Day: September 22, 2020
Schlieren/Switzerland, 22 September 2020ARYZTA announces that its 2020 Annual General Meeting “AGM” will be held on 11 November 2020.Investor Enquiries:Gerard Van Buttingha Wichers,Head of Investor Relations, ARYZTA AGTel: +41 (0) 44 583 42 00info@aryzta.comAbout ARYZTAARYZTA AG is a global food business with a leadership position in speciality bakery. ARYZTA is based in Schlieren, Switzerland, with operations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. ARYZTA has a primary listing on the SIX Swiss Exchange and a secondary listing on the Euronext Dublin (ISE) (SIX: ARYN, ISE: YZA).
WeedMD and Starseed Medicinal Launch Combined Medical Sales Marketplace with Expanded Cannabis Product Offerings
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TORONTO, Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WeedMD Inc. (TSX-V:WMD) (OTCQX:WDDMF) (FSE:4WE) (“WeedMD” or the “Company”), a federally-licensed producer and distributor of adult-use and medical cannabis, is pleased to announce it has merged its online medical product marketplaces under one platform and expanded its product offerings. The simplified Starseed Medicinal Inc. sales platform provides the Company’s patients with full access to WeedMD-produced dried flower, oil concentrates, softgel capsules and Aurum vaporization (vape) products and services such as same-day delivery.WeedMD, as the cultivator and producer will complete its full patient migration to its wholly-owned streamlined Starseed Medicinal online marketplace by early October, 2020. Once merged, all patients will have access to the Company’s product offerings including...
Yandex Confirms Discussions with Tinkoff Group
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MOSCOW and AMSTERDAM, Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Yandex N.V. (NASDAQ and MOEX: YNDX) (“Yandex,” “we” or the “Company”), one of Europe’s largest internet companies and the leading search and ride-hailing provider in Russia, today confirmed that it is in discussions with TCS Group Holding PLC (“Tinkoff”) regarding a possible offer by Yandex for 100% of the share capital of Tinkoff (the “Potential Transaction”).The parties have come to an agreement in principle on a transaction that would consist of cash and share consideration worth approximately $5.48 billion or $27.64 per Tinkoff share, which, based on the closing price of Yandex shares on September 21, 2020, would represent a premium of approximately:8.0% to the closing price per Tinkoff GDR of $25.60 on September 21, 2020;10.4% to the volume weighted average closing price...
REITIR: Niðurstöður hluthafafundar 22. september 2020
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Þriðjudaginn 22. september 2020 var haldinn hluthafafundur í Reitum fasteignafélagi hf. á Hotel Reykjavik Hilton Nordica. Fundurinn hófst kl. 15.00.Tillögur þær sem lágu fyrir fundinum má finna á vefsíðu félagsins: Tillaga um heimild til hlutafjárhækkunar.Tillagan var samþykkt eins og hún lá fyrir fundinum og veitti fundurinn stjórn heimild til að hækka hlutafé félagsins um allt að 120.000.000 hluti að nafnvirði. Gildir heimildin til 31. desember 2020.2. Tillaga um lækkun hlutafjár til jöfnunar á eigin hlutum.Tillaga um lækkun hlutafjár úr 669.856.201 kr. í 658.476.201 kr. og tilheyrandi breyting á 4. gr. samþykkta félagsins var samþykkt.3. Önnur mál.Engin önnur mál voru tekin til afgreiðslu á fundinum og var honum slitið kl. 16.00.
London Gatwick airport: waiver agreement on financial covenants
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Rueil Malmaison, 22 September 2020London Gatwick airport: waiver agreement on financial covenantsIn August 2020, London Gatwick airport, a 50.01% subsidiary of VINCI Airports, entered into discussions with its lenders, in light of the forecast impact on tis financial covenants.Given the exceptional circumstances affecting air travel, they approved with a large majority the company’s request to temporarily waive its financial covenants.Further information is available here: VINCI AirportsVINCI Airports, as the leading private airport operator in the world, manages the development and operation of 45 airports located in Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, France, Japan, Portugal, Serbia, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the...
Aéroport de Londres Gatwick : obtention d’un waiver des covenants financiers
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Rueil-Malmaison, le 22 septembre 2020 Aéroport de Londres Gatwick : obtention d’un waiver des covenants financiersL’aéroport de Londres Gatwick, filiale de VINCI Airports à 50,01 %, avait engagé en août 2020 des discussions sur l’évolution prévisionnelle de ses covenants financiers avec ses prêteurs.Compte tenu de la situation exceptionnelle affectant le transport aérien, ceux-ci ont approuvé à une très large majorité la demande de la société d’être déliée temporairement du respect de ses covenants financiers.Les informations publiées sont disponibles sur le lien suivant:
Financier Edmund Burke Joins Alliance BioEnergy’s Board of Directors
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PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL, Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Alliance BioEnergy Plus, Inc. (PINK: ALLM).Alliance BioEnergy Plus Inc. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that Edmund (Ned) Burke, has joined its board of directors.Ned Burke has been in the financial services industry for the last 36 years. He recently retired as CEO of ALPS Holdings Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of SS&C Technologies Inc. Ned joined ALPS in 1992 as National Sales Manager, was named President in 2000 and became CEO in 2005 with the acquisition of ALPS by private equity firm Lovell Minnick Partners. ALPS was then acquired by DST Systems in 2011 and he remained CEO through DST being acquired by SS&C until his retirement in 2019. From the time he became president in 2000 through his retirement in 2019, his company’s revenue grew from approximately...
Grey Cloak Tech Inc. Files for Name Change to Healthy Extracts Inc.
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LAS VEGAS, Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NetworkWire — Grey Cloak Tech Inc., (OTC: GRCK) (the “Company”), today announces it has filed a Schedule 14C to notify shareholders of a name change to Healthy Extracts Inc. as part of the Company’s corporate strategy that aligns science-based, proprietary exclusive products and intellectual properties (“IP’s”). The name change better reflects the Company’s focus as it engages in the proprietary development of natural plant-based formulations, along with the sale and distribution of cardiovascular and neuro products. The trading symbol will also change to an as-yet undetermined new symbol.Part of the Growth Strategy“We are excited to announce the filing of our name change from Grey Cloak Tech to Healthy Extracts Inc.,” states CEO Duke Pitts. “This is one more step in building...
Vincit Oyj päätti uudesta avainhenkilöiden pitkäjänteisestä kannustinjärjestelmästä ja suunnatusta osakeannista
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Vincit OyjYhtiötiedote 22.9.2020 klo 19:30Vincit Oyj päätti uudesta avainhenkilöiden pitkäjänteisestä kannustinjärjestelmästä ja suunnatusta osakeannistaVincit Oyj:n hallitus on päättänyt perustaa uuden konsernin avainhenkilöiden pitkäjänteisen kannustinjärjestelmän. Järjestelmän tarkoituksena on yhdistää yhtiön omistajien ja avainhenkilöiden tavoitteet yhtiön arvon kehittämiseksi pitkällä aikavälillä sekä sitouttaa avainhenkilöt yhtiöön ja tarjota heille kilpailukykyinen osakkeiden hankkimiseen, ansaintaan ja kertymiseen perustuva palkkiojärjestelmä.Osallistumisen ja palkkion saamisen edellytyksenä on, että järjestelmään osallistuva henkilö merkitsee yhtiön osakkeita yhtiön kohderyhmään kuuluville avainhenkilöille suuntaamassa maksullisessa osakeannissa.Järjestelmässä on kolme ansaintajaksoa, kalenterivuodet 2021, 2022 ja 2023. Järjestelmän...
Sanofi and GSK sign agreements with the Government of Canada to supply up to 72 million doses of adjuvanted COVID-19 vaccine
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Sanofi and GSK sign agreements with the Government of Canada to supply up to 72 million doses of adjuvanted COVID-19 vaccineAgreements relate to vaccine candidate using Sanofi’s recombinant protein-based technology and GSK’s pandemic adjuvantBoth companies are committed to making their COVID-19 vaccine affordable and available globallyPARIS and LONDON – September 22, 2020 – Sanofi and GSK have today signed agreements with the Government of Canada for the supply of up to 72 million doses of an adjuvanted COVID-19 vaccine, beginning in 2021.“Today’s announcement showcases our unwavering commitment to develop a COVID-19 vaccine that is available to everyone when it comes to market,” said Thomas Triomphe, Executive Vice President and Global Head of Sanofi Pasteur. “To address a global health crisis of this magnitude, it takes partnerships...