Day: September 4, 2020
ABC arbitragePace of activity as of August 31, 2020Pace of activityAs at August 31, 2020, the Group’s activity level for the first eight months of the year was above the level of the full year 2016, which was slightly above €53 million (excluding expenses). This pace of activity is again strongly correlated to the volatility and volumes traded on the markets.OutlookFor the purpose of transparency during this health crisis and in accordance with the requests of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) to increase communication and visibility for the shareholders of listed groups, ABC Arbitrage once again offers, in the context of this year marked by an exceptional situation, to go further than its usual communication in the display of certain comparisons.If the months of September to December 2020 were to show the same activity...
EVS Broadcast Equipment – Publication of a transparency notification
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Publication on September 4, 2020, 5.45pm CETRegulated information – transparency notificationEVS Broadcast Equipment S.A.: Euronext Brussels (EVS.BR), Bloomberg (EVS BB), Reuters (EVSB.BR)Publication of a transparency notification
The renewed AB Ignitis Grupė dividend policy has entered into force
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AB Ignitis Grupė, (hereinafter – Ignitis Grupė or „the Company”) identification code 301844044, registered office placed at Žvejų str. 14, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania. The total nominal value of issued bonds 900 000 000 EUR; ISIN codes XS1646530565; XS1853999313; XS2177349912.The Company informs that on 4 September 2020 the renewal of Company’s dividend policy has entered into force after the resolution No. 960 of Government of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – Government) “On the amendments to the Resolution No. 20 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania “On the dividends of company shares held by the State and profit contributions from state enterprises” of 14 January 1997” as well as resolution No. 963 of the Government “On dividends paid by AB Ignitis grupė” (both were adopted on 2 September 2020) came into effect.As...
Įsigaliojo atnaujinta AB „Ignitis grupė“ dividendų politika
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AB „Ignitis grupė“ (toliau – „Ignitis grupė“ ir Bendrovė), juridinio asmens kodas: 301844044, registruotos buveinės adresas: Žvejų g. 14, Vilnius. Bendra AB „Ignitis grupė“ išleistų obligacijų nominali vertė 900 000 000 EUR; ISIN kodai: XS1646530565; XS1853999313; XS2177349912. Bendrovė informuoja, kad. įsigaliojus Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės (toliau – Vyriausybė) 2020 m. rugsėjo 2 d. priimtam nutarimui Nr. 960 „Dėl Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės 1997 m. sausio 14 d. nutarimo Nr. 20 „Dėl dividendų už valstybei nuosavybės teise priklausančias bendrovių akcijas ir valstybės įmonių pelno įmokų“ pakeitimo“ bei Vyriausybės 2020 m. rugsėjo 2 d. nutarimui Nr. 963 „Dėl AB „Ignitis grupė“ mokamų dividendų“, 2020 m. rugsėjo 4 d. įsigaliojo ir atnaujinta Bendrovės Dividendų politika.Kaip Bendrovė skelbė 2020 m. rugsėjo 3 d., pagal atnaujintą...
Waturu Holding A/S – CFO retires no later than 30.11.2020
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Company announcement No. 37Vejle, September 4th. 2020Waturu Holding A/S will hire a new CFO no later than December 1, 2020, as we have unfortunately received a resignation from the current CFO Michael Nørgaard.About Waturu Holding A/SWaturu Holding A/S is a Vejle based Greentech company, which develops innovative water technology for heating or treating water, with the focus on ensuring bacteria-free water and reducing water and energy consumption for heating hot water in properties and thus ensuring CO2 savings. Waturu Holding A/S is a major shareholder in the medical company Watgen Medical A/S and in the technology company Aquaturu A/S.Further information: CEO Toke Reedtz, cell.: +45 5188 1262, e-mail: toke@waturu.comWaturu Holding A/SSjællandsgade 327100 VejleCertified AdviserTofte & Company ApSChristian IX Gade 7, 3rd,1111 KøbenhavnPhone.:...
Waturu Holding A/S – CFO fratræder senest 30.11.2020
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Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 37Vejle, den 4. september 2020Waturu Holding A/S ansætter en ny CFO senest pr. 1. december 2020, da vi desværre har modtaget en opsigelse fra den nuværende CFO Michael Nørgaard.Michael Nørgaard fortsætter i rollen indtil senest 30.11.2020.Der er iværksat en proces for at finde en erfaren kandidat, der kan begå sig internationalt i rollen som CFO på koncernniveau.Vi takker Michael Nørgaard for indsatsen og ønsker ham held og lykke fremover.Om Waturu Holding A/S Waturu Holding A/S er en Vejlensisk Greentech-virksomhed, som udvikler innovativ vandteknologi til opvarmning eller behandling af vand, med det fokus at sikre bakteriefrit vand samt nedsætte vand- og energiforbruget til opvarmning af varmt brugsvand i ejendomme og dermed sikre CO2- besparelser. Waturu Holding A/S er hovedaktionær i medico selskabet Watgen Medical...
Bombardier delivers the first TRAXX locomotive to CARGOUNIT
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Delivery of first of three TRAXX multi-system locomotives to new Polish customer CARGOUNIT (Industrial Division), a leading locomotive leasing company in Central and Eastern EuropeCarbodies made in Wroclaw, Poland, where CARGOUNIT is basedBERLIN and WROCLAW, Poland, Sept. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —Note to editors: To view the photos associated with this press release, please visit the following links: Global mobility technology leader Bombardier Transportation and CARGOUNIT (commercial brand of Industrial Division), a leading locomotive and passenger rolling stock leasing provider based in Poland, celebrated the handover of the first of three BOMBARDIER TRAXX...
Bombardier liefert die erste von drei TRAXX-Lokomotiven an CARGOUNIT
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Übergabe der ersten TRAXX-Mehrsystemlokomotive an den neuen polnischen Kunden CARGOUNIT (Industrial Division), den größten Vermieter von Lokomotiven in Mittel- und OsteuropaWagenkästen werden in Breslau, Polen, hergestellt – dort ist auch CARGOUNIT ansässigBERLIN and BRESLAU, Poland, Sept. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —Fotos zu dieser Pressemitteilung finden Sie unter den folgenden Links: Der weltweit führende Anbieter von Mobilitätstechnologie Bombardier Transportation und CARGOUNIT (Handelsmarke von Industrial Division), ein in Polen ansässiger führender Vermieter von Lokomotiven und Personenwagen für den Schienenverkehr, feierten in Danzig die...
Bombardier dostarcza CARGOUNIT pierwszą z trzech lokomotyw TRAXX
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Dostawa pierwszej lokomotywy wielosystemowej TRAXX dla nowego klienta w Polsce – firmy CARGOUNIT (Industrial Division), lidera na rynku wynajmu lokomotyw w Europie Środkowej i WschodniejNadwozia lokomotyw produkowane są we Wrocławiu, w mieście w którym swoją siedzibę ma CARGOUNITBERLIN and WROCLAW, Poland, Sept. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —Note to editors: To view the photos associated with this press release, please visit the following links: Bombardier Transportation, globalny dostawca rozwiązań w zakresie mobilności i CARGOUNIT (marka handlowa firmy Industrial Division), lider na rynku wynajmu lokomotyw i taboru pasażerskiego w Polsce świętowali w...
Arcturus Therapeutics Announces Preclinical Publication of its COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate
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Encouraging preclinical results demonstrate a strong antibody and cellular immune response and 100% protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection following a single vaccinationClinical study remains on track, initial data readout expected Q4 2020SAN DIEGO, Sept. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (the “Company”, “Arcturus”, Nasdaq: ARCT), a leading clinical-stage messenger RNA medicines company focused on the development of infectious disease vaccines and significant opportunities within liver and respiratory rare diseases, today announced that its manuscript is now available on an online preprint server at Bioarchive and is concurrently undergoing scientific peer review. The manuscript provides an in-depth assessment of humoral- and cell-mediated immune activation following a single shot vaccination in mice...