Day: September 7, 2020
Het resultaat van Ease2pay N.V. (de “Vennootschap”) over het eerste halfjaar van 2020 laat een duidelijke verbetering zien, maar werd toch sterk bepaald door de uitbraak van het COVID-19 virus. Terwijl het bedrijfsresultaat voor financieringslasten en afschrijving (EBITDA) verbeterde, naar een verlies van EUR 309 duizend (2019 eerste halfjaar: EUR 429 duizend), daalde de gerealiseerde omzet over het eerste halfjaar licht naar EUR 84 duizend (2019 eerste halfjaar: EUR 91 duizend). Ondanks COVID-19, is de Vennootschap in staat geweest het nettoverlies over het eerste halfjaar te verlagen naar EUR 410 duizend (2019 eerste halfjaar: EUR 521 duizend). Uit de Ease2pay Investor Presentation September 2020, die vandaag ook online staat op, blijkt dat de interesse in het Ease2pay betaalplatform sterk gestegen is. Per 30 juni...
ASMI Share Buyback Update August 31 – September 4, 2020
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Almere, The NetherlandsSeptember 7, 2020, 5:45 p.m. CETASM International N.V. (Euronext Amsterdam: ASM) reports the following transactions, conducted under ASMI’s current share buyback program.These repurchases were made as part of the €100 million share buyback program announced on June 2, 2020. Of the total program, 26.3% has been repurchased. For further details including individual transaction information please visit: ASM InternationalASM International NV, headquartered in Almere, the Netherlands, its subsidiaries and participations design and manufacture equipment and materials used to produce semiconductor devices. ASM International, its subsidiaries and participations provide production solutions for wafer processing (Front-end segment) as well as for assembly &...
Ovaro Kiinteistösijoitus Oyj: OMIEN OSAKKEIDEN HANKINTA 7.9.2020
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FLEURY MICHON : Déclaration mensuelle Droits de vote 08 2020
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Pièce jointe2020 08 31 Droits de vote
Launch of the fourth stage of the Pikaliiva residential project (Tallinn, Estonia)
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AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, has decided to launch the fourth stage of Pikaliiva residential development project in Tallinn. The new stage includes two buildings with 50 apartments, which are to be completed in October 2021. The size of the apartments ranges between 33–84 square metres and the price per square metre ranges from 2,106 to 2,460 euros.Pikaliiva residential quarter ( is located in Tallinn Haabersti District close to Lake Harku. The development project comprises ten four-storeyed residential buildings, of which four are ready and two will be completed in October 2020. New residential buildings of stage four will be located at Äkke 1 and Äkke 3.The buildings have energy class B rating. Parking spaces will be built around the houses, greenery and children’s playground will be created...
Pikaliiva korteriarendusprojekti IV etapi käivitamine (Tallinn, Eesti)
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ASi Merko Ehitus kontserni kuuluv AS Merko Ehitus Eesti on otsustanud käivitada Tallinnas Pikaliiva korteriarendusprojekti neljanda etapi, mille raames valmib 2021. aasta oktoobris kaks kortermaja kokku 50 korteriga. Korterite suurused jäävad vahemikku 33–84 ruutmeetrit ja ruutmeetrihinnad on vahemikus 2106–2460 eurot.Pikaliiva elukvartal ( asub Tallinnas Haabersti linnaosas Harku järve lähistel. Arendusprojekt hõlmab kokku kümne neljakorruselise kortermaja ehitamist, millest neli hoonet on valmis ja kaks hoonet valmivad 2020. aasta oktoobris. Arenduse neljanda etapiga lisanduvad kortermajad paiknevad aadressidel Äkke 1 ja Äkke 3.Pikaliiva korterelamud on B energiaklassiga. Autodele rajatakse maja ümber parkimiskohad, kvartali sisehoovid haljastatakse ja sinna ehitatakse laste mänguväljak.AS Merko Ehitus Eesti (
AB Klaipėdos nafta preliminary revenue for the August 2020
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AB Klaipėdos nafta (further the Company) reviewed operating segments since the beginning of the second quarter of 2020 and presents revenue disclosures accordingly. The following operating segments of the Company are:Oil terminals activity, that includes Klaipėda oil terminal and Subačius oil terminal,Regulated LNG activity in Klaipėda andCommercial LNG activity, that includes small-scale LNG reloading station in Klaipėda and Business development projects.The preliminary sales revenue of the Company’s oil terminals for the August 2020 comprised EUR 2.6 million and is lower by EUR 0.4 million or by 13.3 % compared to August of 2019. The preliminary sales revenue is lower due to decrease of transhipment quantities of oil products, compared to the same period of 2019. The preliminary sales revenue of the Company’s oil terminals for the...
AB „Klaipėdos nafta“ 2020 metų rugpjūčio mėn. preliminarios veiklos pajamos
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AB „Klaipėdos nafta“ (toliau – Bendrovė) nuo 2020 m. antrojo ketvirčio pradžios peržiūrėjo veiklos segmentus ir atitinkamai pateikia atskleidžiamą informaciją apie pajamas. Išskiriami šie Bendrovės veiklos segmentai:naftos terminalų veikla, kuri apima Klaipėdos naftos terminalą bei Subačiaus naftos terminalą,reguliuojama Klaipėdos SGD terminalo veikla beikomercinė SGD veikla, kuri apima mažos apimties SGD paskirstymo stotį Klaipėdoje bei tarptautinius SGD projektus ir jų vystymą.2020 m. rugpjūčio mėn. Bendrovės naftos terminalų preliminarios pardavimo pajamos siekia 2,6 mln. eurų, ir lyginant su praėjusių metų rugpjūčio mėn., yra 0,4 mln. eurų arba 13,3 proc. mažesnės. Pajamų rezultatui įtakos turėjo mažesnė naftos produktų krova, lyginant su 2019 m. Rugpjūčio mėnesiu. Naftos terminalų 2020 m. aštuonių mėnesių preliminarios pardavimo...
Maroc Telecom : Informaton mensuelle relative au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social_Août 2020
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Information mensuelle relative au nombre total de droits de voteet d’actions composant le capital socialAu 31 août 2020Article 223-16 du Règlement Général de l’Autorité des Marchés FinanciersPlaces de cotation :– Bourse de Casablanca : Marché principal / MA 0000011488– Euronext Paris : Eurolist (valeurs étrangères) / MA 0000011488– LEI : 254900LH0G1ZIZ78Y462– Présence dans les statuts de Maroc Telecom d’une clause imposant l’obligation de déclaration de franchissement de seuil complémentaire de celle relative aux seuils légaux : OUIAvenue Annakhil, Hay Riad Rabat MAROCTel + 212 (0) 537 71 21 21 / fax + 212 537 71 48 60Itissalat Al Maghrib – Maroc Telecom : Société anonyme à Directoire et à Conseil de surveillance au capital de 5.274.572.040...
EverQuote Co-founder & CEO Seth Birnbaum to be Interviewed by JMP Securities Analyst Ron Josey on September 8, 2020
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CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Sept. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EverQuote, Inc. (Nasdaq: EVER), a leading online insurance marketplace, today announced today that Co-founder & CEO Seth Birnbaum will be featured in a discussion led by JMP Securities equity research analyst Ron Josey on September 8, 2020. The call will begin at 11:00am ET.The discussion will be available via live audio webcast and archived replay on EverQuote’s investor relations website at About EverQuoteEverQuote operates a leading online insurance marketplace, connecting consumers with insurance providers. The company’s mission is to empower insurance shoppers to better protect life’s most important assets—their family, property, and future. Our vision is to use data and technology to make insurance simpler, more affordable...