Day: September 7, 2020
GOFORE OYJ YHTIÖTIEDOTE 7.9.2020 KLO 12.15Viiden vuoden puitesopimuksen arvioitu kokonaisarvo on 4,7 miljoonaa euroa. Sopimus ei sisällä määräostovelvoitetta.“Sopimus on hieno jatkumo Traficomin ja Goforen pitkälle yhteistyölle. Gofore on ollut jo vuosia mukana kehittämässä Traficomin digitaalisia palveluita ja tarjonnut Traficomin käyttöön projektipäällikköosaamista. On hienoa, että saamme jatkossakin olla mukana kehittämässä eturivin digitaalisia palveluita, joiden piiriin kuuluu välillisesti koko Suomen väestö”, sanoo Goforen Liikenne ja logistiikka -toimialasta vastaava Mikko Lehto.Lisätietoja: Mikael Nylund, toimitusjohtaja, Gofore Oyj p. 040 540 2280
DFDS launches climate action plan
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Ambition to become climate neutral in 205045% reduction of GHG emissions in 2030 from 2008 baseline25-35% reduction expected between 2019 and 2030DFDS has developed a climate action plan to consistently reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and ultimately become climate neutral by 2050.DFDS’ ferry and logistics network provides vital services for trade and travel in and around Europe covering countries bordering the Baltic Sea, North Sea, English Channel and the Mediterranean. In 2019, the network emitted around two million tons of CO2 of which 90% was from ferries and the rest mainly from logistics operations.“I am very happy that we now have an ambitious and comprehensive climate action plan in place. It clearly states how we can and will take responsibility for the environment. The plan will also help us stay relevant as a provider...
DFDS lancerer klimahandlingsplan
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Ambitionen er klimaneutralitet i 2050Drivhusgasser reduceres med 45% fra 2008 til 203025-35% af reduktionen forventes mellem 2019 og 2030DFDS har udviklet en klimahandlingsplan med det formål at vedvarende nedbringe udledningen af drivhusgasser og opnå klimaneutralitet i 2050.DFDS’ færge- og logistiknetværk leverer vitale services til handel og transport i og omkring Europa. Netværket dækker lande, der grænser op til Østersøen, Nordsøen, Den Engelske Kanal og Middelhavet. I 2019 udledte netværket ca. to millioner ton CO2. 90% kom fra færgerne og resten primært fra logistikaktiviteter.“Jeg er meget glad for, at vi nu har en ambitiøs og omfattende klimahandlingsplan på plads. Den viser klart, hvordan vi kan og vil tage ansvar for miljøet, og den er med til at sikre vores relevans som en attraktiv leverandør af færge- og logistikservices...
Evli teams up with The Cardinal Partners Global to collaborate in the Netherlands
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EVLI BANK PLC PRESS RELEASE SEPTEMBER 7, 2020 AT 11.30 AM. (EET/EEST)Evli Fund Management Company Ltd has signed a co-operation agreement with The Cardinal Partners Global for the selling of Evli funds to institutional investors in the Netherlands.The Cardinal Partners Global company offers its strategic advisory services to asset managers for the planning and implementation of their international growth strategies, in addition to the selling and marketing of investment products as a third-party distribution channel with decades of experience.“We’ve been mapping the Dutch market for professional, institutional investors for a long time, and we are delighted to work with an experienced and capable partner in this new market. As a long-standing boutique asset manager in the Nordic region, we want to offer Dutch investors new, successful solutions...
Evli ja The Cardinal Partners Global yhteistyöhön Alankomaissa
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EVLI PANKKI OYJ:N LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE 7.9.2020 KLO 11.30 (EET/EEST)Evli-Rahastoyhtiö on solminut The Cardinal Partners Global -yhtiön kanssa yhteistyösopimuksen, joka koskee Evlin rahastojen jälleenmyyntiä institutionaalisille sijoittajille Alankomaissa.The Cardinal Partners Global -yhtiö tarjoaa varainhoitajille neuvonatopalveluita kansainvälisten kasvustrategioiden suunnittelussa ja toimeenpanossa sekä kolmannen osapuolen jakelukanavan sijoitustuotteiden myyntiin ja markkinointiin vuosikymmenien kokemuksella.”Olemme kartoittaneet ammattimaisten instituutiosijoittajien markkinaa Alankomaissa jo pitkään ja olemme erittäin iloisia yhteistyöstä uudella markkinalla kokeneen ja osaavan kumppanin kanssa. Pitkän linjan pohjoismaisena rahastoyhtiönä haluamme tarjota alankomaalaissijoittajille uudenlaisia ja valtavirrasta poikkeavia tuloksellisia ratkaisuja,...
Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S
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Company AnnouncementOn 28 August 2020, Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S (“STG”) announced that a share buy-back programme of an aggregated price of up to DKK 300 million was launched with the purpose to adjust the Company’s capital structure and meet obligations relating to the Group’s share-based incentive programme.The buy-back programme is executed in accordance with Regulation No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and Council of 16 April 2014 (the “Market Abuse Regulation”) and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052, also referred to as the Safe Harbour rules. The share buy-back programme will end no later than 26 February 2021.The following transactions have been executed from 31 August to 4 September 2020: Number of shares Average purchase price, DKK Transaction value, DKKAccumulated, last announcement 0 031 August...
Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S: Transaktioner i forbindelse med aktietilbagekøbsprogram
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SelskabsmeddelelseDen 28. august 2020 informerede Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S (“STG”) om iværksættelsen af et aktietilbagekøbsprogram til en samlet pris på op til DKK 300 millioner med det formål at justere selskabets kapitalstruktur og opfylde forpligtelserne i forhold til koncernens aktiebaserede incitamentsprogram.Aktietilbagekøbsprogrammet vil blive gennemført i overensstemmelse med EU-forordning nr. 596/2014 af 16. april 2014 (Markedsmisbrugsforordningen) og Kommissionens delegerede forordning (EU) 2016/1052, de såkaldte Safe Harbour-regler. Aktietilbagekøbsprogrammet slutter senest den 26. februar 2021.Følgende transaktioner er foretaget i perioden 31. august – 4. september 2020: Antal aktier GennemsnitligTotal, seneste opgørelse 0 031. august 2020 25.000 99,45 2.486.295 1. september 2020 19.803 100,50 1.990.156...
Announcement from extra general meeting in TerraNet
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The extra general meeting of TerraNet Holding AB (“TerraNet” or “the Company“) was held September 4, 2020 and the following resolutions were passed by the meeting.Election of the board of directors and fees to the directorsThe extra general meeting resolved that the board of directors shall consist of six directors without any deputies.The general meeting further resolved that the fees to the board of directors shall amount to SEK 200,000 on a full-year basis to Göran Janson and SEK 100,000 on a full-year basis to Christian Rasmusson, which corresponds to the same fees which was resolved at the annual general meeting on 15 May 2020 (i.e., SEK 200,000 to the chairman of the board and SEK 100,000 to each of the directors). The fees to the board of directors amount to a total of SEK 700,000.The extra general meeting...
Væsentlig Investorinformation – Kapitalforeningen BankInvest Select, afdeling Small Cap Danske Aktier KL
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København Ø, Sept. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —Opdateret Væsentlig Investorinformation for afdeling Small Cap Danske Aktier KL under Kapitalforeningen BankInvest Select offentliggøres dags dato.Dokumentet er opdateret som følgende af ændrede investeringsrammer.Dokumentet kan downloades fra eller rekvireres ved henvendelse til BI Management A/S, Sundkrogsgade 7, 2100 København Ø, tlf. 77 30 90 00.
Cartoning Machines Market to Hit USD 3.02 billion by 2027; High Utility Value of Packaging in the Pharmaceutical Industry to Ensure Stable Market Growth: Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, Sept. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global cartoning machines market size is projected to reach USD 3.02 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 3.8% during the forecast period. Sudden spike in demand for packaged food and beverage items amid the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to create favorable growth climate for this market, shares Fortune Business Insights™ in its report, titled “Cartoning Machines Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Type (Vertical/Top-Load Cartoning Machine, Horizontal/End-Load Cartoning Machine), By End-Use Industry (Food & Beverage, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Goods, Others) and Regional Forecast, 2020-2027”.Click here to get the short-term and long-term impact of COVID-19 on this market.Please visit: