Day: September 18, 2020
Sveriges RiksbankBid procedure details Government Bonds, 2020-09-25Settlement date 2020-09-29Bids have to be entered by 10.00 on SEP 25, 2020Highest permitted bid volume: 1 000 million in issue SGB 1061 and 1 000 SEK million in issue SGB 1056Lowest permitted bid volume: 50 SEK millionBids only through counterparties approved by the RiksbankRESULT OF AUCTION WILL BE PUBLISHED NO LATER THAN 10.10 (CEST) ON SEP 25, 2020. For more information, please contact:Trading desk at the Riksbank+ 46 8 696 6970General and special terms and conditions can be retrieved at
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Sveriges RiksbankBid procedure details Covered Bonds, 2020-09-24 Settlement date 2020-09-28Bids have to be entered by 10.00 on SEP 24, 2020Highest permitted bid volume: 1,000 SEK million in issue 55311,000 SEK million in issue 5751,000 SEK million in issue 15861,000 SEK million in issue 191400 SEK million in issue 2212400 SEK million in issue 515400 SEK million in issue 143Maximum volume 5 billion SEK in totalLowest permitted bid volume: 50 SEK millionBids only through counterparties approved by the RiksbankRESULT OF AUCTION WILL BE PUBLISHED NO LATER THAN 10.15 (CEST)ON SEP 24, 2020. For more information, please contact:Trading desk at the Riksbank+ 46 8 696 6970General and special terms and conditions can be retrieved at
Origo hf. – Flöggun – Stapi lífeyrissjóður 18.9.2020
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Sjá meðfylgjandi viðhengi.ViðhengiOrigo hf. – Flöggun – Stapi lífeyrissjóður 18.9.2020
Karolinska Development’s portfolio company OssDsign strengthens patent coverage for OssDsign Cranial PSI in key market
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STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN – September 18, 2020. Karolinska Development (Nasdaq Stockholm: KDEV) announces that its portfolio company OssDsign has received a notice of allowance from the United States Patent and Trademarks Office (USPTO) concerning the implant design for the company’s product Cranial PSI, thus strengthening the patent protection for the technology in the company’s most important market in the US.The patent covers the implant, its support structure, as well as the method of making customized implants for each patient. Approvals of the patent were given in the European and Japanese markets last year and in Australia earlier in 2020. With the allowance in the US, a stronger patent protection for OssDsign Cranial PSI is thus established in all key markets. The patent family is valid until 2035 and builds upon a broad international...
Karolinska Developments portföljbolag OssDsign stärker patentskyddet på huvudmarknad för OssDsign Cranial PSI
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STOCKHOLM, SVERIGE 18 september 2020. Karolinska Development AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: KDEV) meddelar idag att portföljbolaget OssDsign har givits ett godkännande av det amerikanska patentverket (USPTO) för ett patent relaterat till designen av bolagets produkt Cranial PSI. Genom godkännandet stärks patentskyddet för sin teknologi på bolagets viktigaste marknad USA.Patentet täcker implantatet, dess förstärkande struktur, samt metoden att tillverka ett patientspecifikt implantat. Bolaget erhöll patentskydd för produkten i Europa och Japan under föregående år och i Australien under början av 2020. Med godkännandet från den amerikanska myndigheten har nu bolaget etablerat ett starkt patentskydd för Cranial PSI på samtliga nyckelmarknader. Patentfamiljen, som är giltig till 2035, förstärker OssDsigns redan omfattande internationella patentskydd.”Godkännandet...
Todos Medical CEO Releases Letter to Shareholders
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Significant progress in establishing COVID-19 PCR-based diagnostic testing business in US3CL Protease-based saliva test making progress in Israel3CL Protease inhibitor NLC-001 dietary supplement added to commercial portfolio2019 convertible note holders and institutional Q1/2020 convertible note holders sign temporary lock-up agreementNEW YORK, REHOVOT, Israel and SINGAPORE, Sept. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NEWMEDIAWIRE — Todos Medical Ltd. (OTCQB: TOMDF), an in vitro diagnostics company focused on developing and distributing comprehensive solutions for COVID-19, and developing blood tests for the early detection of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, today released a letter to shareholders from CEO Gerald Commissiong:Dear Shareholders:2020 has been quite the year for Todos Medical. We began the year laser-focused on advancing...
Rogers celebrates virtual opening of its new Customer Solution Centre in Kelowna
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Kelowna team now serving customers as part of Rogers fully Canadian based customer service teamIndigenous art, history and culture honoured in new Downie Wenjack Legacy Space, designed by local Okanagan Indigenous artistsWork from home ensures safety and well-being of teams until new centre can be safely openedKELOWNA, British Columbia, Sept. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rogers Communications announced today it has virtually opened its new B.C. customer solution centre in Kelowna, celebrating with more than 100 new team members already hired and trained virtually. The centre will bring a total of 350 new jobs to the local economy by 2021, as part of the company’s fully Canadian based customer service team. All positions will be work from home until the new Kelowna centre can be safely opened.“When we first announced our plan to...
Rogers célèbre l’ouverture virtuelle de son nouveau centre de solutions clients à Kelowna
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L’équipe de Kelowna dessert maintenant les clients au sein de l’équipe du Service à la clientèle entièrement canadienne de RogersL’art, l’histoire et la culture autochtones honorés dans le nouvel espace de réconciliation Downie Wenjack, conçu par des artistes autochtones locaux de l’OkanaganTravail à domicile assure la sécurité et le bien-être des équipes jusqu’à ce que le nouveau centre puisse être ouvert en toute sécuritéKELOWNA, Colombie-Britannique, 18 sept. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rogers Communications a annoncé aujourd’hui l’ouverture virtuelle de son nouveau centre de solutions clients de la Colombie-Britannique à Kelowna, célébrée par plus de 100 nouveaux membres de l’équipe déjà embauchés et formés virtuellement. D’ici 2021, le centre, qui fait partie de l’équipe du Service à la clientèle entièrement canadienne, créera...
Avante Logixx Inc. Announces Results Of Annual General Meeting
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Not for distribution to U.S. news wire services or for dissemination in the United StatesTORONTO, Sept. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Avante Logixx Inc. (TSX.V: XX) (OTC: ALXXF) (“Avante” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce its results of its annual general and special meeting of shareholders held on September 17, 2020 (the “Meeting”).The Company put forward the following resolutions to be voted on by shareholders at the Meeting: (i) the election of directors; (ii) to appoint RSM Canada LLP as auditor of the Company for the 2021 fiscal year; (iii) the ratification of the Company’s Stock Option Plan; and (iv) a shareholder proposal. Resolutions (i) to (iii) were approved by shareholders. Resolution (iv) was not passed.A total of 10,047,482 Common Shares of the 21,192,004 Common Shares of the Company that were outstanding as at...
Update Regarding Globex’s Interest in NSGold Potential Transaction
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ROUYN-NORANDA, Quebec, Sept. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — GLOBEX MINING ENTERPRISES INC. (GMX – Toronto Stock Exchange, G1MN – Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Berlin, Munich, Tradegate, Lang & Schwarz Stock Exchanges and GLBXF – OTCQX International in the US) wishes to update shareholders regarding its interest in the Mooseland gold deposit located in Halifax County, Nova Scotia and NSGold Corp.On September 16, 2020, NSGold Corporation (NSX-TSXV) reported an updated inferred mineral resource of 3,454,000 tonnes with an average diluted grade of 4.71 grams per tonne containing 523,000 ounces of gold (uncut 804,000 oz gold). The resource update by Patrick Hannon, M.A.Sc., P.Eng., FCIM and Doug Roy, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. of MineTech International located at Halifax, Nova Scotia used a cut-off grade of 2.0 grams per tonne and envisioned an underground...