Day: September 22, 2020
Sanofi et GSK signent des accords avec le Gouvernement du Canada pour la fourniture de jusqu’à 72 millions de doses de leur vaccin adjuvanté contre la COVID-19Ces accords portent sur le candidat-vaccin faisant appel à la technologie de protéine recombinante développée par Sanofi et à l’adjuvant à usage pandémique de GSK.Les deux entreprises s’engagent à proposer leur vaccin contre la COVID-19 à un prix abordable et à le rendre accessible à tous, partout dans le monde.PARIS et LONDRES – Le 22 septembre 2020 – Sanofi et GSK ont signé aujourd’hui des accords avec le Gouvernement du Canada en vue de la fourniture, dès 2021, de jusqu’à 72 millions de doses de leur vaccin adjuvanté contre la COVID-19.« L’annonce d’aujourd’hui illustre notre volonté inébranlable de développer un vaccin contre la COVID-19 qui soit accessible à tous dès qu’il...
Casino Group: Partial cancellation of 2022 and 2023 Notes
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CASINO, GUICHARD-PERRACHON2022 Notes (ISIN: FR0013260379) and2023 Notes (ISIN: FR0011400571)Notes cancellationParis, September, 22nd 2020,Casino Guichard-Perrachon has today cancelled 657 Notes due in 2022 and 938 Notes due in 2023, which were traded on the Luxembourg exchange, for nominal amounts of 65,700,000 euros and 93,800,000 euros respectively, following buybacks made in the market.The buybacks were financed with the proceeds allocated to the Escrow Account from the November 2019 refinancing (“Segregated Account”).Accordingly, the outstanding nominal amount of 2022 Notes has been reduced to 386,400,000 euros and the outstanding nominal amount of 2023 Notes has been reduced to 625,900,000 euros.Attachment2020.09.22 – PR – Partial cancellation of 2022 and 2023 Notes
Groupe Casino : Annulation partielle des souches 2022 et 2023
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CASINO, GUICHARD-PERRACHONSouches 2022 (ISIN : FR0013260379) et2023 (ISIN : FR0011400571)Annulation d’obligationsParis, le 22 septembre 2020,Casino Guichard-Perrachon a procédé ce jour à l’annulation de 657 obligations de la souche 2022 et 938 obligations de la souche 2023 admises aux négociations à la bourse de Luxembourg, pour un montant nominal de respectivement 65 700 000 euros et 93 800 000 euros, à la suite de rachats sur le marché.Ces rachats ont été financés par les produits de cessions placés sur le Compte Séquestre de l’opération de refinancement de novembre 2019 (« Segregated Account »).Le nominal de la souche 2022 a ainsi été réduit à 386 400 000 euros et le nominal de la souche 2023 à 625 900 000 euros.Pièce jointe2020-09-22 – CP – Annulation partielle des souches 2022 et 2023
First Federal Voted Best Bank for the 25th Consecutive Year in the Peninsula Daily News ‘Best of the Peninsula’ Poll
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PORT ANGELES, Wash., Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — First Northwest Bancorp (NASDAQ: FNWB), the holding company for First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Port Angeles (“Bank” or “First Federal”), today announced that First Federal Bank was recently voted Best Bank in Clallam County in the ‘Best of the Peninsula’ poll, hosted by the Peninsula Daily News. It was also a finalist for Best Bank in Jefferson County, and a finalist for Best Customer Service in both counties.“All of us at First Federal are honored to be voted Best Bank in the Peninsula Daily News’ ‘Best of the Peninsula’ poll. This is a testament to our employees who provide the best level of service to our customers, local businesses and communities,” said Matthew P. Deines, President and CEO.Every year, the Peninsula Daily News hosts a ‘Best of the Peninsula’...
AND (Ticker: AND.AS) intends to rebrand the company
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Supporting the turnaround and the new strategic direction of the companyCapelle aan den IJssel, the Netherlands, 22 September 2020 – AND is happy to announce that it intends to change the company name and refresh its branding in Q4 2020. This change is designed to highlight the company’s new strategic direction as well as support and strengthen the transformation into a subscription based provider of premium location aware content and services.As announced on August 12th, the turnaround strategy has already delivered 22% revenue growth in the first half of 2020. AND believes the new company name and branding will help to drive continued revenue growth and put location-intelligence squarely at the center of the company’s profile.Further announcements will follow in Q4 2020.EndsAbout ANDAND is an innovative location-aware content...
Biofrontera AG: German Federal Supreme Court overturns ruling of the Cologne Higher Regional Court
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Leverkusen, Germany, Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Biofrontera AG (NASDAQ: BFRA; Frankfurt Stock Exchange: B8F) (the “Company”), an international biopharmaceutical company, announces that in ruling on September 22, 2020, the German Federal Supreme Court overturned a decision by the Cologne Higher Regional Court dated November 15, 2018, which was directed against the Company. The overturned ruling of the Cologne Higher Regional Court concerned an action for rescission and annulment brought by the shareholder Deutsche Balaton AG against certain resolutions of the Annual General Meeting held on May 24, 2017. The matter has now been referred back to the Cologne Higher Regional Court for retrial and decision. The reasons for the ruling of the Federal Supreme Court are currently not available to the Company.Context and chronology...
Eurobio Scientific launches a first rapid diagnostic test for the detection of the SARS CoV-2 virus antigen
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Eurobio Scientific launches a first rapid diagnostic testfor the detection of the SARS CoV-2 virus antigenParis, September 22, 2020 –6:00 pmEurobio Scientific (FR0013240934, ALERS, PEA-PME eligible), a leading French group in in vitro medical diagnostics and life sciences, today announces the launch of a first rapid diagnostic test for the detection of the SARS CoV-2 virus antigen . This test, Sofia® SARS Antigen developed by its American partner Quidel, is complementary to PCR tests which remain the performance gold standard in terms of detection of the virus responsible for COVID-19. It is already CE marked and immediately available for sale.As part of the current campaign to detect the presence of the SARS CoV-2 virus in patients, the number of tests performed in France has become of such magnitude (more than 1 million tests per week)...
Eurobio Scientific lance un premier test de diagnostic rapide permettant la recherche de l’antigène du virus SARS CoV-2.
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Eurobio Scientific lance un premier test de diagnostic rapide permettant la recherche de l’antigène du virus SARS CoV-2.Paris, le 22 septembre 2020 –18h00Eurobio Scientific (FR0013240934, ALERS, éligible PEA-PME), groupe français leader dans le diagnostic médical in vitro et les sciences de la vie, annonce aujourd’hui le lancement d’un premier test de diagnostic rapide permettant la recherche de l’antigène du virus SARS CoV-2. Ce test, Sofia® SARS Antigen, développé par son partenaire américain Quidel, est complémentaire des tests de PCR qui restent la référence en termes de performances de détection du virus responsable de COVID-19. Il est déjà marqué CE et disponible immédiatement à la vente.Dans le cadre de la campagne actuelle de détection de la présence du virus SARS CoV-2 chez les patients, le nombre de tests réalisé est devenu...
Umicore: Disposal of own shares
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Article 8:6 of the Royal Decree of 29 April 2019, which implements the new Belgian Code of Companies and Associations as of 01/01/2020, stipulates that any disposal of own shares has to be made public.In application of this Article, Umicore declares that following the exercise of stock options by its employees within the framework of the Umicore Incentive Stock Option Plan, it has since 01/01/2020 disposed of Umicore shares OTC in view of deliveries of these shares to the relevant employees. Umicore also disposed of own shares in the context of share grants to the Management and Supervisory Board.Please find below the overview of the transactions for the period 14/09/2020 – 18/09/2020:The complete overview of all disposals of own shares by Umicore since 01/01/2020 can be found here.For more informationInvestor RelationsEvelien Goovaerts...
Umicore : Aliénation d’actions propres
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L’article 8:6 de l’Arrêté Royal du 29 avril 2019, portant exécution du nouveau Code des sociétés et association à partir du 1er janvier 2020, stipule que toute aliénation d’actions propres doit être rendue publique.En vertu de cet article, Umicore déclare que suite à des exercices d’options par son personnel dans le cadre de la rémunération via options sur actions d’Umicore (Umicore Incentive Stock Option Plan), elle a, depuis le 1er janvier 2020, aliéné des actions Umicore hors bourse (OTC) en vue des livraisons de ces actions aux membres du personnel concernés. Umicore a également aliéné des actions propres pour satisfaire à des octrois d’actions aux membres du Conseil de direction et du Conseil de surveillance.Voici un aperçu des transactions effectuées entre le 14/09/2020 et le 18/09/2020:Un aperçu reprenant toutes les aliénations...