Day: September 23, 2020
San Francisco, California, Sept. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — US Capital Global is pleased to announce the expansion of its Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) division, ushered by the appointment of Jeff Sayer as its Managing Director. Mr. Sayer is a global transactions leader who will direct all mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and divestitures at US Capital Global.Headquartered in San Francisco with offices in London, US Capital Global is a full-service private financial group with an established track record in corporate finance, asset management, and capital formation services. All private placements, securities, and other related services are offered by the group’s FINRA-registered broker-dealer affiliate, US Capital Global Securities LLC.With deep experience in global M&A, structured finance, and family offices,...
Virtusa Named a Leader in Digital Process Automation by Independent Research Firm
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SOUTHBOROUGH, Mass., Sept. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Virtusa Corporation (NASDAQ GS: VRTU), a global provider of digital strategy, digital engineering, and IT services and solutions that help clients change and disrupt markets through innovation engineering, announced that Forrester Research has named Virtusa a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Digital Process Automation Service Providers, Q3 2020 evaluation.The Forrester Wave evaluates the most significant providers in the Digital Process Automation (DPA) marketplace and shows how each provider measures up against changing customer expectations to help technology and business decision makers select the right provider for their DPA low-code/no-code needs. Forrester evaluated 13 DPA Service Providers, and Virtusa was positioned as a Leader based on the scores in the current offering,...
HOPSCOTCH GROUPE : résultats semestriels 2020
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Communiqué de presseParis, le 23 septembre 2020HOPSCOTCH Groupe, résultats semestriels 2020UNE ACTIVITÉ ÉVÈNEMENTIELLE FORTEMENT IMPACTÉE PAR LA CRISE, UNE BONNE RESISTANCE DES METIERS DU CONSEILHOPSCOTCH Groupe (Euronext FR0000065278), Groupe de conseil en communication, acteur majeur du digital et web social, des Relations Publics et de l’événement, présente aujourd’hui ses résultats semestriels 2020.Un premier semestre 2020 frappé par la crise sanitaireComme annoncé précédemment, d’abord la crise sanitaire et le confinement ont stoppé tous les métiers événementiels. Le déconfinement n’a pas relancé significativement ces activités, et aujourd’hui des restrictions et des menaces demeurent.Le chiffre d’affaires au premier semestre 2020, en recul de 34,2 %, atteint 52 181 milliers d’euros, incluant la consolidation de Sopexa pour 18,9...
Cann-IS Capital Corp. Announces Qualifying Transaction with Leading European CBD/Hemp Company
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TORONTO, Sept. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cann-Is Capital Corp. (the “Corporation”) (TSX-V: NIS.P) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a binding engagement agreement with CWE European Holdings Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of Canada (“CWE”), pursuant to which the Corporation will acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares in the capital of CWE (the “Proposed Transaction”).When completed, the Proposed Transaction will constitute the Corporation’s qualifying transaction pursuant to the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange (the “Exchange”) and is subject to compliance with all necessary regulatory and other approvals and certain other terms and conditions. A comprehensive press release with further particulars relating to the Proposed Transaction will follow in accordance with the policies of the...
Gaming and Leisure Properties, Inc. Schedules Third Quarter 2020 Earnings Release and Conference Call
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WYOMISSING, Pa., Sept. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gaming and Leisure Properties, Inc. (NASDAQ: GLPI) today announced that the Company will release its 2020 third quarter financial results after the market close on Thursday, October 29, 2020. The Company will host a conference call at 9:00 a.m. ET on Friday, October 30, 2020.During the conference call, Peter M. Carlino, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and senior management, will review the quarter’s results and performance, discuss recent events and conduct a question-and-answer period.Webcast:The conference call will be available in the Investor Relations section of the Company’s website at To listen to a live broadcast, go to the site at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time in order to register, download and install any necessary audio software....
Mississippi Dental Association Joins Growing List of iCoreRx e-Prescription Software Endorsements
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WINDERMERE, FL, Sept. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — iCoreConnect, Inc. (OTCQB: ICCT) announces the endorsement of iCoreRx by the Mississippi Dental Association (MDA). iCoreRx is comprehensive e-Prescribing software designed to speed up the entire prescription process while improving patient care. iCoreRx offers dentists a new way to save time and money and to increase efficiency. “Dentists using iCoreRx can e-Prescribe all medications, including controlled substances. The cloud-based software includes the ability to e-Prescribe on office computers, laptop, tablet or phone. And, doctors can also easily search for drug information using the built-in Lexicomp® directory,” explains iCoreConnect President and CEO Robert McDermott. MDA offers its members proactive services moving dentistry forward. – Colorado...
Verizon Communications to report earnings October 21, 2020
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BASKING RIDGE, N.J., Sept. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) will report third quarter 2020 earnings on Wednesday, October 21.The company will present results on a webcast beginning at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Access instructions and presentation materials, including Verizon’s earnings news release and financial tables, will be available at 7:30 a.m. on Verizon’s Investor Relations website, Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) was formed on June 30, 2000 and is celebrating its 20th year as one of the world’s leading providers of technology, communications, information and entertainment products and services. Headquartered in New York City and with a presence around the world, Verizon generated revenues of $131.9 billion in 2019. The company...
Fluxys Belgium: results for the first half of 2020
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Regulated information: information on key events in the first half of 2020 and their impact on the financial situation of Fluxys Belgium COVID-19 has no material impact on the results – regulated turnover up to € 275.8 million (compared with € 253.9 million in the first half of 2019) and net profit up to € 36.6 million (compared with € 31.4 million in the first half of 2019)All essential services operational during pandemicActive support to help alleviate COVID-19 needsTransmission volumes downLNG terminal: record traffic and market interest for additional send-out capacityEnergy transition: Fluxys Belgium prepares its infrastructure for the gases of the futureRoll-out of action plan to halve our own greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 Click on the link below to access the full press releaseAttachmentFluxys Belgium press release –...
Fluxys Belgium: resultaten eerste semester 2020
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Gereglementeerde informatie: toelichting bij de markante feiten in het eerste semester van 2020 en de impact ervan op de financiële toestand van Fluxys BelgiumCOVID-19 heeft geen materiële impact op de resultaten – de gereguleerde omzet neemt toe tot € 275,8 miljoen (eerste semester 2019: € 253,9 miljoen) en het nettoresultaat evolueert naar € 36,6 miljoen (eerste semester 2019: € 31,4 miljoen)Alle essentiële diensten operationeel tijdens pandemieActieve steun om COVID-19 noden te helpen lenigenVervoerde volumes gedaald LNG-terminal: recordtrafiek en marktinteresse voor bijkomende uitzendcapaciteitEnergietransitie: Fluxys Belgium maakt zijn infrastructuur klaar voor de gassen van morgenUitrol actieplan om eigen broeikasgasemissies met 50% te verminderen tegen 2025 Klik op de link hieronder voor het volledige persbericht BijlagePersbericht...
Fluxys Belgium: résultats du premier semestre 2020
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Informations réglementées: commentaires sur les faits marquants du premier semestre de 2020 et leur impact sur la situation financière de Fluxys BelgiumLe COVID-19 n’a pas d’impact matériel sur les résultats – le chiffre d’affaires régulé augmente pour atteindre € 275,8 millions (premier semestre 2019: € 253,9 millions) et le résultat net monte à € 36,6 millions (premier semestre 2019: € 31,4 millions)Tous les services essentiels opérationnels durant la pandémieSoutien actif pour aider à répondre aux besoins liés au coronavirusBaisse des volumes transportésTerminal GNL de Zeebrugge : trafic record et intérêt du marché pour des capacités d’émission supplémentairesTransition énergétique : Fluxys Belgium prépare son infrastructure pour les gaz de demainDéploiement du plan d’action pour réduire nos propres émissions de gaz à effet...