Day: September 7, 2020
Pune, Sept. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global human insulin market size is anticipated to reach USD 27.71 billion by 2026. International Diabetes Federation (IDF) reported that around 425 million people across the world suffer from diabetes.Highlights of the Report:Analysis of the impact of Covid-19 that the market would face in the near future.In-depth analysis of the growth drivers and obstacles.Profile of all the companies operating in the market.Elaborate data about the dominating region.Competitive landscape consisting of mergers & acquisitions, investments, partnerships, new product launches, opening of new facilities, and new contracts.April 2019: Eli Lily and Company to launch a low-priced insulin called Humalog in the U.S. to fulfil the needs of people who need insulin.Request a Sample Copy of the Research Report:...
The Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority has approved Eezy Plc’s prospectus
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EEZY PLC — STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE — 7 September 2020 at 14.30 EETThe Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority has approved Eezy Plc’s prospectusThe Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority has today, 7 September 2020, approved Eezy Plc’s (“Eezy” or the “Company”) prospectus (the “Prospectus”). The Prospectus is published in connection with the Company’s transfer from the Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland marketplace to the official list of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd (“Nasdaq Helsinki”).The Prospectus will be available in Finnish on the Company’s website at on or about 8 September 2020. In addition, a printed copy of the Prospectus will also be available on request from the Company’s premises at Itämerenkatu 3, 00180 Helsinki on or about 8 September 2020.Eezy has filed a listing...
Finanssivalvonta on hyväksynyt Eezy Oyj:n listalleottoesitteen
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EEZY OYJ — PÖRSSITIEDOTE — 7.9.2020 KLO 14.30Finanssivalvonta on hyväksynyt Eezy Oyj:n listalleottoesitteenFinanssivalvonta on tänään 7.9.2020 hyväksynyt Eezy Oyj:n (”Yhtiö”) listalleottoesitteen (”Esite”), joka liittyy Yhtiön siirtymiseen Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland -markkinapaikalta Nasdaq Helsinki Oy:n (”Nasdaq Helsinki”) pörssilistalle.Esite on saatavilla suomenkielisenä Yhtiön verkkosivustolla arviolta 8.9.2020 alkaen. Lisäksi paperikopion voi pyytää toimitettavaksi Yhtiön toimitilasta osoitteesta Itämerenkatu 3, 00180 Helsinki arviolta 8.9.2020 alkaen.Yhtiö jätti 2.9.2020 hakemuksen Yhtiön osakkeiden ottamiseksi kaupankäynnin kohteeksi Nasdaq Helsingin pörssilistalle. Kaupankäynnin Yhtiön osakkeilla odotetaan alkavan arviolta 9.9.2020 edellyttäen, että Nasdaq...
BioNTech und Pfizer erhalten Genehmigung des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts für deutschen Teil der globalen Phase-2/3-Studie mit dem COVID-19-Impfstoffkandidat BNT162b2
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MAINZ, DEUTSCHLAND, und BERLIN, DEUTSCHLAND, Sept. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX, „BioNTech”) und Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) gaben heute bekannt, dass das Paul-Ehrlich-Institut die klinische Phase-2/3-Studie für ihren COVID-19-Impfstoffkandidaten BNT162b2 in Deutschland genehmigt hat.Die Studie in Deutschland ist Teil der globalen Phase-2/3-Zulassungsstudie, die von BioNTech und Pfizer im Juli diesen Jahres gestartet wurde. Die Placebo-kontrollierte Studie untersucht die Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit von BNT162b2 in bis zu 30.000 Probanden im Alter von 18 bis 85 Jahren. Die Probanden erhalten entweder BNT162b2 oder Placebo. Die Studie wird weltweit in rund 120 Studienzentren durchgeführt, einschließlich Regionen, in denen eine hohe Infektionsrate mit SARS-CoV-2 erwartet wird. Bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt wurden über...
Fingrid Oyj’s financial reports in 2021
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Fingrid OyjStock Exchange release 7 September 2020 at 13:30 EETFingrid Oyj’s financial reports in 2021Fingrid Group will publish the following financial releases in 2021.5.3.2021 Financial Review, Annual Report and Financial Statements 202023.4.2021 Management’s Review27.7.2021 2019 Half-Year Report January–June 202129.10.2021 Management’s ReviewThe Annual General Meeting is scheduled to be held on 7 April 2021.For more information:Jan Montell, Chief Financial Officer, tel. +358 30 395 5213
Fingrid Oyj:n taloudelliset tiedotteet 2021
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Fingrid Oyjpörssitiedote 7.9.2020 kello 13.30 EETFingrid Oyj:n taloudelliset tiedotteet 2021Fingrid-konserni julkaisee vuonna 2021 seuraavat taloudelliset tiedotteet.5.3.2021 tilinpäätöstiedote, toimintakertomus ja tilinpäätös vuodelta 202023.4.2021 johdon katsaus27.7.2021 puolivuosikatsaus tammi – kesäkuulta 202129.10.2021 johdon katsausVarsinainen yhtiökokous on suunniteltu pidettäväksi 7.4.2021.Lisätiedot:Talous- ja rahoitusjohtaja Jan Montell, puh. 030 395 5213
Banco Comercial Português, S.A., informa sobre o Pagamento de Juros do Cupão nº 2 de MILLENNIUM CABAZ 3 ACOES SETEMBRO 2023
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Banco Comercial Português, S.A., informa sobre o Pagamento de Juros do Cupão nº 2 de MILLENNIUM CABAZ 3 ACOES SETEMBRO 2023AnexoBCPCBM02
Islandsbanki hf.: Upcoming covered bond auction 9 September
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Íslandsbanki hf. will be holding an auction on covered bonds on Wednesday 9 September 2020.The series ISLA CB 27 and ISLA CBI 28 will be offered to investors.ISLA CB 27 is a new amortizing fixed rate series maturing on 16 September 2027. The bond bears a 2,5% nominal interest.The series are expected to be listed on Nasdaq Iceland on 16 September 2020.The auction will be managed by Íslandsbanki’s Fixed Income Sales. Offers shall be submitted by e-mail to before 16:00 p.m. on 9 September 2020.For further information contact Investor Relations,
Islandsbanki hf.: Útboð á sértryggðum skuldabréfum 9. september
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Íslandsbanki hf. verður með útboð á sértryggðum skuldabréfum miðvikudaginn 9. september 2020.Boðnir verða út flokkarnir ISLA CB 27 og ISLA CBI 28.ISLA CB 27 er nýr óverðtryggður skuldabréfaflokkur með jöfnum afborgunum og lokagjalddaga 16. september 2027. Skuldabréfið ber 2,5% nafnvexti.Stefnt er að töku skuldabréfanna til viðskipta á Nasdaq Iceland þann 16. september 2020.Verðbréfamiðlun Íslandsbanka hefur umsjón með útboðinu. Tilboðum skal skilað á tölvupóstfangið fyrir kl. 16:00 þann 9. september 2020.Nánari upplýsingar veita: Fjárfestatengsl
Gofore Plc: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom has chosen Gofore as project manager service provider
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GOFORE PLC COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT 7 SEPTEMBER 2020 AT 12.15Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom has chosen Gofore as project manager service providerTraficom, the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, has chosen Gofore as the provider of its project management services with the aim of securing experienced project management experts to support its development and maintenance projects. Traficom and Gofore have years of cooperation behind them.The estimated total value of the five-year frame agreement is EUR 4.7 million. There is no minimum purchase commitment included in the agreement.“The agreement is a great continuation of the long cooperation between Traficom and Gofore. For many years, Gofore has been developing Traficom’s digital services and provided Traficom with project manager expertise. It is great that...