Day: September 16, 2020
ノースカロライナ州ローリー発, Sept. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — PRAヘルスサイエンス (PRA Health Sciences, Inc.) (NASDAQ:PRAH) は本日、2020年9月14日付でグレン・ステッティン医学博士 (Glen Stettin, M.D.) を同社取締役に任命したことを発表した。「ステッティン博士が取締役会に加わることを、うれしく思います。 彼は、医師と経営幹部のいずれの立場でも、医療分野で広く経験を積んでいます。当社が継続的に臨床研究を改革し、患者へのアクセス性を改善するなか、彼が有するイノベーション、データ、解析、テクノロジー、統合医療ソリューションなどの経験は、取締役会に貴重な洞察をもたらしてくれるでしょう。」と、PRAヘルスサイエンス社長、最高経営責任者兼取締役会長のコリン・シャノン (Colin Shannon) は述べている。ステッティン博士は、シグナ (Cigna Corporation) の一部門であるエクスプレス・スクリプト&シグナ・サービシーズ (Express Scripts & Cigna Services) で、シニアバイスプレジデント兼チーフ・イノベーション・オフィサーとして、新しい臨床ソリューション、データ、解析、サービスとしてのプラットフォームに着目し、研究開発、患者および医師の経験、製品開発および管理の各部門を統括してきた。それ以前、ステッティン博士はエクスプレス・スクリプト (2018年にシグナが買収) でシニアバイスプレジデント兼チーフ・イノベーション・オフィサーを務めた。ステッティン博士がエクスプレス・スクリプトに入社したのは、メディコ・ヘルス・ソリューションズ (Medco Health Solutions, Inc.) と2012年4月に合併した時期である。メディコに17年間勤務した間、彼は臨床、事業運営、テクノロジー、製品部門などで役職を歴任した。ステッティン博士は、リーハイ大学...
PRA 헬스사이언스, 신임 이사회 임원 선임
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미국 노스캐롤라이나주 롤리, Sept. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — PRA 헬스사이언스(PRA Health Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:PRAH))는 글렌 스테틴(Glen Stettin, 일반의)이 2020년 9월 14일부로 이사회 임원으로 선임됐다고 발표했다.콜린 섀넌(Colin Shannon) PRA 헬스사이언스 CEO 겸 회장은 “스테틴 신임 이사가 이사회에 합류하게 되어 기쁘다. 스테틴 박사는 의사이자 경영인으로써 헬스케어 분야에서 활동해 왔으며 혁신, 데이터, 분석, 기술 및 통합 헬스 솔루션에 대한 풍부한 경험을 갖추고 있다. 따라서 환자들에게 더 다가갈 수 있는 임상 연구 혁신을 지속하는 우리 회사 이사회에 귀중한 인사이트를 제공할 것”이라고 밝혔다.스테틴 박사는 Cigna Corporation 사업부인 Express Scripts & Cigna Services 부사장 겸 최고혁신책임자로 재직하면서 연구 개발, 환자 및 의사 경험 증진, 제품 개발 및 경영을 전담했으며 새로운 임상 솔루션 및 데이터, 분석, 서비스 형태의 플랫폼 개발에 초점을 맞춰왔다. 이전에는 2018년 Cigna Corporation에 인수된 Express Scripts 부사장 겸 최고혁신책임자로 활동했는데, 2012년 4월 이 회사가 Medco Health Solutions, Inc.에 합병되면서 합류했다. Medco에서 17년 간 근무하면서 임상, 운영, 기술, 제품 담당 사업부 고위직을 역임했다.스테틴 박사는 리하이대와 펜실베이니아대 의대에서 각각 학사 학위와 의학박사 학위를 취득했다. 캘리포니아대 샌프란시스코캠퍼스(UCSF) 산하 병원인 Moffitt-Long...
PRA Health Sciences mengumumkan Pelantikan Pengarah Baharu
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RALEIGH, N.C., Sept. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — PRA Health Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:PRAH) hari mengumumkan pelantikan Glen Stettin, M.D. kepada Lembaga Pengarah Syarikat, berkuat kuasa pada 14 September, 2020.“Kami gembira Glen akan menyertai Lembaga Pengarah kami. Dengan penglibatan beliau yang meluas bidang penjagaan kesihatan sebagai doktor dan eksekutif, pengalaman Dr. Stettin dalam inovasi, data, analisis, teknologi dan penyelesaian kesihatan bersepadu akan memberikan Lembaga cerapan yang bernilai sementara kami terus mencipta semula penyelidikan klinikal dan menjadikannya lebih mudah dicapai oleh pesakit,” kata Colin Shannon, Presiden, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif dan Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah PRA Health Sciences, Inc.Dr. Stettin ialah Naib Presiden Kanan dan Ketua Pegawai Inovasi di Express Scripts & Cigna Services, sebuah...
PRA Health Sciences anuncia nomeação de novo diretor
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RALEIGH, Carolina do Norte, Sept. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A PRA Health Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:PRAH) anunciou hoje a nomeação do Doutor Glen Stettin para o Conselho de Administração da Empresa, com efeito a partir de 14 de setembro de 2020.“Estamos encantados com a entrada do Glen para o nosso Conselho de Administração. Com o seu envolvimento multifacetado no campo dos cuidados de saúde, como médico e como executivo, a experiência do Dr. Stettin em inovação, dados, analítica, tecnologia e soluções integradas de saúde proporcionará ao Conselho uma perceção valiosa à medida que continuamos a reinventar a investigação clínica e a torná-la mais acessível aos pacientes”, disse Colin Shannon, Presidente, CEO e Presidente do Conselho de Administração da PRA Health Sciences, Inc.O Dr. Stettin é Vice-Presidente Sénior e Diretor...
PRA Health Sciences anuncia el nombramiento de un nuevo consejero
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RALEIGH, Carolina del Norte, Sept. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — PRA Health Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:PRAH) ha anunciado hoy el nombramiento de Glen Stettin, doctor en medicina, como consejero del Consejo de Administración de la sociedad con entrada en vigor el 14 de septiembre de 2020.El presidente y director ejecutivo de PRA Health Sciences, Inc, Colin Shannon, quien también preside el Consejo de Administración, comentó: «Es toda una alegría recibir a Glen en este órgano. Queremos reinventar la investigación clínica y hacerla más accesible para los pacientes, por lo que, dada la polifacética actividad del doctor Stettin en el ámbito de las ciencias de la salud, tanto como médico como en calidad de directivo, y su experiencia en la vanguardia, así como en lo referente a la recopilación de datos, los análisis, la tecnología y las soluciones...
Verizon prices second Green Bond
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BASKING RIDGE, N.J., Sept. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) today announced the pricing of its second Green Bond offering which follows its recent completion of the allocation of its first Green Bond and solidifies its position as a telecommunications industry leader in green finance. Verizon tapped two nationally recognized African-American-owned investment banking firms, Loop Capital Markets and Siebert Williams Shank, as lead underwriters, further strengthening its long-standing partnership with minority-owned businesses. Joining them as lead underwriters are BofA Securities and Citigroup.Verizon expects to use the net proceeds of the $1 billion offering primarily for long-term renewable energy purchase agreements which support the construction of solar and wind facilities that will...
Fortsat solid vækst og rekordhøjt resultat
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MEDDELELSE NR. 196Årsrapport 2019/20 ChemoMetecs omsætning steg i 2019/20 med 22% fra DKK 175,5 mio. til DKK 214,1 mio., og efter en god start på regnskabsåret var omsætningen i den sidste del af regnskabsåret negativt påvirket af udbruddet af Covid-19. Driftsresultatet (EBITDA) steg fra DKK 64,9 mio. til DKK 92,6 mio., svarende til en stigning på 43%. Væksten er som i de tidligere år især drevet af en stigende omsætning inden for cellebaseret terapi på det amerikanske marked. Salget af den nye celletæller, NC-202, er kommet godt fra start.
MGP Receives Pinnacle Award from Union Pacific for Safely Transporting Chemicals by Rail
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ATCHISON, Kan., Sept. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MGP Ingredients, Inc. (Nasdaq: MGPI), a leading provider of premium distilled spirits and specialty wheat proteins and starches, recently was recognized by Union Pacific Railroad with a 2019 Pinnacle Award for its commitment to safely transport chemical products.The annual award honors select Union Pacific customers who implement release prevention protocols, corrective action plans and have zero non-accident releases (NARs) of regulated hazardous materials shipments. MGP was one of 69 award recipients announced earlier this month.“Union Pacific’s distinguished Pinnacle Award recognizes our collaboration with the recipients and their help in transporting chemical shipments in the safest manner,” said Jacque Bendon, vice president-Industrial. “Their work helps ensure these vital products...
Chart Industries’ CEO Evanko Named ExxonMobil Power Play Award Winner
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ATLANTA, Sept. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Chart Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ: GTLS) is proud to announce that President and CEO Jill Evanko has been named the 2020 ExxonMobil Power Play Award winner in the Rainmaker category. We’d like to congratulate Jill on this prestigious award that reflects her hard work in accelerating LNG as an option for greener power and her dedication to keeping our innovative culture strong through diversity of views. “As a board comprised of more than 30% women, we’re proud of Jill’s accomplishment that reflects her efforts to advance diversity while growing Chart’s revenue and earnings,” Chart Board Director Singleton McAllister stated. The ExxonMobil LNG Power Play Awards recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of remarkable women and all those who uphold the importance of supporting and empowering...
Acreage Shareholders Approve Amended Arrangement Involving Canopy Growth
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NEW YORK, Sept. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Acreage Holdings, Inc. (“Acreage”) (CSE: ACRG.U) (OTCQX: ACRGF) (FSE: 0ZV) today announced that, at a special meeting of Acreage shareholders (the “Shareholders”) held on September 16, 2020 (the “Special Meeting”), the Shareholders voted in favor of a special resolution (the “Arrangement Resolution”) authorizing and approving (i) the amended arrangement (the “Amended Arrangement”) under section 288 of the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) between Acreage and Canopy Growth Corporation (“Canopy Growth”), (ii) the amending agreement (the “Amending Agreement”) which, among other things, provides for certain amendments to the arrangement agreement between Acreage and Canopy Growth dated April 18, 2019, as amended on May 15, 2019 (the “Arrangement Agreement”), (iii) the amended and...