitec (Euronext, Paris) is a world leader...
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ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ORDINAIRE ET EXTRAORDINAIRE DES ACTIONNAIRES DU 23 SEPTEMBRE 2020Bernin (Grenoble), France, le 23 septembre 2020 – Soitec (Euronext Paris), un leader mondial de la conception et de la production de matériaux semi-conducteurs innovants, annonce que ses actionnaires se sont réunis aujourd’hui en Assemblée Générale Ordinaire et Extraordinaire sur première convocation, sous la présidence d’Eric Meurice.Un quorum de 71% a été atteint, et l’ensemble des résolutions présentées ont été approuvées.Le procès-verbal, le résultat détaillé du vote ainsi que la présentation de l’Assemblée Générale seront rapidement mis en ligne sur le site internet de la Société ( à la rubrique Entreprise – Investisseurs – Informations actionnaires – Assemblées Générales – 2020 – AGOE 23 septembre 2020.A...
CP Modalités de mise à disposition du Rapport Financier semestriel 1S2020
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Communiqué de presse Tours en Savoie, le 23 septembre 2020TIVOLYSociété Anonyme au capital de 11 079 900 eurosSiège Social : 266 route Portes de Tarentaise 73790 Tours-en-SavoieR.C.S. Chambéry : 076 120 021Communiqué de mise à disposition du rapport financier semestriel 1er semestre 2020 Nous vous informons avoir mis à la disposition du public et déposé auprès de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers le rapport financier semestriel du 1er semestre 2020.Ce rapport peut être consulté sur le site internet de la société à l’adresse dans la rubrique « Rapports financiers » de la partie du site dédiée aux investisseurs (Groupe).TIVOLY est un groupe industriel qui a pour vocation la conception, la production et la commercialisation d’outils de coupe et de produits et services associés...
Ovaro Kiinteistösijoitus Oyj: OMIEN OSAKKEIDEN HANKINTA 23.9.2020
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IZEA Shake™ Streaming Event On September 30th
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Orlando, Florida, Sept. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA), the premier provider of influencer marketing technology, data, and services for the world’s leading brands, begins the final countdown to a streaming event to unveil Shake, a new online marketplace that allows creators of all types to offer their services, delivered digitally, for a self-determined price.Join IZEA’s Founder and CEO, Ted Murphy, as he provides an overview of the Shake platform, which allows influencers, photographers, writers, musicians, and more to sell digital services to marketers and individual buyers. Creators list available “Shakes” on their accounts in the platform and marketers select and purchase creative packages from them through a streamlined chat experience, assisted by ShakeBot™ – a proprietary, artificial...
Notification of Major Interest in Shares
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Davidson Kempner Capital Management LP : Form 8.3 – Willis Towers Watson PLC
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Ap19FORM 8.3IRISH TAKEOVER PANELDISCLOSURE UNDER RULE 8.3 OF THE IRISH TAKEOVER PANEL ACT, 1997, TAKEOVER RULES, 2013DEALINGS BY PERSONS WITH INTERESTS IN RELEVANT SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MOREKEY INFORMATIONINTERESTS AND SHORT POSITIONSInterests and short positions (following dealing) in the class of relevant security dealt in (Note 3)Interests and short positions in relevant securities of the company, other than the class dealt in (Note 3)Ap20DEALINGS (Note 4)Purchases and salesDerivatives transactions (other than options transactions)Options transactions in respect of existing relevant securitiesWriting, selling, purchasing or varyingExercisingOther dealings (including transactions in respect of new securities) (Note 4)Ap212. OTHER INFORMATIONAgreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivativesFull...
U.S. Global Investors Announces the Continuation of Monthly GROW Dividends and Expanding Margins with Rising Total Assets Now Over $2.2 Billion
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San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — U.S. Global Investors, Inc. (NASDAQ: GROW) (the “Company”), a boutique registered investment advisory firm with longstanding experience in global markets and specialized sectors, is happy to announce it will continue its payment of a monthly dividend for the second fiscal quarter of 2021. The Company has paid a monthly dividend since June 2007. The Company is also pleased to announce operating margin expansion for the quarter ending September 30, 2020. As of June 30, 2020, the Company’s assets under management (AUM) were $1.7 billion, a more than threefold increase from a year earlier. Correspondingly, total operating revenue has risen above the average revenue from the previous four quarters, reflecting the momentum in new fund flows. Quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year results...
Teledyne DALSA 推出专用于皮肤温度升高筛查的热感相机
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加拿大滑铁卢, Sept. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 数字成像技术的全球领导者,Teledyne Technologies [NYSE:TDY] 公司旗下的 Teledyne DALSA 推出专用于皮肤温度升高筛查的 GXF 机型,它是 Calibir 相机系列的新成员。此款相机在 Calibir GXM 机型的基础上进行了优化,测量精度更高,并且在人体温度检测范围内可以保持更佳的热稳定性。相机提供 VGA 或 QVGA 级别分辨率并配置不同的镜头,可覆盖 24-70 度之间的水平视野范围。包括新型 GXF 相机在内的系统正在等待 IEC 80601-2-59-2017 认证。新款 GXF 相机与 Calibir GXM 机型都符合 NDAA 第 889 条的规定。现可提供产品样本。如需了解更多信息或获取产品,请联系:业务发展总监 Arnaud Crastes,,+33 607 151 297Teledyne DALSA 是 Teledyne Imaging 集团的一部分,在机器视觉市场中是设计、制造和部署数字成像组件的全球领导厂商。Teledyne DALSA 成像传感器、相机、智能相机、图像采集卡、软件和视觉解决方案应用于全球成千上万台自动检测系统并且跨越多种产业,包括半导体、太阳能电池、平板显示、电子产品、汽车、医疗、包装和一般制造等。如需更多信息,请访问。Teledyne Imaging 是由 Teledyne 品牌旗下多家顶尖公司组成的集团。Teledyne Imaging 在各个领域具备无可比拟的专业知识以及数十年的丰富经验。每家公司均可提供一流的解决方案。各公司联合起来作为一个整体,可充分利用彼此的优势,提供全球最先进、最广泛的成像和相关技术组合方案。从航空航天到工业检查、科学研究、光谱学、放射线照相和放射疗法、地理空间测量以及先进的...