Day: September 22, 2020
NEW YORK, Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AB International Group Corp. (OTCQB: ABQQ), an intellectual property (IP) and movie investment and licensing firm announces updated progress of its 4 Chinese films.1, “Love Over the World” (AiBianQuanQiu).The completed film code 001103542020 has been announced by state authority, currently proceeding on schedule of screening license. ABQQ plans to cooperate with distributors aiming to be screened on cinemas nationwide in November 2020, then presented on ABQQ.TV later.2, “On the Way” (Lu Shang)The film stars Tik Tok’s KOL Tian Xiaoxiao who has 15 million fans in the top short video app. When the film’s post production is finished, ABQQ is planning to cooperate with distributors aiming to be screened on cinemas nationwide in Spring 2021, then presented on ABQQ.TV later.3, “Confusion”...
Photo Release — Huntington Ingalls Industries Breaks Ground on Unmanned Systems Center of Excellence
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NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Huntington Ingalls Industries (NYSE: HII) announced today that it broke ground on a new Unmanned Systems Center of Excellence in Hampton. Two buildings totaling over 150,000 square feet will be constructed on the 20-acre campus and will be purpose-built for unmanned systems prototyping, production and testing.“With U.S. Navy’s increasing demand for UUVs and USVs, we are committed to investing in and expanding our unmanned systems capabilities,” said Andy Green, HII executive vice president and president of Technical Solutions. “Our new Unmanned Systems Center of Excellence will ensure we can continue to provide our customers with the most advanced autonomous systems across all class sizes.”The HII Unmanned Systems Center of Excellence, located on the Hampton Roads Center – North...
Kratos Collaborates with Microsoft to Enable Cloud-based Satellite Ground Services for Azure Orbital
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SAN DIEGO, Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: KTOS), a leading National Security Solutions provider, announced today that it has joined with Microsoft to enable the launch of Microsoft Azure Orbital, a groundbreaking platform that provides Ground Station-as-a-Service (GSaaS) to the satellite industry.Azure Orbital is Microsoft’s managed service designed to deal with the growing flood of data from Earth Observation (EO) and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The managed service lets satellite operators communicate to, control their satellites, process data and scale operations directly in Azure without the need to build or manage their own costly ground stations.Azure Orbital is powered by Microsoft’s Ground-Station-as-a-Service Platform (GSaaP) that includes virtualized...
UniFirst Corporation Plans to Announce Fourth Quarter Results on October 21, 2020
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WILMINGTON, Mass., Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — UniFirst Corporation (NYSE: UNF) will report its Fiscal 2020 fourth quarter results on October 21, 2020 before the market opens. The Company will also hold a conference call at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time on October 21, 2020 to discuss its quarterly financial results, business highlights and outlook. In addition, the Company may answer one or more questions concerning business and financial developments and trends, the Company’s view on earnings forecasts and other business and financial matters affecting the Company, some of the responses to which may contain information that has not been previously disclosed.A simultaneous live webcast of the call and replay will be available over the Internet at in Wilmington, Mass., UniFirst Corporation...
ONB names Roland Shelton to new executive leadership role to strengthen & support underrepresented businesses
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EVANSVILLE, Ind., Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In an effort to drive positive social change while at the same time delivering strong, relationship-based services and support to the business sector, Old National has created a new executive leadership position: EVP, Strategic Business Partnerships. Assuming this new role is Roland Shelton, formerly Executive Business Development Officer in Old National’s Terre Haute and Indianapolis, Ind. markets. He will work out of Evansville and report to Old National Chairman and CEO Jim Ryan.With more than 30 years of management, sales and leadership experience, Shelton was instrumental in launching Old National’s recent partnerships with Butler University and the Mid-States Minority Development Council to promote and support underrepresented businesses. He also previously managed fund development...
Automotive Finco Corp. Announces October 2020 Cash Dividend
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Not for distribution to United States newswire services or for dissemination in the United States. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities in the United States.TORONTO, Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Automotive Finco Corp. (TSX-V: AFCC) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce a cash dividend of $0.0171/common share ($0.205/common share on an annual basis) to be paid on October 30, 2020 to the shareholders of record as of September 30, 2020. The dividend is an eligible dividend.The declaration, amount and payment of future cash dividends are subject to the board of directors’ continuing determination that the payment of dividends are in the best interests of the Company, its shareholders and are in compliance with all laws and agreements of the Company applicable...
Synchronoss Technologies任命Jeff Miller担任代理总裁兼首席执行官
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新泽西州布里奇沃特, Sept. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 云计算、消息推送、数字和物联网产品全球领导者和创新企业Synchronoss Technologies,Inc.(NASDAQ:SNCR)今天宣布,董事会任命Jeff Miller担任代理总裁兼首席执行官并立即生效,此外他仍担任首席商务官一职。他将接任Glenn Lurie的职位。在董事会对Lurie先生违反公司政策的个人不当行为指控进行审查后,Lurie先生已辞去公司总裁兼首席执行官及董事职务。他的辞职与公司的战略、财务或业务表现无关。依据对所有员工坚守Synchronoss价值观并遵守公司行为准则的要求,董事会接受了Lurie先生的辞呈。董事会将通过猎头搜索,确定常任总裁兼首席执行官人选。“Synchronoss将继续为世界领先技术和电信公司开发创新技术和解决方案,” Synchronoss创始人兼董事长Stephen Waldis表示。“我和董事会期待着与Jeff、我们的首席财务官David Clark和全体Synchronoss管理团队合作,推动Synchronoss当前的转型,巩固我们与客户的关系,并为我们的股东带来长期价值。我们预计领导职责将平稳过渡,同时我们已开始广泛的搜索流程以寻找公司下一任首席执行官。”Miller先生于2018年从IDEAL Industries加入Synchronoss并担任首席商务官。IDEAL Industries是一家专注智能商业建筑和空间设计并提供相关解决方案的公司,Miller先生曾任该公司技术集团总裁。Miller先生此前曾在Motorola任职16年,最后一个职务是Lenovo旗下Motorola Mobility, LLC企业副总裁兼北美地区运营总经理,此外他在AT&T工作的11年任期内曾担任销售管理、营销和产品管理等多项领导职务。代理总裁兼首席执行官Jeff Miller表示:“我们在云技术、消息推送、数字化和物联网平台等方面有许多极具吸引力的增长机会。我期待着与我们的全球客户保持深层次的长期关系,这是Synchronoss的一个标志,而我们的客户现在比以往任何时候都更期待我们解决他们的业务挑战。我很高兴有机会与董事会和我们的管理团队密切合作,在我们的整个组织内推动更好的绩效,利用电信和数字空间中的战略机会,并帮助Synchronoss为下一阶段增长确立有利地位。”与此同时,Synchronoss的息税折旧摊销前利润2000万至2500万美元的2020年指导性预测保持不变,此前已在2020年8月10日第二季度业绩报告中公布。公司财务业绩和业务展望的更多详细信息将在2020年11月的例行季度收入电话会议上提供。关于Synchronoss...
Synchronoss Technologies 任命 Jeff Miller 為臨時主席兼行政總裁
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新澤西州布里奇沃特, Sept. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 全球領先的雲端、訊息傳遞、數碼及物聯網產品領導者及創新者 Synchronoss Technologies,Inc. (NASDAQ: SNCR) 今天宣佈其董事會已任命商務總裁 Jeff Miller 兼任臨時主席兼行政總裁一職,立即生效。他接任 Glenn Lurie 的職務。Lurie 先生在董事會審查其個人不當行為並指控其違反公司政策後已辭去公司的主席兼行政總裁及董事會成員職務。他的呈辭與公司的策略、財務或業務表現無關。考慮到所有員工都將尊重 Synchronoss 的價值觀並遵守公司的行為準則,董事會已接受 Lurie 先生的呈辭。董事會將物色行政人員,以委任永久主席及行政總裁。Synchronoss 創始人兼董事會主席 Stephen Waldis 說:「Synchronoss 繼續為世界領先的技術及電訊公司開發創新技術及解決方案。董事會及我期待著與 Jeff、財務總監 David Clark 及 Synchronoss 的管理團隊在客戶關係優勢的基礎上一起持續推動 Synchronoss 的轉型,並為股東帶來長期價值。我們開始積極為公司下一任行政總裁物色人選,預計領導層能順利過渡。」Miller 先生在 2018 年加入 Synchronoss 出任商務總裁,之前擔任 IDEAL Industries 技術組總裁,該公司專注於為智能商業建築及空間設計及提供解決方案。Miller 先生曾在 Motorola 工作 16 年,最近在 Lenovo 旗下分部 Motorola Mobility, LLC 擔任北美洲企業副總裁兼營運總經理,並在 AT&T 工作了 11 年,期間擔任銷售管理、市場推廣及產品管理等領導職務。臨時主席兼行政總裁 Jeff Miller 表示:「在雲端、訊息傳遞、數碼及物聯網平台看到引人入勝的增長機會。我期待保持我們與全球客戶的深厚及長期關係,即是...
Synchronoss Technologies nomme Jeff Miller au poste de président-directeur général par intérim
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BRIDGEWATER, New Jersey, 22 sept. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ : SNCR), un leader mondial et novateur dans le domaine des produits numériques, de cloud, de messagerie et d’IdO, a annoncé aujourd’hui que son Conseil d’administration avait nommé Jeff Miller au poste de président-directeur général par intérim, avec effet immédiat, en plus de son poste de directeur commercial.Il succède à Glenn Lurie, qui a démissionné de son poste de président-directeur général de la Société et de membre de son Conseil d’administration, suite à l’examen par le Conseil d’administration des allégations de faute personnelle commise par M. Lurie en violation des politiques de la Société. Sa démission n’est pas liée à la stratégie ni aux performances financières ou commerciales...
Synchronoss Technologies ernennt Jeff Miller zum Interim President und Chief Executive Officer
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BRIDGEWATEER, New Jersey, Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SNCR), ein weltweit führender und innovativer Anbieter von Cloud-, Messaging-, Digital- und IoT-Produkten, hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass das Board of Directors des Unternehmens Jeff Miller mit sofortiger Wirkung zusätzlich zu seiner Rolle als Chief Commercial Officer zum Interim President und Chief Executive Officer ernannt hat. Er tritt die Nachfolge von Glenn Lurie an, der als President und Chief Executive Officer des Unternehmens sowie als Board-Mitglied zurückgetreten ist, nachdem das Board of Directors die Vorwürfe eines persönlichen Fehlverhaltens von Herrn Lurie unter Verstoß gegen die Unternehmensrichtlinien überprüft hatte. Sein Rücktritt steht in keinem Zusammenhang mit der Strategie, der finanziellen oder geschäftlichen...