Day: September 10, 2020
HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA, Sept. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NEWMEDIAWIRE — J. Craig Holding Corp., fka Ultra Pure Water Technologies, Inc. (OTC: UPWT), an accelerator and incubator for innovative businesses, intellectual properties and assets, provided an update for its shareholders today as to the current status of their transition from Ultra Pure Water Technologies to One World Universe, Inc.As of this moment, FINRA has approved the new CUSIP number for the company and the state of Delaware has changed the company name on file from Ultra Pure Water Technologies to One World Universe, Inc.“We have submitted all necessary documents to FINRA for final approval of our corporate name and ticker change. This is the last puzzle piece in our efforts to complete our transition, so it reflects our new business strategy,” stated Caren...
ATN International to Present at Sidoti & Company, LLC Virtual Investor Conference
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BEVERLY, Mass., Sept. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ATN (NASDAQ: ATNI) announced today that its Chief Executive Officer, Michael T. Prior, and Chief Financial Officer, Justin D. Benincasa, are scheduled to present at the Sidoti & Company, LLC Virtual Investor Conference on September 24th, 2020. They are scheduled to present at 12:15PM ET on September 24, 2020 and will be available for one-on-one meetings throughout the day.For more information about ATN International, please visit Presentations are posted in the Investor Relations section of the Company’s website at ATNATN International, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATNI), headquartered in Beverly, Massachusetts, invests in and operates communications, energy and technology businesses in the United States and internationally, including the Caribbean...
Atlantic Petroleum – Orlando update – Dispute Notice
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Atlantic Petroleum – Orlando update – Dispute NoticeTórshavn, Faroe Islands, 2020-09-10 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — P/F Atlantic Petroleum (“Atlantic Petroleum”) (NASDAQ Copenhagen: ATLA DKK & Oslo Stock Exchange: ATLA NOK) announces that a notice (“Dispute Notice”) has been served on Decipher Production Limited (“Decipher”) disputing the accuracy of information they have supplied concerning the production and sale of petroleum from the Orlando field (“Orlando Petroleum”).Dispute Notice:Under the sale and purchase agreement regarding Atlantic Petroleum North Sea Limited’s sale of its Orlando interest made on 14 March 2017 (“Orlando SPA”), subject to a threshold (see below), Atlantic Petroleum North Sea Limited is due to receive a deferred consideration of 2% of the sale proceeds from the first 5MM barrels of Orlando Petroleum. Thereafter,...
Amarillo Biosciences to Initiate Low-Dose Interferon Clinical Trials to Treat COVID-19, Appoints Interferon Specialist Dr. Manfred Beilharz to Scientific Advisory Board
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Amarillo, TX, Sept. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NEWMEDIAWIRE — Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. (“ABI” or the “Company”), (AMAR), the world leader in low-dose non-injectable interferon research, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Manfred Beilharz, Associate Professor at The University of Western Australia and renown pioneer in interferon research, to the Company’s Scientific Advisory Board.Based on the Company’s past successful clinical research using low-dose interferon, Dr. Beilharz will work closely with ABI and its research collaborators in initiating several clinical trials this year. These trials will primarily be focused on developing a therapeutic for COVID-19, as well as the continuation of the Company’s late-stage treatments for thrombocytopenia and Sjögren’s syndrome. ABI Chairman & CEO, Dr. Stephen...
SCOR successfully places EUR 300 million subordinated Tier 2 notes
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Press ReleaseSeptember 10, 2020 – N° 19Not for distribution in or into the U.S., Canada, Japan or anyother jurisdiction where such distribution may be unlawful
SCOR réussit un placement de EUR 300 millions de titres subordonnés de niveau 2
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Communiqué de presse 10 septembre 2020 – N° 19 Diffusion non autorisée aux États-Unis, au Canada, au Japonou dans tout autre pays où une telle diffusion pourrait être illégale
Motus GI Scheduled to Present at Investor Conferences in September 2020
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FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Sept. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Motus GI Holdings, Inc., (NASDAQ: MOTS) (“Motus GI” or the “Company”), a medical technology company providing endoscopy solutions that improve clinical outcomes and enhance the cost-efficiency associated with the diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal conditions, announced today that its management team is scheduled to be presenting at the following upcoming virtual investor conferences:H.C. Wainwright 22nd Annual Global Investment Conference – Presenting on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The presentation will be accessible via a live and archived webcast at or the Events page on the Company’s website, www.motusgi.comOppenheimer Fall Healthcare Life Sciences & MedTech Summit...
Reginn hf.: Könnun og staðfesting staðfestingaraðila á fjárhagslegum kvöðum skuldabréfaflokksins REG290547 og REG250948
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PwC er staðfestingaraðili skuldabréfaflokkanna REG290547 og REG250948. Hlutverk hans er m.a. að kanna og staðfesta útreikninga útgefanda í skýrslu um fjárhagslegar kvaðir.PwC hefur nú framkvæmt könnun á útreikningum útgefanda á fjárhagslegum kvöðum skuldabréfaflokksins REG290547 og REG250948.Niðurstaða könnunar PwC staðfestir að skuldabréfaflokkarnir REG290547 og REG250948 standist allar fjárhagslegar kvaðir þann 30.6.2020.Frekari niðurstöður kannana eru í meðfylgjandi viðhengjum.Nánari upplýsingar veitir:Helgi S. Gunnarsson – Forstjóri – – S: 512 8900 / 899 6262ViðhengiReginn hf. – PwC staðfesting 30.6.2020 R250948 – skýrsla um fjárhagslegar kvaðirReginn hf. – PwC staðfesting 30.6.2020 R290547 – skýrsla um fjárhagslegar kvaðir
District Heating Market to Reach $204.74 Billion by 2027; Increasing Use in Industrial Integration will Emerge in Favor of Market Growth, says Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, Sept. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global district heating market size is projected to reach USD 204.74 billion by the end of 2027. The massive investments in the integration of these heating units in industrial manufacturing units will have a huge impact on the growth of the market. According to a report published by Fortune Business Insights, titled “District Heating Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Heat Source (Coal, Natural Gas, Renewables, Oil & Petroleum Products, and Others), By Plant Type (Boiler, CHP, Others), By Application (Residential, Commercial, Industrial), and Regional Forecast, 2020-2027the market was worth USD 173.42 billion in 2019 and will exhibit a CAGR of 2.2% during the forecast period, 2020-2027.Click here to get the short-term and long-term impact of COVID-19 on this market.Please...
Correction: Esker :
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Lyon, le 10 septembre 2020 Résultats semestriels 2020Résilience et poursuite des plans de développement *Comptes établis selon les normes comptables françaises (CRC 99-02) et non auditésUne activité résiliente malgré la pandémieLe chiffre d’affaires du premier semestre 2020 progresse de plus de 8%, tiré par le succès continu des solutions Cloud (+11%) qui représentent 92% de l’activité.Cette performance combine deux trimestres fortement contrastés. Malgré le déclenchement des mesures de confinement dans plusieurs pays au cours du mois de mars, le premier trimestre 2020 a confirmé la dynamique de croissance d’Esker, démontrée depuis de...