Day: September 17, 2020
Informations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions prévues par l’article L. 233-8-II du Code de commerce et l’article 223-16 du Règlement général de l’Autorité des marchés financiersDénomination sociale de l’émetteur : Renault SA13/15 quai Alphonse Le Gallo92100 Boulogne-Billancourt(code ISIN FR0000131906 – RNO)(1) Nombre calculé sur la base de l’ensemble des actions auxquelles sont attachés des droits de vote, y compris les actions privées de droit de vote, conformément à l’article 223-11 du Règlement général de l’Autorité des marchés financiers.(2) Nombre de droits de vote exerçables en assemblée générale = nombre de droits de vote théoriques (nombre total de droits de vote attachés aux actions) – droits de vote attachés aux actions privées du droit de vote.Pièce jointe8 – 31 août 2020 –...
Oxurion NV Business Update – H1 2020
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Oxurion NV Business Update – H1 2020Progressing Clinical Development of Next Generation Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) Therapies – Beyond anti-VEGFPositive data from Phase 1 study evaluating THR-687, a pan-RGD integrin antagonist, for the treatment of DMEFirst Patient dosed in Phase 2 (‘KALAHARI’) study evaluating THR-149, a potent plasma kallikrein inhibitor, for the treatment of DMETotal Cash & Investments at €37.9 million as of June 30, 2020Highlights Focused on developing a diabetic macular edema (DME) franchise based on novel therapeutics with the potential to improve vision for all DME patients DME franchise based on two innovative drug candidates, THR-149 and THR-687 with different and complementary, non-VEGF modes of action First patient dosed in Phase 2 (‘KALAHARI’) study evaluating multiple injections of...
TOUAX: Mise à disposition du Rapport Financier Semestriel 2020
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PRESS RELEASELuxembourg, 17th September 2020.VELCAN HOLDINGS:AMENDMENT OF THE SHARE BUYBACK PROGRAMME LAUNCHED ON 13th MARCH 2020In continuity with the previous share buyback programmes, the Board of Directors has decided on 13th March 2020 to initiate a buyback program, the purpose of which is to buy 300,000 shares of the Company from shareholders wishing to sell them at current market conditions, but not finding sufficient liquidity, in view of their cancellation.To date, as part of the program launched March 13, 2020, the Company has bought back a total of 112,104 shares at a weighted average price of 4.85 euros per share and for a total amount of 543,879 euros in accordance with the description of the buyback program published on March 13, 2020 and the resolutions of the General Meetings of shareholders on June 28, 2017 and July 28,...
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COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSELuxembourg, le 17 septembre 2020 VELCAN HOLDINGS :AMENDEMENT DU PROGRAMME DE RACHAT D’ACTIONS LANCE LE 13 MARS 2020Dans la continuité des précédents programmes de rachat d’actions, le Conseil d’administration a décidé le 13 mars dernier de lancer un programme de rachat, dont le but est d’acheter 300.000 actions de la Société à des actionnaires souhaitant les vendre aux conditions de marché, mais ne trouvant pas la liquidité suffisante, en vue de leur annulation.A ce jour, dans le cadre du programme lancé 13 mars 2020, la Société a racheté un total de 112.104 actions à un prix moyen pondéré de 4,85 euros par action et pour un montant total de 543.879 euros conformément au descriptif du programme de rachat d’actions publié...
KBC Group: Koenraad Debackere takes up his term of office as Chairman of the Board of Directors of KBC Group NV on 1 November 2020
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Press releaseOutside trading hours – Regulated information*Brussels, 17 September 2020 – 5.45 p.m.Koenraad Debackere takes up his term of office as Chairman of the Board of Directors of KBC Group NV on 1 November 2020During its meeting of 17 September 2020, the Board of Directors of KBC Group NV appointed Mr Koenraad Debackere as Chairman of the Board of Directors of KBC Group NV, KBC Bank NV and KBC Insurance NV, succeeding Thomas Leysen who ended his term office at the General Meeting of 7 May 2020.Koenraad Debackere will hand over his duties as Managing Director of KU Leuven to his successor, Mr Wim Desmet, on 1 November. Since the General Meeting of 7 May 2020, Philippe Vlerick, as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of KBC Group NV, has temporarily taken over the chairmanship.The appointment of Koenraad Debackere as Non-Executive...
KBC Groep: Koenraad Debackere begint op 1 november 2020 zijn mandaat als voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur van KBC Groep
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PersberichtBuiten beurstijd – Gereglementeerde informatie*Brussel, 17 september 2020 – 17u45 uurKoenraad Debackere begint op 1 november 2020 zijn mandaat als voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur van KBC GroepTijdens zijn vergadering van 17 september 2020 heeft de Raad van Bestuur van KBC Groep de heer Koenraad Debackere benoemd tot Voorzitter van de Raad van bestuur van KBC Groep, KBC Bank en KBC Verzekeringen, in opvolging van Thomas Leysen die zijn mandaat beëindigde op de Algemene Vergadering van 7 mei 2020.Koenraad Debackere draagt op 1 november zijn functies als Algemeen Beheerder van de KU Leuven over aan zijn opvolger, de heer Wim Desmet. Sinds de Algemene Vergadering van 7 mei 2020 nam Philippe Vlerick, als vicevoorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur van KBC Groep, het voorzitterschap tijdelijk waar.De benoeming van Koenraad Debackere...
Ovaro Kiinteistösijoitus Oyj: OMIEN OSAKKEIDEN HANKINTA 17.9.2020
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Kapitalisering og kommerciel acceleration af Odico A/S
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MÅ IKKE OFFENTLIGGØRES, DISTRIBUERES ELLER UDLEVERES HELT ELLER DELVIST, DIREKTE ELLER INDIREKTE, I ELLER TIL USA, AUSTRALIEN, CANADA ELLER JAPAN.Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 26-2020Odense, den 17. september 2020 Kapitalisering og kommerciel acceleration af Odico A/SSelskabet har som mange andre virksomheder, der sælger investeringsgoder, oplevet at salget i de seneste kvartaler er gået langsommere end forventet, som følge af Corona pandemien.Derfor vil Selskabet forventeligt i den kommende tid skulle tilføres yderligere kapital. Som følge heraf overvejer selskabet nu forskellige kapitalkilder og har i den forbindelse entreret med en rådgivningsvirksomhed.Samtidig hermed ønsker selskabet at sikre tilstrækkelig finansiering til at selskabet kan træde ind i en ny fase, hvor de produkter, der nu er markedsklar, kan blive fulgt op af en mere offensiv...
Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling System Market to Hit USD 191.83 Billion by 2027; Rising Demand for Efficient Temperature Control Systems in Urban Areas to Boost the Market: Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, Sept. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global HVAC system market size is projected to reach USD 191.83 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.0% during the forecast period. Increasing indoor air pollution worldwide will emerge as a major factor propelling the adoption of HVAC systems, finds Fortune Business Insights™ in its report, titled “Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling (HVAC) System Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Type (Single Split Systems, Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems, Chillers and Others), By Application (Residential, Commercial and Industrial), and Regional Forecast, 2020-2027”.To get the short-term and long-term impact of COVID-19 on this Market.Please visit: air quality in enclosed...