Day: September 23, 2020
The Recylex Group (Euronext Paris: FR0000120388 – RX) publishes today an information as of September 23, 2020.As a reminder1, the Recylex share listing remains suspended until the company is able to reliably communicate on its going concern outlook. This depends on several structuring items2 which are currently being worked on, approached or constantly monitored by the management team, and more particularly:The ability of Weser-Metall GmbH to continue its activities and, depending on its strategic orientations following its insolvency procedure, to continue to source secondary materials from Recylex S.A., Weser-Metall GmbH being Recylex S.A.’s main customer,The restructuring of Recylex S.A.’s financial and non-financial debt in order to ensure that the cost of short and medium-term debt is compatible in the future with...
Information au 23 septembre 2020
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Le groupe Recylex (Euronext Paris : FR0000120388 – RX) publie aujourd’hui un point d’information au 23 septembre 2020.Pour rappel1, la suspension de la cotation de l’action Recylex reste maintenue jusqu’à ce que la société soit en mesure de communiquer de manière fiable sur ses perspectives de continuité d’exploitation. Celles-ci sont dépendantes de plusieurs facteurs structurants2 qui font actuellement l’objet de travaux, de démarches et d’un suivi constant de la part de l’équipe de direction, et plus particulièrement :La capacité de Weser-Metall GmbH à poursuivre son activité et, en fonction de ses orientations stratégiques à l’issue de sa procédure d’insolvabilité, à continuer à s’approvisionner en matières secondaires auprès de Recylex S.A., Weser Metall GmbH étant le principal client de Recylex S.A.,La restructuration...
Bolt Metals Corp. Completes Share Consolidation
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bolt Metals Corp. (CSE: BOLT; FRANKFURT: NXFE; OTCQB: PCRCF) (the “Company” or “Bolt”) announces that at market open on Thursday, September 24, 2020, its common shares will begin trading on a six and one-half (6.5) old for one (1) new share consolidated basis.There are currently 79,467,726 common shares issued and outstanding. Upon consolidation, there will be approximately 12,225,804 common shares issued and outstanding. The exact number of post-consolidated shares will vary depending on the treatment of fractional shares, which will occur when each shareholder’s holdings in the Company are consolidated. The Company will not issue any fractional common shares as a result of the consolidation. Instead, all fractional shares resulting from the consolidation will...
Kandi Technologies to Participate at ICA Asia Insights Forum
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JINHUA, CHINA, Sept. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (Kandi Technologies Group, Inc. (the “Company,” “we” or “Kandi”) (NASDAQ GS: KNDI), today announced that it will host virtual meetings with investors at the ICA Asia Insights Forum on Friday, September 25, 2020, Beijing Time.Interested investors who wish to request a meeting should contact ICA Conference’s coporate access at ICAInstitutional Capital Advisory (“ICA”) is a leading one-stop capital market solutions platform for companies and investors. We partner with corporates to accelerate their capital market development and to create sustainable shareholder value through a technology and data driven approach. Besides investor relations, we offer diversified and inclusive corporate access to institutional investors worldwide. Expand your global...
Solutions 30 : Half-year results 2020
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Operational performance remains resilientHalf-year revenue up by 14.1% to €363.7 millionEBITDA margin at 11.4%Net cash position of €45.9 million, the result of careful cash management during an unprecedented pandemicReturn to sustained growth as from June 2020Dynamic organic growth expected in H2 with a solid 3rd quarterStronger long-term prospects, with the health crisis acting as a catalyst for digital transformation and energy transition Solutions 30 SE today announces its consolidated results for the first six months of 2020, prepared in accordance with IFRS(1).Key figures(2)14% revenue growthAfter a strong start to the year, lockdown measures, travel restrictions, and the closure of some businesses disrupted Solutions 30’s activities from mid-March to mid-May. Over these two months, revenue was 35% lower than pre-Covid levels. As...
Solutions 30 : Résultats semestriels 2020
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Bonne résistance des performances opérationnellesCroissance de 14,1% du chiffre d’affaires semestriel à 363,7 M€Marge d’EBITDA à 11,4%Excédent net de trésorerie de 45,9 M€, résultat d’une gestion particulièrement attentive de la trésorerie dans un contexte inéditReprise d’une croissance soutenue dès le mois de juin 2020Une deuxième moitié d’exercice attendue en croissance organique dynamique avec un solide 3ème trimestreDes perspectives de long terme renforcées, la crise sanitaire servant de catalyseur à la transformation numérique et à la transition énergétique Solutions 30 SE publie ce jour ses résultats consolidés pour le 1er semestre 2020, établis conformément aux Normes IFRS(1).Chiffres clés(2)Croissance de 14% du chiffre d’affairesAprès un bon début d’exercice, les mesures de confinement, de restriction des déplacements et de fermetures...
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FLEURY MICHONFLEURY MICHON A CEDE SA PARTICIPATION DE 50% AU SEIN DE LA SOCIETE ITALIENNE PIATTI FRESCHI ITALIA AU GROUPE BERETTAPouzauges, le mercredi 23 septembre 2020, après bourseComme indiqué dans le communiqué publié le mercredi 16 septembre avant bourse, le groupe Fleury Michon et le groupe Beretta ont conclu le mardi 15 septembre 2020 un protocole d’accord portant sur la cession de l’intégralité des titres PFI détenus par Fleury Michon (50% du capital social), à la société Mariofelice S.P.A., société mère du groupe Beretta. Le mercredi 23 septembre 2020, l’acte notarié finalisant la transaction a été signé en Italie par l’ensemble des parties.Depuis 2018, de nombreux évènements sont venus perturber l’activité du groupe PFI et ont contribué à des pertes d’exploitation importantes. En 2019 le groupe italien a enregistré une perte...
Reliance Global Group Acquires Premier Regional Transportation Insurance Agency
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Marks seventh successful agency acquisition in under 2 years LAKEWOOD, NJ, Sept. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — Reliance Global Group, Inc. (OTCQB: RELI) (“RELI” or the “Company”), today announced that it has acquired the assets of UIS Agency, LLC (UIS), a premier regional insurance agency serving the commercial transportation industry.Ezra Beyman, CEO of Reliance Global Group, stated, “UIS is a perfect addition to our insurance agency portfolio, as they complement our existing holdings, which includes auto transport/towing, and commercial transportation insurance. Premium rates in the transportation sector have increased steadily in recent years, driven primarily by the trucking segment. UIS has been a leader in the field for over 20 years and brings established relationships...
Guerbet: 2020 Half-year results
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2020 half-year resultsRevenue affected by the COVID crisis-9.2% at current exchange rates at €363.7 million-8.4% at constant exchange rates (CER)1 at €367.1 millionSatisfactory results in the midst of COVIDStrict management of operating costsEBITDA margin rate of 14.7% of revenueOperating income of €25.4 million Net income of €8.2 millionImprovement of the already very solid financial structureSharp improvement in WCRCash flow generation increaseNet debt decreaseContinued transformation of the GroupDevelopment strategy roadmap maintained: diagnostic imaging, interventional imaging, digital solutions, and artificial intelligenceReinforcement of the Executive Committee2020 objectives: EBITDA margin around 14%Second-half revenue comparable with the first half, leading to a decrease of approximately 10% over the year at CERLong-term reduction...
GUERBET: Résultats semestriels 2020
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Résultats semestriels 2020Chiffre d’affaires affecté par la crise sanitaire-9,2% à taux de change courant à 363,7 M€-8,4% à taux de change constant (TCC)1 à 367,1 M€Résultats satisfaisants dans le contexte du COVIDEncadrement strict des coûts opérationnelsTaux de marge d’EBITDA à 14,7% du chiffre d’affairesRésultat opérationnel à 25,4 M€ Résultat net de 8,2 M€Amélioration de la structure financière déjà très saineForte amélioration du BFRGénération de cash-flow en hausseBaisse de l’endettement net Poursuite de la transformation du GroupeMaintien de la roadmap de notre stratégie de développement : imagerie diagnostique, imagerie interventionnelle, solutions digitales et intelligence artificielleRenforcement du COMEXObjectifs 2020 : marge EBITDA autour de 14%Chiffre d’affaires du 2nd semestre comparable au 1er semestre conduisant à une...