Day: September 8, 2020
Icelandair Group’s (the “Company” or the “Issuer”) Board of Directors intends to seek authorization to increase the Company’s share capital by up to ISK 23,000 million in nominal terms, by issuing shares in relation to a public share offering for a minimum of ISK 20,000 million (the “New Shares”). The Issuer will cancel the Offering if the minimum number of subscriptions, amounting to ISK 20,000 million, are not received. The Issuer will in such an event publish an announcement thereof.The subscription period of the share offering is expected to start at 9:00 GMT on 16 September 2020 and end at 16:00 GMT on 17 September 2020 (the “Subscription Period”). The results of the Offering are expected to be published on 18 September 2020. The final due date for payment is set for 23 September 2020 and paid New Shares are expected to be delivered...
Barrick Gold and Augusta Group Join Bullfrog Gold Corp. in Nevada
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Grand Junction, CO, Sept. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NEWMEDIAWIRE — Bullfrog Gold Corp. (BFGC:OTCQB; BFG:CSE; 11B:FSE) (“Bullfrog”, “BFGC” or the “Company”) announces it hasenteredinto a binding term sheet to acquire rights to 1,500 acres adjoining the Company’s Bullfrog Gold Deposit (the “Acquisition Transaction”) from Barrick Gold Corporation (“Barrick”) and a C$22 million financing to be completed by Augusta Investments Inc. (“Augusta”). Concurrently, Maryse Bélanger will be appointed President, CEO and Director of the Company along with the appointment of Donald Taylor, Daniel Earle, and a Barrick nominee to the Company’s Board of Directors.Highlights of the Transaction Barrick and Augusta Become New Cornerstone Shareholders – Barrick will own 15.9% and Augusta will own 31.9% of Bullfrog’s shares outstanding...
PCAS : mise à disposition du rapport financier semestriel 2020
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MISE À DISPOSITIONDU RAPPORT FINANCIER SEMESTRIEL 2020Ecully, le 8 septembre 2020PCAS (Euronext Paris : PCA), spécialiste du développement et de la production de molécules complexes pour les Sciences de la vie et les Technologies innovantes, annonce la mise à disposition de son rapport financier semestriel 2020.Le rapport financier semestriel 2020 est disponible :– au siège social de PCAS : 21 chemin de la Sauvegarde, 21 Ecully Parc, CS 33167, 69134 Ecully– sur le site internet de la société :– sur le site de l’AMF : www.amf-france.orgPROCHAINE PUBLICATION FINANCIÈRE :Chiffre d’affaires du 3° trimestre 2020, le 5 novembre 2020À PROPOS DE PCASPCAS est le spécialiste du développement et de la production de molécules complexes pour les Sciences de la vie et les Technologies innovantes....
Les Hôtels Baverez : Rapport semestriel au 30 juin 2020
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LES HOTELS BAVEREZSociété Anonyme au Capital de € 10 127 050Siège social : 2, Place des Pyramides 75001 PARISRCS PARIS 572 158 558ISIN : FR 0007080254Communiqué, Paris le 8 septembre 2020COMMUNIQUE : RAPPORT SEMESTRIEL 30 JUIN 2020Le chiffre d’affaires des trois établissements de la société s’élève à 4,8 millions d’euro au 30 juin 2020, soit une diminution de 68,13 % par rapport au 30 juin 2019.L’activité de l’hôtel Regina a été ralentie par les grèves sur la réforme des retraites de fin d’année 2019 et début 2020. Depuis le 17 mars l’hôtel est totalement fermé à la clientèle ainsi que les espaces de restauration.La baisse d’activité de l’hôtel Majestic résulte sur le premier trimestre de l’impact du mouvement précité pour l’hôtel Regina, mais également de la fermeture de sept chambres pour la création de cinq nouvelles unités. En effet,...
PCAS: 1st Half 2020 Earnings Report
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Ecully, September 8, 20201st HALF 2020 EARNINGS REPORTPCAS (Euronext Paris: PCA), a specialist in the development and production of complex molecules for life sciences and innovative technologies, has announced the publication of its consolidated earnings for the first half of 2020. ResultsThe PCAS Group has generated consolidated net sales of €105.1 million as of June 30, 2020, representing an increase of 2.8% compared to the same period in the previous financial year (+2.2% at a constant exchange rate).EBITDA reaches €7.2 million at June 30, 2020, same amount as last year. The current operating income is down to -€3.0 million at June 30, 2020, as a result of higher depreciation incurred by a higher investment program implemented to develop projects that aim to increase the Group’s business levels in the coming years.Net income...
PCAS : résultats au 1er semestre 2020
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Ecully, le 8 septembre 2020RESULTATS AU 1er SEMESTRE 2020PCAS (Euronext Paris : PCA), spécialiste du développement et de la production de molécules complexes pour les Sciences de la Vie et les Technologies innovantes, annonce la publication de ses résultats consolidés pour le 1er semestre 2020.*RésultatsLe chiffre d’affaires consolidé du Groupe PCAS s’établit à 105,1 M€ au 30 juin 2020, en augmentation de 2,8% par rapport à la même période de l’exercice précédent (+2,2% à taux de change constant).L’EBITDA ressort à 7,2 M€ au 30 juin 2020, niveau identique à celui du 30 juin 2019. Le résultat opérationnel courant est en diminution pour s’établir à -3,0 M€ au 30 juin 2020, conséquence d’amortissements plus élevés découlant d’un programme d’investissement important pour le développement de projets qui produiront leurs effets sur l’augmentation...
CN Joining The Commtrex Marketplace
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MONTREAL, Sept. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CN (TSX: CNR) (NYSE: CNI) is pleased to announce that it has joined The Commtrex Transload Marketplace, offering customers one-stop access to CN’s unique tri-coastal rail network and its extensive range of transloading distribution services across Canada and the U.S.Commtrex makes it quick and easy to find and request transloading services by efficiently connecting shippers with transloading providers who can handle the movement of bulk, liquids, packaged goods, oversized cargo, and more. Commtrex matches shippers with the most relevant transload facilities, then allows shippers to compare detailed information about each location before connecting directly through the platform to discuss terms.‘‘CN is focused on leveraging technology to better serve our customers; The Commtrex Marketplace...
Le CN rejoint la plateforme Transload Marketplace de Commtrex
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MONTRÉAL, 08 sept. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le CN (TSX : CNR) (NYSE : CNI) est heureux d’annoncer qu’il a rejoint la plateforme Transload Marketplace de Commtrex, offrant ainsi aux clients un accès centralisé à son réseau ferroviaire unique qui relie trois côtes et à sa vaste gamme de services de transbordement et de distribution au Canada et aux États-Unis.Commtrex permet de trouver et de demander rapidement et aisément des services de transbordement en mettant efficacement en contact les expéditeurs et les fournisseurs de services de transbordement qui peuvent prendre en charge le transport de produits en vrac, de liquides, de marchandises emballées et d’envois surdimensionnés. Commtrex met les expéditeurs en relation avec les installations de transbordement qui leurs conviennent le mieux, puis permet aux expéditeurs de comparer...
Kaival Brands Innovations Group, Inc. (OTC: KAVL) Announces PMTA Submission by Bidi™ Vapor
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GRANT, Fla., Sept. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NetworkWire – Kaival Brands Innovations Group, Inc. (OTCQB: KAVL) (“Kaival Brands,” the “Company” or “we”), a company focused on growing and incubating innovative and profitable products into mature, dominant brands, is proud to announce that Bidi™ Vapor, LLC, manufacturer of the disposable vape pen called Bidi™ Stick, has submitted its Premarket Tobacco Product application (PMTA) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Center for Tobacco Products, for review. The deadline for PMTA submissions is Sept. 9, 2020. The Company acts as the sole exclusive worldwide distributor of the BidiTM Stick in partnership with BidiTM Vapor, LLC.The application detailed 11 flavored varieties with nicotine concentrations of 6% weight/volume as part of the company’s proprietary e-liquid formulation....
Fluidra continues its positive trend and announces a dividend distribution of 0.21 euros per share
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The Company’s Board of Directors has approved the distribution of an interim cash dividend which amounts to about 41 million euros.The decision was taken following continued favorable trading and solid outlook for 2020.The payment will be made on October 27.September 8, 2020 – Fluidra, global leader in the pool and wellness equipment sector, continues its strong year and has announced an interim cash dividend distribution from its 2020 financial year earnings in the gross amount of 0.21 euros per share. The payment, which stands to almost 41 million euros, will be made on October 27.The return to dividend distribution was in the company’s plans following strong cash generation and deleverage during 2019. However, due to the coronavirus outbreak, Fluidra decided to put it on hold in Q1 as part of the measures introduced with the aim of...